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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Sanders, Mrs. Martha J., appointment, 194, 604, 912 leave of absence, 985 Sanders, R., contract, 810 Sanders, S., degree, 427 Sanders, S. T., degree, 933 Sandifer, Elizabeth T., appointment, 90, 700 resignation, 827 Sands, G. D., appointment, declination, 96 Sandwell, M., appointment, 706 Sanford, C. W., appointment, 379, 387, 605, 118 3 Schad, Mary J., appointment, 371, 629, 648, 890 Schaefer, Jeanette, degree, 429 Schaeffer, E. W., appointment, 858 degree, 352 Schafer, A. G., degree, 423 Schafer, Etheldred L,, degree, 432 Schafer, J. C , certificate, 721 Schafer, K. H., degree, 1014 Schaffer, O. G., appointment, 661 Schaffer, Shirlee B., degree, 758 Schaffner, H. B., degree, 817 77&, 975 Schaffran, M-, degree, 352 Sanford, H. N., appointment, 10, 678 Schaps, J. A., degree, 423 Sanford, Martha L., appointment, 700 Scharff, Betty J., degree, 541 resignation, 827 Schaub, Mrs. Edna L., appointment, 678 Sanford, Mary M., degree, 1016 Schaub, R. G., degree, 886 Sanitary Engineering, bachelor's degree, 449 Schayes, Hazel R., degree, 160 Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, contracts, Scheffler, R., member of advisory committee, electrical work, 364 general work, 238, 308, 453 164 heating, 453 Scheiber, Hazel A., degree, 154 partitions, 960 Scheick, W. H., appointment, 376, 660 plumbing, 453 Scheidenhclm, E. L., degree, 425 equipment, appropriation, 807 Scheiwe, E. J., appointment, 533, 667 research, corrosion in pipe, 869 resignation, 827 See also Sewage Research Laboratory. Schell, Ruth 1., appointment, 573, 858 Sannan, H. J., degree, 352 i Scherbarth, Lydia C , appointment, 681, 890 Santer, H. L., degree, 423 Scheribel, K. J., appointment, 9, 551 Saphir, O., appointment, 10, 552 Schertz, G. L., degree, 414 Sapienza, A. R., degree, 352 Schick, A. F., appointment, 7, 548 Sargent, E. H., & Co., alcohol lamp, patent, military leave, 392 95i Schick, H. L., degree, 883 purchase, 22, 64, 235, 731 Schickedanz, H. L, degree, 1014 Sargent, H. W., appointment, 194, 533, 589, Schierbeck, V. C , degree, 423 776 Schiermann, T. G., degree, 760 declination, 145 Schiff, C. C , certificate, 736 military leave, 918 Schiff, L., degree, 431 Sargent & Lundy, power plant rehabilitation Schildein, Mrs. Clara W., appointment, 49, and expansion, studies, 921 567, 776, 858 Sarnacki, D., degree, 431 Schiller, Margaret E., fellowship, 342 Saslow, H. B., appointment, 49, 139 Schirmer, F. B., Jr., appointment, canceldegree, 160 lation, 262 resignation, 288 Schlake, Ruth H., degree, 1008 Satterfield, Billie M., appointment, 824 Schlapp, J. D., degree, 426 Schlarman, Cecele E., appointment, 633 degree, 416 Schlatter, C. F., appointment, 601 Satterthwaite, Barbara, appointment, 681 Schieevogt, C. F., degree, 423 resignation, 860 Schlegel, R. T., Jr., appointment, 139 Sauder, K. X>., degree, 760 Sauer, G. C , degree, 934 degree, 414 Sauer, Nora E., degree, 1012 Schlinkert, Barbara K., degree, 1015 Saunders, Mrs. Alta G., appointment, 379, Schloemer, H. F., appointment, 195, 689, 776 degree, 935 588, 601, 976 Saunders, Annetta A., bequest, 751 resignation, 970 Schlumpf, H., degree, 426 use for art galleries, request, 786 Schmalhausen, Josephine C , appointment, 625 Saunders, Gertrude, military leave, 898 Schmidt, A. O., appointment, 91 Sautter, Marian E., degree, 1016 Savage, G. A., certificate, 833 resignation, 412 Savage, R., resignation, 226 I Schmidt, E. F., military leave, 729 Savage, T. E., appointment, 591 ; Schmidt, H. J., appointment, 10, 551 Savitt, L., appointment, 5, 545 Schmidt, L F., member of advisory commitSawhill, C. E., appointment, 139, 3%3, 3^4. tee, 440 Schmidt, Marion, resignation, 262 533, 662, 669, 980, 98r Schmidt, O. R., degree, 426 Sawyer, A. E., appointment, 712 Schmidt, P. W., degree, 430 Sawyer, Fern E., degree, 1012 Schmitt, F. A., certificate, 273 Sawyer, J. P., degree, 292 Schmitt, Frederica, resignation, 54 Sawyer, Mrs. Janet M-, appointment, 139 Schmitt, H. I., appointment, 709 resignation, 372 Schmitz, W. R., degree, 1013 Sawyer, W. J., member of advisory commitSchmitzer, J., certificate, 800 tee, 801 Schnackenberg, E. J., appreciation of cooperSaylor, Cerilla E., appointment, 702 ation, 398 Saylor, Hilda S., degree, 933 Schnauber, Enid, appointment, 667 Saylor, J. F,, degree, 431 military leave, 729 Scag, D., appointment, 385, 533, 618, 776 Schnebly, Eudora A., degree, 428 resignation, 893 Schnebly, M. I., appointment, 382, 659, 979 Scanlan, Mary M., appointment, 68y Schneider, C. E., degree, 291 Scanlon, T. B., Jr., degree, 817 Schneider, Dorothy C , appointment, 91 Schaap, W. B., appointment, 858 Schneider, E. O., appointment, 261 resignation, 970 degree, 1014 Schaar & Co., purchase, 22, 731 resignation, 319 Schacht, F. W., appointment, 14, 55<5 Schneider, F., degree, 431 Schacht, O. W., Jr., appointment, 139 Schneider, H., gift, 329 degree, 295
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