Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

200 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 15 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT W1LLARD The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE CONFERRED IN DECEMBER IN CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS (1) T h e University Senate recommends award of the degree of Master of Science to the following graduate students in the Chicago Departments as of December 19, 1942: In Bacteriology H E L E N MILLER KETCHUM, A.B., University of Michigan, 1921 In Juvenile GEORGE KRIEGMAN, A.B., 1939 Behavior In In 1937 Medicine Surgery GEORGE VELMER BYFIELD, B.S., M.D., Indiana University, 1936, 1938 GEORGE D A N I E L KAISER, B.S., B.M., M.D., University of Minnesota, 1936, 1936, On motion of Mr. Jensen, these degrees were awarded as recommended. DEGREES OF MASTER O F SCIENCE AND DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN PLANT PATHOLOGY (2) T h e University Senate recommends authorization for offering the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology, for programs of graduate work to be administered by a committee appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School. This committee will function very much as a department functions in the administration of the program of a student taking his major work in that department. T h e proposed programs would involve no increased expense and can be launched by means of courses which a r e already in existence. There a r e certain other courses described as desirable which the persons concerned may wish to propose later for approval, but it is understood that these new courses would be in the status of any other new work which is proposed. I n any event, there is no expectation that any such new courses would be proposed while the war is still in progress. T h e essential purpose of the recommendation is to make it possible for students whose major interest is in plant pathology to work out adequate programs which would utilize the resources of several divisions of the University and which would result in the conferring of a degree with such title as would indicate the students' major interest and principal training. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these degrees were established as recommended. DEGREE OF MASTER O F SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) T h e University Senate recommends authorization for offering the degree of Master of Science in Physical Education to be awarded under the following conditions: Students admitted to graduate work in t h e field of physical education must have secured a minimum of twenty-four hours of approved undergraduate credit in this field. (Students who present evidence of satisfactory teaching experience may have this requirement reduced by a maximum of six hours.) Candidates for the master's degree in physical education must secure a minimum of four units of satisfactory credit in the field of physical education. As a general practice, students will be required to present a thesis (2 units) as part of the requirement. Students may, however, petition for an exemption