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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Marshall, F. L., member of advisory committee, 440 Marshall, H. D., degree, 155 Marshall, H. E., degree, 156 Marshall, H. H., purchase, 516, 809 Marshall, H. W., sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 283 Marshall, O. H., appointment, 410, 618, 621 Marshall, W, A., appointment, 9, 551 Marshall, W. L., certificate, 833 Marsoobian, M. M., degree, 424 Martin, A. C , degree, 160 Martin, C. A., sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 815 Martin, D. R., appointment, 531, 584, 974 Martin, Dorothy E., appointment, 317, 772, 974 resignation, 319 Martin, L. E., appointment, 689 Martin, M. L., degree, 426 Martin, Mrs. Margaret L., appointment, 47 resignation, 197 Martin, Mariarj H., appointment, 659 Martin, Nelle M., appointment, declination, 54 degree, 152 Martin, R. E., appointment, 554 Martin, R. J., appointment, 620 military leave, 61 Martin, T. N., degree, 155 Martin, Vivian M.f degree, 427 Martin, W. J., degree, 156 Martinec, Vlasta M., degree, 1017 Martinek, J., degree, 934 Martinek, R. G., degree, 350 leave of absence tor war service, 393 Martins, J. C , degree, 432 Martinucci, A., degree, 934 Marvel, C. S., appointment, 377) 583 discovery, patent rights, release, 338 research, gift, 238 Marvell, E. N., appointment, 585 resignation, 892 Marvin, Isabelle B,, degree, 1017 Marvin, J. A., certificate, 897 Maryan, II. O., appointment, 9, 550 Masel, S., degree, 162, 352 Masiokas, F. M., degree, 293 Maslovitz, M., degree, 352 Mason, A. B., degree, 817 Mason, C. C , appointment, 89, 677 Mason, H. S., appointment, 705, 856 Mason, J., degree, 817 Mason, Mrs. Marie N., resignation, 467 Mason, Marion L., appointment, 682 Masons, wages, policy, 399 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., contract, 213 Massanari, K. L., degree, 148 Massey, Cora V., degree, 154 Massler, M., appointment, 684, 686 Massock, W. P., Jr., degree, 294 Massoth, Leona, report, social administration curriculum, 68 Mastin, T. W., degree, 158 Mastores, N. P., degree, 817 Materia Medica, See Pharmacology. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Applied, budget, 685 Mathematics, budget, 593 adjustment, 234 summer semester, 382, 979 fellows and scholars, 342, 407, 932 Mather, Vina J., degree, 427 Mathers, L. E., member of advisory committee, 164, 801 Mathers, L. E., Jr., degree,2 426 Mathers Bros., purchase, 45 Matheson, Marjorie L., degree, l o i r Mathews, C. W., appointment, declination, 95 Mathews, E. G., appointment, 389 1163 Mathews, J. M., appointment, 595 leave of absence, 268 resignation as chairman of department, 98 Mathews, J. W., certificate, 721 Mathews, M. M., degree, 420 Mathews Avenue, property at 602, lease, 961 Mathias, P. E., present at meeting, 956 Mathieu, Elaine A., degree, 1017 Mathis, A. G., appointment, 629, 648 resignation, 7S2 Mathis, H. M., degree, 883 Mathis, India, appointment, 575 Mathis, Ruth K., degree, 422 Mathisen, A. F., degree, 430 Mathy, L. G., appointment, 975 degree, 415 fellowship, 341, 931 Matlaw, M., degree, 431 Matlock, Betty M., appointment, 629 resignation, 892 Matlock, Mrs. Ruth I., appointment, 601 leave of absence, 834, 945, 985 Matousek, E. J., degree, 425 Matt, E., appointment, 684 military leave, 166 Matter, R. C , degree, 426 Mattern, J. A., appointment, 377, 585 degree, 417 Matthews, Eleanor F., appointment, 224, 699 Matthews, G. H., certificate, 800 Matthies, R. A., appointment, 13, 556 Matthys, Lesley R., appointment, 89, 376 degree, 755 Mattice, Dorothy J., degree, 1015 1 Mattingly, Rita J., appointment, 346, 646, 93; i Mattix, R. E., degree, 152 : Mattresses, purchase, 173, 363, 452 ; Matzek, B. L., fellowship, 39 j declination, 95 1 Mauk, Mary E., degree, I O I J Mauk, Mrs. Mary F., appointment, 605 Mauney, C. V., degree, 296 Maurer, H. J., degree, 426 Maurer, L. J., degree, 295 Maurer, R. J., degree, 150 Mautner, H. C., degree, 292 Mautz, C. W., degree, 291 Maxfield, Betty J., appointment, 136, 629, 911 Maxfield, W. P., appointment, 639 Maxwell, Eleanor M., appointment, 531 Maxwell, Esther, purchase, 516 Maxwell, H. P., appointment, 346, 550 Maxwell, J. T., land, permission for survey, 815 Maxwell, R. C , appointment, 708 May, F. L., certificate, 944 May, G. C , appointment, 136 resignation, 349 May, H., degree, 430 Mayer, M. Eileen, appointment, 583 Mayfield, Willa J., degree, 429, 886 Mayhew, Mrs. Dorothy C , appointment, 966 Mayhew, \V. E., certificate, 833 Mayland, B. J., appointment, 464, 612 1 degree, 755 j resignation, 782 Mayne, VV\, appointment, 966 Maynert, E. W., appointment, 974 fellowship, 369, 96.2 resignation, 782 Mayol, L., contract, 810 Mayol, Mary J., appointment, 136, 573 Mays, A. B,, appointment, 378, 607, 975 Mays, G. E., degree, 425 McAllaster, Elva A., scholarship, 931 McAllister, W. G-, appointment, 386, 531, 596, 982 McAlpin, H. J., certificate, 736 McAnly, H. T., certificate, 800 member of advisory committee, 440 McArthur, S. W., appointment, 12, 554 McArtor, Dorothy A., degree, 1013
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