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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
4<x> BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 ( b ) F o r the following groups whose wages are substantially uniform within each group but are not based upon prevailing local rates established by group wage agreements, a plan based on adjusting wages to the changes in the cost of living as described in (c) is proposed: building service employees, groundsmen, Union Building operating and food service staff, Residence Halls operating and food service staff, trucks and cars staff, garage mechanics and attendants, Photographic Laboratory staff, storekeepers, agricultural laborers, nurses, laundry workers, housekeepers, hospital dietary staff. (Elevator operators to be included in this section or in ( a ) ) . (c) The following procedure shall be in effect in establishing rates for Group 3 ( b ) from July I, 1943, through June 30, 1945: If the National W a r Labor Board raises the present limit of wages ( 1 5 % over that in effect January 1, 1941), the University will make corresponding adjustments semi-annually in salary and wage rates with the condition that, if the cost of living index falls during 1943-1945, the wage rates shall be adjusted downward semi-annually when the cost of living index falls below the University wage index in these groups, provided that no such adjustment shall result in a wage below that in effect July 1, 1942. ( d ) For all other individuals who are permanent employees paid at an annual, full-time rate of $3,000 or below, employed on the non-academic staff at monthly or hourly rates and within approved salary ranges if classified under University Civil Service, a cost of living increase of 10% of the present base cash salary (not including perquisites or the present temporary increase) is provided except that those receiving $3,000 on an annual full-time basis may receive an increase not over 5 % and those receiving $2,900 may receive an increase not over 7%. No such increase should provide a resultant salary above that now paid (including the temporary increase) which is more than 15% over the January 1, 1941, salary in the same position or classification; and for those persons starting since January 1, 1941, the total possible increase should be computed on a sliding scale of one-half of one per cent for each full month of service. Increases due to merit adjustment, promotion, or reclassification may be made in addition to the cost of living increase so long as no merit increase goes beyond the approved salary maximum of the civil service classification. (e) T h e adjustments indicated in ( d ) shall not preclude individual increases due to promotion, reclassification, or special merit, within existing University Civil Service ranges for the respective classifications. 4. T h e application of this program is subject to the approval of the appropriation bill of the University now before the General Assembly without modification of operating items. The President recommended that the procedure set forth in this report be applied to the Academic as well as the Civil Service staff, with the provision that administrative officers and heads of departments be authorized to exercise discretion in the application of section 3, articles (d) and ( e ) . The Comptroller stated that sub-standard rates would be given special consideration. On motion of Mr. Jensen, this policy was approved in principle as recommended, within the funds available. PATENT ATTORNEYS Mr. Davis, for the Committee on Patents, presented a recommendation that Mr. C. J. Merriam of Chritton, Wiles, Davies, Hirschl, Schroeder, and Merriam be employed in connection with the Fellows patent. On motion of Mr. Karraker, this recommendation was adopted and the Committee on Patents was requested to make a recommendation with respect to the kinds and classes of patents to be assigned to
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