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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

460 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 AGREEMENT WITH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE FOR OPERATION OF ILLINOIS EYE A N D EAR INFIRMARY The Secretary reported also that pursuant to the authorization of the Board at its meeting on October 17, 1942 (Minutes, page 101), the President and Secretary of the Board have, on July 21, 1943, executed an agreement with the State Department of Public Welfare providing for the operation of the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary jointly by the University and the Department. This agreement is in effect an amendment of an existing agreement with the Department providing for the operation of certain units of the Research and Educational Hospitals and affiliated institutions. The amendment is as follows: Amendment of Agreement B e t w e e n the State of Illinois Department of Public Welfare and the University of Illinois, Providing for the Operation of the Illinois E y e and Ear Infirmary Pursuant to the authority of the Enabling Act passed by the Fifty-Seventh General Assembly of the State of Illinois, approved July 3, 1931, and the amendment to this act passed by the Sixty-First General Assembly, and to further pursue the purposes and objectives of the present Agreement it is agreed by the Department of Public Welfare and the University of Illinois that the existing contract as revised and approved in April, 1041, shall be amended as follows: 1. That Article V I I I of the present agreement concerning "amendments" shall be designated Article IX. 2. T h a t a new article to be numbered V I I I and entitled "The Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary" shall provide as follows: ARTICLE V I I I T h e Illinois Eye and E a r Infirmary, hereinafter referred to as the Infirmary, shall be and hereby becomes officially affiliated with the University of Illinois. Until such time as the Infirmary is moved to the Chicago Campus of the University at which time it shall become a "constituent unit" of the Illinois Medical Center as provided in Article I of the Agreement, and subject to its terms except as otherwise agreed, the status of the Infirmary as an affiliated unit shall be subject to the following provisions: SECTION I . Changes in policy and personnel which follow the relationship shall be expressed in the budget which shall be presented to the Sixty-third General Assembly by the Department and the University. T h e administrative head of the Infirmary will be called a "Superintendent" who shall be selected and removed by agreement between the Department and the University. ( a ) T h e Superintendent shall be responsible for the following services for the Department of Public W e l f a r e : 1. Physical Plant Operation and Maintenance. 2. Laundry Service. 3. Food Service. (Paragraph 4 is changed). 4. Beginning with the Sixty-Third General Assembly budget for the biennium 1943-45, the professional, scientific, nursing and related attending services, social service, and technical personnel shall be administered by the University. These services are to be budgeted and paid for by the University with the funds removed from the budget of the Department and added to the funds of the University for the biennium 1943-45. 5. T h e Superintendent shall be responsible for the maintenance and efficient operation of the Infirmary plant and the supervision of the clerical, accounting, and dietary personnel. H e shall cooperate fully with the chiefs of professional services in the maintenance and improvement of service to patients. Through its administrative officers, the University shall give full and careful consideration to any reports or suggestions from the Superintendent with respect to the carrying on of service within the Infirmary. T h e Superintendent shall have no
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