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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
2io BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 15 PURCHASE OF PAPER TOWELS (21) A recommendation from the Purchasing Agent that he be authorized to purchase 450 cases of 11" x 13" F o r t H o w a r d Bleached Paper Towels from the Decatur Paper House, at a total cost of $1,620 f.o.b. Urbana. O n m o t i o n of M r . L i v i n g s t o n , t h e p u r c h a s e of b l e a c h e d t o w e l s w a s n o t a p p r o v e d ; t h e p u r c h a s e of u n b l e a c h e d t o w e l s f r o m t h e l o w e s t b i d d e r w a s a u t h o r i z e d if n e e d e d . CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER NOVEMBER 18 TO DECEMBER 10, 1942 (22) A report of contracts executed by the Comptroller under general regulations of the Board of T r u s t e e s : Amount to be With Whom Illinois Farm Supply Company Graham, Anderson, Probst, and White Purpose Research agreement concerning swine production Lease of equipment for construction of special mechanics school a t Chanute Field received by University £1,500 $\ a day until returned Dale Nov. 30, 1942 June 26, 1942 On request of President Willard, Mr. Morey presented this item. The report was received for record. At this point, Mr. Davis took his place with the Board. IMPROVEMENTS IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND OPERATING PROCEDURES (23) T h e Board of Trustees on November 27, 1942 (Minutes, pages 178-187), approved the recommendations of the President of the University for specific actions to be taken on the recommendations in the Report of Booz, Fry, Allen, and Hamilton of their Survey of the University. The President was also directed (page 187) "to continue and to intensify, with the aid of other administrative officers and the Bureau of Institutional Research, studies of administrative organization, and report on them from time to time to the Board as he may consider appropriate, looking toward an early realization of the avowed purpose of the Report, viz., the highest possible degree of efficiency in University administration which is compatible with the main functions of the University." Following is a report of progress on the actions taken in carrying out the directions of the Board, the changes authorized becoming effective December 1, 1942: 1. The Deans of the Colleges and Directors of the Schools have been supplied with copies of the "Survey of Business Administration and Organization—University of Illinois" by Booz, Fry, Allen, and Hamilton, combined with the "Review and Analysis of this Survey together with Recommendations by the President of the University," with instructions to study these documents and to give consideration to any and all recommendations for improvements affecting their respective divisions. In addition to these general instructions, attention was called specifically to certain items affecting particular divisions and functions; for example, the divisional organization of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the appointment of a Vice Director of Extension in the College of Agriculture. 2. T h e University Senate (the general faculty) and the Deans of all Colleges were instructed to study their committee systems and to take appropriate action to consolidate the functions of committees and reduce their number. 3. T h e Provost of the University has been instructed and authorized to take over, in addition to the functions and duties he has previously performed, all functions, duties, and responsibilities specified or implied in the recommendations in the Administrative Review. It is proposed to delegate to him other functions and responsibilities from time to time as authorized in the Summary of Recommendations in the Administrative Review. 4. Similar instructions have been given to the Comptroller and to the
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