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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

474 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 Treasurer for the payment of the same, upon the presentation of itemized vouchers issued, certified and approved as follows: (1) For local improvements and special assessments, certified by the Attorney General; (2) F o r conveying convicts to the penitentiary or reform school, certified by the sheriff performing such service; (3) F o r conveying juvenile female offenders to the State Training School for Girls, and for conveying delinquent boys to the St. Charles School for Boys, certified by the person or officer performing such service; (4) For the apprehension arid delivery of fugitives from justice, certified by the Governor; (5) For rewards for arrests of fugitives from justice, certified by the Governor; (6) For the expenses of the transfer of insane persons to the Chester State Hospital, either from any of the other State institutions, or upon the order of mittimus of any of the several courts, certified by the person performing such service; (7) F o r compensation for diseased animals condemned and destroyed by the State, certified by the Director of Agriculture; (8) F o r excess of the education of deaf, dumb, blind, and delinquent children, certified by the Department of Public Welfare. In each of the above cases the vouchers shall be approved by the Department of Finance. In all other cases for the payment of fixed charges, the Auditor of Public Accounts shall draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for the payment of the amount due from the treasury. SEC. 28. (1) All appropriations which are made to the Department of Agriculture for the benefit of county fairs or other agricultural societies shall be distributed as hereinafter provided to those county fairs or agricultural societies which have held annual fairs or have been organized for that purpose prior to the taking effect of this amendatory Act. But if thereafter in any county there is no such county fair or agricultural society, the county board may select one in that county which has been organized after the taking effect of this amendatory Act for the purpose of holding annual fairs. In addition to the county fairs or agricultural societies which now or hereafter are authorized to participate in State appropriations by virtue of the provisions of this Section, prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act, each county board may recommend to the Department of Agriculture the name of a county fair or agricultural society; if the Department determines that there is a need for such additional county fair or agricultural society, the same shall be eligible to participate in State appropriations upon complying with the provisions of this Section. The Department of Agriculture may make ivniform rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions herein, governing all exhibits qualified under this Act to participate in state aid to county fairs, agricultural extension clubs and home economics clubs, " 4 - H " clubs or other agricultural societies. No such county fair or agricultural society shall participate in any year in such appropriation which shall not notify the Department of Agriculture in writing on or before May 1st of that year concerning the essential facts of its organization, its location, officers, date of exhibition and approximate amount of premiums to be offered except as hereinafter provided for agricultural extension clubs. The Department of Agriculture may deny to any county fair, agricultural extension club and home economics club, " 4 - H " club or other agricultural society, participation in appropriation thereto, for violation of any provision herein and failure to comply with rules and regulations herein provided to be made. All such appropriations shall be divided between such county fairs or agricultural societies as shall have given satisfactory evidence to the Department of Agriculture of having held an annual fair and made an annual report to the Department of Agriculture as hereinafter provided. Such appropriations shall be divided between such county fairs or agricultural societies which shall have complied with the conditions herein prescribed upon the following basis:
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