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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1943] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 485 S E N A T E BILL 5 5 8 AN ACT to amend Section 6 of "An Act in relation to State finance," approved June 10, 1919, as amended. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, Assembly: represented in the General SECTION I . Section 6 of "An Act in relation to State Finance," approved June 10, 1919, as amended, is amended to read as follows: SECTION 6. (1) T h e gross or total proceeds, receipts, and income of all industrial operations at the several State institutions and divisions under the direction and supervision of the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Public Welfare of the State of Illinois shall be covered into the State treasury into a special fund to be known as "The Working Fund." "Industrial operations," as herein used, shall mean and include the operation of such State institutions producing, by the use of materials, supplies and labor, goods, or wares or merchandise to be sold. (2) The gross amount of money received by the State Normal University, Eastern Illinois State Teachers' College, Western Illinois State Teachers' College, Northern Illinois State Teachers' College, and the Southern Illinois State Normal University from whatever source belonging to or for the use of the State, including amounts derived from tuition, Federal aid, operation of dormitories, farms and stores, shall be paid into the State treasury without delay not later in any event than the following day, excluding holidays, after the receipt of the same, without any deduction whatever and shall be covered into a special fund to be known as "The Teachers College Income Fund." The General Assembly shall from time to time make appropriations payable from the Teachers College income fund for the support and improvement of the several State Teachers colleges and Normal Universities, provided that each college or university may retain out of its own receipts the sum of $100 to be used as a petty cash fund and handled in accordance with the imprest system; and provided that each such college or university may, during World W a r II, retain all funds received from the Federal government in accordance with the provisions of contracts for providing courses of instruction and other services for persons serving in or with the military or naval forces of the United States, which funds may be used first, for meeting the additional expenses entailed in carrying out the provisions of such contracts, and the balance, if any, shall be paid into the State treasury in the manner herein provided. (3) The gross or total proceeds, receipts and income of all the several State institutions derived from the Veterans' Administration for the care and treatment of veterans of the World W a r who are patients or residents in the said State institutions shall be covered into the State treasury into a special fund to be known as "The United States Veterans' Bureau Fund." (4) All fees and other money received by the Division of Highways of the Department of Public W o r k s and Buildings (other than fees and moneys received as an incident to the operation of State garages) shall, upon being paid into the State treasury, be placed in the road fund. All fees and other money received by said Division of Highways as are incident to the operation of State garages shall be paid into the State Garage Revolving Fund. (5) The gross amount of money received by the University of Illinois from whatever source, belonging to or for the use of the State, other than from endowment or trust funds, and other than funds from Federal aid, including amounts derived from tuition, student fees, operation of dormitories, farms and stores, shall be paid into the State treasury without delay not later in any event than ten days after the receipt of same, without any reduction whatever and shall be covered into a special fund to be known as the "University Income Fund." The General Assembly from time to time shall make appropriations payable from the University Income Fund for the support, operation, and improvement of the University of Illinois. Provided that the University of Illinois may retain a working cash fund of not more than $200,000 from which vouchers may be paid by it, which fund shall he reimbursed from time to time by the State Auditor by warrants against appropriations to the University of Illinois on the presentation of proper
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