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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
H BOARD O F T R U S T E E S [July 25 Anaesthesia ( I n Department of Surgery) LYONS, MARY M., M.D., Associate Professor ( R u s h ) M C N E A L , ALICE, B.S., M.D., Associate ( R u s h ) RAPOPORT, A N I T A E., M.S., M.D., Assistant 1 W E Y L , R U T H , M.D., Assistant ( 1 year from 7-1-42)1 Urology ( I n Department of Surgery) HERBST, ROBERT H., M.D., P r o f e s s o r (Rush) KRETSCHMER, HERMAN L., Ph.G., M.D., Professor (Rush) O'CONOR, V I N C E N T J., B.S., M.D., Associate P r o f e s s o r WELLER, CHARLES G., B.S., M.D., Associate Professor ( R u s h ) BUCKMAN, EDWARD, B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor ( R u s h ) COTTRELL, THOMAS, M.D., Assistant Professor ( R u s h ) PARKER, CHARLES D., B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor ( R u s h ) SULLIVAN, ANDREW J., B.S., M.D., Assistant Professor ( R u s h ) GERNON, J O H N T., M.D., M.S., Associate HECKEL, NORRIS J., A.B., M.D., Associate ( R u s h ) DRABANSKI, JOSEPH S., B.S., M.D., Associate MERRICKS, J A M E S W., A.B., B.S., M.D., Associate ( R u s h ) R I T C H , COLQUITT O., B.S., M.D., Associate SCHACHT, FREDERICK W., M.S., M.D., Associate P L A T I N , JOSEPH W., M.D., I n s t r u c t o r GAINES, REUBEN B., A.B., M.D., Assistant ( R u s h ) GERMAN, KEMPTON L., A.B., M.D., Assistant ( R u s h ) HOLM, A L F J., A.B., M.D., Assistant ( O n leave of absence for naval service) POREMSKI, THADDEUS, B.S., M.D., Assistant ROMBERGER, ARLAND S., B.S., M.D., Assistant ( R u s h ) SOKOL, J O H N K., A.B., M.D., Assistant SORENSEN, RAYMOND E., M.S., M.D., Assistant Oral Surgery (In College of Dentistry) THOMPSON, K A Y LEE, JR., D.D.S., Assistant Professor K i i i i p , MERRILL H., D.D.S., Associate (Rush) SHERWIN, LEONARD J., D.D.S., Assistant ( R u s h ) (Rush) NEW APPOINTMENTS O F PROFESSORIAL RANK (2) I have approved the following appointments to the faculty: Louis E . Lord, of Oberlin College, Visiting Professor in the Department of Classics, one year from September 1, 1042, at a salary of $5,000. J. Raymond Klein, Assistant Professor and Biochemist in the Department of Psychiatry (assigned to t h e Department of Physiological Chemistry part-time, without salary), one year from September 1, 1942, at a salary of $3,300. F. E . Giesecke, Special Research Professor of Mechanical Engineering, for six months from September I, 1942, at an annual salary of $4,800. H e replaces temporarily a man on leave without pay for military service. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, the action of the President in making these appointments was approved and confirmed. APPOINTMENT O F A N D R E W J. DALLSTREAM T O B O A R D O F EXAMINERS IN A C C O U N T A N C Y (3) T h e University Committee on Accountancy recommends t h e appointment of M r . Andrew J. Dallstream of t h e firm of P a m , H u r d , and Reichmann, Attorneys, as a member of the Board of Examiners in Accountancy for three years beginning July I, 1942, to succeed Mr. Cranston Spray whose term has expired. I recommend approval. ^Also to be paid by monthly voucher as Resident.
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