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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
98 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 17 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT WILLARD The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. AUTHORITY TO CONFER DEGREES IN OCTOBER (1) A request for authority to confer degrees in October, as recommended by the University Senate. ( F o r summary, see page 147; list, page 158.) On motion of Mr. Jensen, these degrees were authorized. CHANGES IN STATUS OF PROFESSORS ROGER ADAMS AND W . C. ROSE (2) Professor Roger Adams, Head of the Department of Chemistry, has requested that he be relieved of the responsibilities of the headship for an indefinite period, in view of the great demands upon his time and energy as Chairman of Division B of the National Defense Research Committee. (This Division supervises all of the National Defense Research Committee's work in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering throughout the United States.) Professor Adams will continue as Professor of Organic Chemistry, supervising the training of graduate students in research and carrying on his own scientific investigations for the University. I have approved a leave of absence for him as Head of the Department only, beginning September 17 and continuing until further notice. T o replace Professor Adams as H e a d of the Department, I have appointed Professor William C. Rose as Acting Head, beginning September 17 and continuing until further notice, at an annual salary rate of $9,500. This is an addition of $1,000 a year. Funds are available in the budget of the Department to provide for this additional compensation. It was desirable to make these changes effective at the beginning of the first semester of 1042-1943. Therefore, after consulting with the President of the Board, I approved these changes in status and request confirmation of my action. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, the action of the President of the University in authorizing these changes was approved and confirmed. SERVICES OF PROFESSOR H. T. SCOVILL AS ACTING DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE A N D BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (3) Dean C. M. Thompson has been on leave of absence, with full pay, since March 20, 1942, for special service to the Illinois State Council of Defense. H e has been given additional leave for the academic year 1942-1943. During his absence Professor H . T. Scovill, H e a d of the Department of Business Organization and Operation, has been serving as Acting Dean. I recommend that Professor Scovill be paid additional compensation at the rate of $1,000 a year, beginning September I, 1942, for his services as Acting Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, this to be paid out of funds available in the Department of Business Organization and Operation. On motion of Mr. Fornof, this recommendation was approved. CHAIRMANSHIP O F DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE (4) Professor John M. Mathews of the Department of Political Science has asked to be relieved of the chairmanship of the Department because of his health. T h e Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends that his resignation be accepted and that his salary remain at $6,000 a year. P r i o r to his appointment as Chairman, which became effective September I, 1941, he had been recommended for an increase in salary from $5,500 to $6,000. H e was then given no additional compensation when he was made Chairman. I concur in this recommendation. After consulting the Dean and the Executive Committee of the College of Liberal A r t s and Sciences, I recommend that Professor C. A. Berdahl be appointed Chairman of the Department of Political Science, effective October I,
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