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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Il62 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Malone, A. J., degree, 422 Malone, Helen S., degree, 541 Maloney, J. A., certificate, 897 Malsbury, M. R., appointment, 963 Mamer, S. M., resignation, 288 Mammel, C. J., certificate, 833 Manby, Margaret A., degree, 1015 Mandel, Nadine E., degree, 882 Mandel Bros., purchase, 171 Mandeville, M. J., appointment, 602 military leave, 61 resignation, 95 Mangner, T. N., appointment, 652, 822 Manley, C. L., degree, 294 Manley, E. T., appointment, 665 Manley, J. H., appointment, 617 Mann, A. J., certificate, 721 Mann, A. S-, member of advisory committee, 441 Mann, Barbara J., degree, 1015 Mann, Dorothy A., degree, 296 Mann, Elizabeth K.., degree, 1008 Mann, L. S., military leave, 268 Mann, Mary A., appointment, 700 leave of absence, 803, 898, 945 Mann, R. L., degree, 420 Mann, \V. S., degree, 155 Manner, G., appointment, 386, 531, 595, 982 Manning, H., certificate, 800 Manning, W. R., appointment, 47, 377 declination, 54 degree, 880 Manougian, A. R., degree, 882 Manuel, B. A., appointment, 615, S22 Marable, Mary H., degree, 290 Marans, G. J., degree, 933 March, Isabel, appointment, 911 Marchman, G. S., certificate, 833 Marchuk, Euphemia, degree, 422 Marcus, I. M., degree, 351 Mareneck, \V. A., degree, 425 Marienfeld, C. J., degree, 352 resignation, 349 Marino, J. J., degree, 817 Maris, Mrs. Opal S., appointment, 652, 911 resignation, 969 Marjenson, H. M., appointment, 683 Markert, Elizabeth L., degree, 420 Marketing, advisory committee, 441 Markland, C. E., appointment, 317, 709 Markle, J. and Mary R., Foundation, gift, 5i8 Markley, A. Ethelyn, appointment, 979 scholarship, 342 Markley, Margaret, appointment, 701 resignation, 860 Marks, A., appointment, 346, 566 Marks, Arlene N., degree, 154 Marks, J. L., appointment, 8, 549 military leave, 268 Marks, S., degree, 263 Markusich, Mrs. Margaret E., resignation, 1 4 5 Lyon, Priscilla M., degree, 422 Lyon, W. F., appointment, 12, 554 Lyons, Alice B., degree, 156 Lyons, Harriet A., degree, 542 Lyons, Margaret E., appointment, 937 Lyons, Mary M., appointment, 14, 556 Lyrley, Linnet T., degree, 290 Lytle, Myra, appointment, 382 degree, 419 Lytle, Nancy M., scholarship, 342 resignation, 826 Maack, A. C , degree, 755 Mabis, A. H., degree, 431 Macdonald, Margaret J., degree, 420 Mace, J. C., Jr., appointment, 613 military leave, 167 MacFate, R. P., appointment, io, 552, 692 MacGregor, J. E., degree, 538 Machinists, wages, policy, 399 Macintire, H. J., appointment, 3S3, 614 Mack, Genevieve M., appointment, 680 Mack, R. D., appointment, 136 Mackay, R. P., appointment, 675 MacKenzie, S., Jr., appointment, 585 degree, 1009 Mackenzie, T. A., certificate, 944 Mackin Venetian Blind Co., purchase, 395 Macklm, Loreta, appointment, 855 Mack Print Co., purchase, 922 Macks, E. F., degree, 425 MacLay, Katherine, appointment, 47, 346, 693, 856 Macmillan Co., purchase, 922 MacNeil, H. F., certificate, 721 Macomber, V. H., degree, 152 Macy, C. W., degree, 883 Macy, J., Jr., Foundation, gift, 330 Macy, Louise, degree, 149 Madden, D. E., degree, 425 Maddock, R. E., military leave, 862 Maddox, J. R., degree, 156, 756 Madel, Mildred E., degree, 292 Madi, R. J., appointment, 889 Madsen, Shirley V., degree, 1016 Madsen, \V. E., degree, 292 Magill, H. C , degree, 817 Magill, L. M., Jr., appointment, 136, 317, 531, 589> 977 degree, 416 Magnaflux Corp., contract, 745 Magnusson, L. A., degree, 542 Mahan, J. E., appointment, 285 resignation, 411 Mahan, M. H., degree, 293 Maher, F. T., appointment, 689 Mahoney, Susanne T., degree, 156 Mail, I. P., degree, 422 Mainous, B. H., appointment, 598 military leave, 166 Mains, M. P., appointment, 12 Maisner, Edna A., appointment, 464, 59; degree, 1010 Majestic Co., license, Fellows patent, 338 Majewski, Laura A. A., degree, 297 Major, E. h., Jr., degree, 884 Majors, Anna M. H., degree, i o n Maker, W. J., degree, 420 Malach, Joan M., degree, 2g6 Malbin, B., appointment, 8, 549 military leave, 437 Malcolm, R. B., appointment, 12, 554 leave of absence, 15 Malelo, Aldona D., degree, 428 Malik, W. C , degree, 423 Malkin, Mrs. Gloria, appointment, 566 resignation, 826 Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, purchase, 22 Malloy, Jean E., appointment, 89 Malloy, T. H., military leave, 730 Malmquist, Janet J., degree, 429 Malo, A, H., appointment, 190 , • Marmaduke, II. C , member of advisory committee, 441 Marquis, C. F., certificate, 58 Marr, Edna E., degree, 296 Marr, Lillian, appointment, 662, 937 Marr, V. J., degree, 148 Marriott, Clarice, appointment, 694, 911 Marriott, L. F., appointment, 632 military leave, 166 Marry, Ethel H., degree, 538 Marsales Co., Inc., purchase, 363 Marschak, L. J., Jr., degree, 423 Marsh, Audrey B., degree, 429 Marsh, Dorothy J., degree, 156 Marsh, H. O., Jr., degree, 352 Marsh, Mrs. Mary H., resignation, 197 Marsh, W. F., certificate, 944 Marshall, Edith M., appointment, 772
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