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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

272 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 20 rarely, whenever there was need for its services.) Nine of these committees have been discontinued and their functions reassigned to University officers or to other committees. Ten committees previously reporting to the President have been continued but hereafter will report to the Provost of the University. Fourteen committees are also being continued but will report to officers or agencies other than the President or the Provost. Twenty committees will continue reporting to the President until further notice, but in four cases they will report through the Comptroller, to whom certain responsibilities have been delegated to act on their recommendations. Committees of the University Senate.—For the current academic year the University Senate had fourteen standing committees: Admissions from Secondary Schools Honors Day Admissions from Higher Institutions Library (joint committee of the Senate and Rhodes Scholarship Graduate School) Student Affairs Appointment of Teachers (assisting Student Discipline graduates in finding positions) Student English Athletics University Calendar Classification of Students in Physical Committee on Committees (which Education makes nominations to the Senate of Educational Policy personnel for the other committees) T h e University Senate was requested to consider consolidating the functions of these committees and reducing their number. On February 15 the Senate discontinued the Committee on Rhodes Scholarship, transferring the functions of that committee to the Provost, and the Committee on Classification of Students in Physical Education, transferring its functions to the Health Service. Five of the remaining committees (those on Athletics, Educational Policy, Library, and Student Discipline, and the Committee on Committees) are specifically provided for by the University Statutes, and the others are both advisory and administrative in character. It is the judgment of the Senate that all of them are essential agencies in performing the functions and discharging the responsibilities imposed on the Senate by the University Statutes. As indicated above, the colleges, schools, and academic departments are also reviewing and revising their committee structures. This report was received for record. HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL SERVICE FEE (10) The Advisory Committee of the Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund has recommended that a uniform hospital and medical service fee be assessed on all students in the Urbana Departments, such fee to be payable with other fees when students register at the beginning of each semester or term. This recommendation was not previously submitted to the Board because it seemed to me that further consideration should be given to other increases in fees. Effective September I, 1941, tuition fees in the Urbana Departments were increased by $5 a semester for students who were residents of Illinois; in the case of non-residents the increase was considerably more. Since February 1, 1941, all students in the Urbana Departments have been paying the lllini Union Building service charge of $5 a semester. Moreover, beginning in June, 1943, each student at Urbana will be assessed $5 a semester for the general laboratory, library, and supply fee, which replaces the present schedule of laboratory and locker fees and the instrument rental fees in the School of Music (see above, page 269) ; while this will reduce the total fees of some students who are now paying more than $5 a semester for laboratory fees or instrument rental fees, it will add to the burden of other students. The medical service and hospitalization plan proposed by the Hospital Fund Advisory Committee has merit, is in line with social measures of this kind for the benefit of various industrial and professional groups, and is being given further consideration. There are certain factors which need to be canvassed, but I expect to present a recommendation to the Board on this matter in the near future. The Comptroller presented this report, which was received for record.
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