Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

38 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 conflict with any Federal or State laws and is simply a question of policy. I felt, however, that the Board should be advised of this situation before the individuals concerned receive their reappointments for 1942-1943. Some of them are on indefinite tenure, while one or two hold biennial contracts. In my judgment, all of them should be continued in the service of the University under the circumstances. On motion of Mr. Cleary, the President of the University was authorized to continue these persons on the staff of the University for the coming year, and to give further study to the questions involved. STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY FROM ENEMY COUNTRIES (5) A report on students from enemy countries registered in the Urbana Departments of the University during the academic year 1941-1942 and the summer quarter of 1942. A list of these individuals is hereby given to the Secretary of the Board for record. The names and pertinent data on each individual have been reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice. This report was received for record. PURCHASE OF PROPERTIES IN CHICAGO (6) On June 20, 1942, a representative of the owners of certain properties in Chicago which the University is acquiring through the purchase of tax liens appeared before the Board and made offers for the sale of these properties directly to the University. T h e matter was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and this Committee met with the representative and discussed the proposals, which were later submitted in writing. These proposals have been reviewed by Mr. Newton Farr, whose services have been retained by the University in acquiring properties in Chicago. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department submits the following report on these negotiations: 922-926 930-934 1816 and i8s6 S. Wood S. Wood W. Taylor Chicago Real Estate Board's a p p r a i s a l . . . . $3 800 00 $ 6 000 00 $6 000 00 Offers of owners 4 446 90 6 500 00 5 350 00 Taxes and penalties already paid by University 2 528 20 4 471 20 3 196 87 Total cost to University, exclusive of real estate agent's commission 6 975 10 10 971 20 8 546 87 T h e prices requested by the owners are undoubtedly higher than the actual value of the properties, and especially considering payments on tax liens already made by the University. On the other hand, the University has the alternative of either accepting these offers or of acquiring the properties through condemnation. Mr. F a r r ' s judgment is that the proposals are the best that can be secured from the owners, and that in the event the University is forced to resort to condemnation proceedings, it will have to pay even higher prices. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department recommends acceptance of the proposals from the property owners. H e is of the opinion that the University can acquire all of the property within the funds available. It is, of course, highly desirable that the University acquire the properties as soon as possible. The President of the University was requested to send complete information on this matter to the members of the Board. The Board resumed open session. REORGANIZATION OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Mr. Deneen Watson, President of the Alumni Association, was introduced. Mr. Watson reported that the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association was even then in session, and that they had authorized him to report that a reorganization had been effected on the basis