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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1942] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 119 5a. Gifts: T h e University has received as contributions to the above major building program $1,435,000 from Federal sources in outright grants and nearly $250,000 subscribed by alumni for furnishings and equipment for the Illini Union Building, or a total of $1,685,000. In addition, the University has received from its friends and alumni, a total of $1,261,732 in cash or in negotiable securities at market value, or a grand total of $2,046,732. 6. Maintenance of Buildings: The amount spent for maintenance of buildings in 1933-1935 was $321,603; for 1941-1943 it is $648,044 (estimated for 1942-1943). T h e total spent in the eight years from 1933 to 1941 is $1,871,920. 6a. Power Plant Performance: Comparative data on generation and consumption of power and steam in relation to coal burned in the old and new power plants at U r b a n a : Percentage of Increase or 1932-1933 1941-1942 Decrease Building cubage heated 55.981,863 63,277,352 + ".24 Electric power ( K . W . H . ) : Generated 5,689,800 12,193,400 +114.30 Purchased 1,446,900 Sold 324.500 Consumed 7,136,700 11,868,900 + 66.31 — Coal burned (tons) 37,932 34,191 9-86 Steam for heating (1000 lbs.) 337,142 311,324 — 7.66 7. Library Accessions during eight years, 1933-1941: Volumes in Library, July 1, 1934 Volumes in Library, July I, 1942 Volumes added in 8-year period Total Library Budget: 1933-1935 1941-1943 (estimated for 1942-1943) 978,212 1,306,561 428,349 $551,002 $917,450 8. New Programs of Education and Research in the Chicago Colleges: ( a ) T h e appointment of an Executive Dean to coordinate all professional education and research in Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy. This coordination was greatly facilitated by the erection and furnishing of the second unit of the Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Building at a cost of $1,818,836 in 1937. (b) T h e affiliation with the Presbyterian Hospital, adding 250 distinguished doctors to the clinical faculty and 500 beds for instruction. (c) T h e transfer of the Research and Educational Hospitals from the Department of Public Welfare to the University of Illinois, involving a biennial budget addition of $1,871,938. (d) The opening of the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute (built with a State appropriation of $834,750, plus a Federal P.W.A. grant) by the Department of Public Welfare under a new agreement between the University and the Department, housing the University's Departments of Neuro-Surgery and Psychiatry. (e) T h e affiliation of the Illinois Eye and E a r Infirmary of the Department of Public Welfare with the College of Medicine under a new agreement between the Department and the University for joint operation. (f) T h e opening of the Chicago Illini Union for students, faculty, and alumni, in the remodeled Pharmacy Building, at a cost of $101,274. ( N o t e : This was not a State appropriation but is a self-liquidating project.) 9. New Programs of Education and Research at Urbana: (a) T h e organization of the General Division in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, with a biennial budget of $64,000. This involved three years of study and preparation. (b) A survey of all courses and curricula in the divisions at Urbana, made by the Senate Committee on Educational Policy, for the University's internal use in improving teaching effectiveness. This survey was proposed by the Bureau of Institutional Research. T h e report consists of 110 pages, supplemented by a set of charts illustrating the text.
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