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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1200 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Welser, L., appointment, 92, 666, 981 Welsh, E. C., degree, 818 Welsh, L. B., degree, 426 Welsh, L. T., degree, 883 Weltin, E. G., appointment, 142, 348, 593* 825, 978 Welton, Mrs, Jean M., appointment, 702 resignation, 860 Welton, T. A., appointment, 385, 617 degree, 415 resignation, 970 Wempen, Iris M., scholarship, 341 declination, 349 Wemple, J. B., degree, 424 Wendt, Mildred A., appointment, 196, 466, 669, 697 military leave, 946 resignation, 467 Wendt, Virginia, appointment, 565, 913 Wennerberg, A. N., degree, 155 Wentworth, W. N., appointment, 92, 714 Wenzel, Frances E., degree, 428 Wenzel, Lillian I., degree, 428 Werff, Adele de, degree, 883 Werkow, T., degree, 431 Werner, Margaret A., degree, 1010 Werner, R. C., appointment, 381, 593, 978 Wernicke, H. 0 . , appointment, 13, 555 resignation, 939 Werstler, Joan E., degree, 429 Werstler, W. J., member of advisory committee, 801 Wertz, C. E., appointment, 712, 713 Wesselius, R. E., degree, 816, 933 Wessels, Marie, appointment, 7, 547 Wessely, K., appointment, 687 Wessman, W. J., appointment, 39, 575 West, D. J., degree, 884 West, J. P., degree, 155 West, L. A., degree, 884 West, Margaret M., degree, 290 Westaby, H. P., appointment, 261 resignation, 467 Westcott, R. H., resignation, 288 Westerbeek, Louise A., appointment, 652 Westerlund, Bernice V., degree, 414 Westhafer, Terry A., degree, 421 Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., gift, 517 Weston, Janet L., appointment, 142, 378, 577, 603, 975 Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., purchase, 949 West Texas Utilities Co., approved for investment, 747 bonds, 455, S78 Westwater, J. J., degree, 1012 Wetter, Elsie I., degree, 421 Wexler, S., degree, 293 Weyl, Ruth, appointment, 14 resignation, 198 Weyl, W. L., degree, 934 Weysser, J. L. G., resignation, 96 Whalen, J. H., degree, 296 Whalin, O. L., appointment, 652 Wham, B., member of advisory committee, 336 Wham, C., director of Athletic Association, 307, 899 Wham, W. B., degree, 423 Wharmby, E., appointment, 196, 698 Whatley, Frances, appointment, 779, 983 Wheat, L, B., appointment, 190 Wheat bran, purchase, 270, 868, 993 Wheeler, Annabel, appointment, 682, 825 military leave, 303 termination, 962 Wheeler, Mrs. Dorothea M., appointment, 703 Wheeler, E. T., architectural services, 452 leave of absence, 834 Wheeler, H. M., certificate, 800 Weight man, D. W., degree, 294 Weigt, Claire I., appointment, 779 Weihe, R. G.* appointment, 92, 688 Weil, H. R., degree, 352 Weil, W. I., degree, 421 Weiland, A. S., degree, 816, 818 Weiland, R. J., degree, 818 Weimar, K, S., appointment, 225 Weinard, F. F., appointment, 645 Weinberg, D. D., degree, 1014 Weinberg, J., appointment, 11, 553 military leave, 324 Weiner, J., degree, 933 Weinert, R. W-, appointment, 261, 466, 677 Weinfeld, G. F., appointment, 3, 544 military leave, 203 Weingartner, W. J-, appointment, 967 degree, 431 Weinman, C. J., appointment, 627, 859 Weinstein, G. A., degree, 293 Weinstein, R., certificate, 800 Weinstock, Ida, degree, 1013 Weir, H. F., appointment, 11 resignation, 198 Weir, J. R., appointment, 679 degree, 818 resignation, 827 Weirick, R. B., appointment, 379, 588, 976 Weisbaum, M, B., degree, 432 Weisberg, S. W-, appointment, 674 military leave, 946 WTeise, R. W., degree, 423 Weishaar, Ethel M., degree, 885 Weisiger, G. B., appointment, 382, 659, 979 director of Athletic Association, 307, 899 Weisiger, Nancy B., degree, 296 Weiskopf, H. S., appointment, 5 Weisman, Lorraine, degree, 1012 Weisner, J. B., degree, 155 Weiss, H. M., degree, 933 Weiss, H. R., degree, 352 Weiss, J. N., appointment, 51, 605, 697 Weiss, Jean R., degree, 422 Weiss, Ruth E., scholarship, 39 declination, 55 Weisser, N-, degree, 933 Weissman, S., degree, 425 Weitz, F., degree, 431 Weitz, N., degree, 933 Weitzel, M K., degree, 291 military leave, 323, 730 Welch, Adelaide, appointment, 348 Welch, Helen M., appointment, 142, 699 Welch, J. C , degree, 761 Welch, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 348, 586, 779 declination, 784 Welch, W. M., Manufacturing Co., purchase, 22, 172, 328, 868 Welcker, P. H., appointment, 938 declination, 970 Welding machine, gift, 330 Welds, fatigue strength, investigation, 86 7 Welford, N. T., appointment, 11, 553 military leave, 323 Welker, D. H., degree, 416 Welker, E. L., appointment, 383, 535, 594, 979 Welker, W. H., appointment, 678 Weller, C. G., appointment, 14, 556 Wellford, Roberta P., degree, 428 Wells, test for location, 725 Wells, C , leave of absence, 945 Wells, Doris M., appointment, 92, 644, 655 Wells, Dorothy, degree, 428 Wells, Eva, appointment, 818, 963 Wells, T. M., degree, 421 Wells, Lorna G., appointment, 570, 859 Wells, R. R., degree, 295 Wellshear, Elizabeth J., appointment, declination, 55 degree, 540
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