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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Civil Engineering, cont'd . research, Association of American Railroads, 248, 1114 Association of American Soap & Glycerine Producers, Inc., 248 Benesch, A„ & Associates, 248 California Co., 1114 Carson, G. and W, H., Inc., 1119 Chicago Fly Ash Co., 248 Creole Petroleum Corp., 249, 1115 Engineering Foundation, 24g, 1115 Marblehead Lime Co., 1119 McDonnell Aircraft Corp., 250, 1117 Pozzoian Products Co., Inc., 1119 Reinforced Concrete Research Council, 1793 Clark, Joyce E,, appointment, 884, 1699 Clark, Judith R., appointment, 862, 1676 Clark, Judy M., degree, 528 Clark, K. M., appointment, 889, 1705 Clark, Karen L., degree, 114 Clark, L* J., degree, 516 Clark, L. L., degree, 1191 Clark, Lucie W., appointment, 867, 1681 Clark, M. E., appointment, 543, 690, 1251, i39i» 1497 Clark, P. J., degree, 532 Clark, R. A., degree, 117 Clark, R. C , degree, 516 Clark, R. D., degree, 1334 Clark, R. L., degree, 1367 351, IIIS Clark, R. P., appointment, 373 Welding Research Council, 1120 degree, 322 scholarships, Mississippi Valley Clark, Sadie, appointment, 924, 1740 Structural Steel Co., 1107 Clark, Sandra K., appointment, 1724 Stonefort Corp., 242 Clark, T. A., Memorial Scholarship Fund, Zerhee, L. F. J., 411 gift, 1105 Estate, 1108 Clark, T. D., degree, 1001 student awards, Benesch, A., & Clark, W. E., appointment, 840, 1652 Associates, 1108 Clark, Daily, & Dietz, engineering services. purchase, camera, 1102 Green Street widening and repaying, 396 fatigue testing machine, 1176 Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, 396 X-ray unit, 13 parking facilities, contract, 16 revolving accounts, 675, 847 Clarke, Ann E., degree, 167, 538 testing revolving account, 1481 Clarke, C. P., certificate, 940 Civil Engineering Building, inclusion in Clarke, C. W., appointment, • 786, 1597 Clarke, K. S., appointment, 984, 1540 biennial building program, 66 Clarke, Lorena, appointment, 796, 1607 Civil Engineering iiall, appropriations, Clarke, R. B., fellowship, 430, 1307 alterations, balance reappropriated, 85 Clarke, Rosemary J., appointment, 1637 remodeling, 389 Clarke, W. II., degree, 538 balance reappropriated, 84 Clasen, R. A., appointment, 28, 955 partitions for offices, purchase, 463 Classical Museum, budget, 728, 1536 Civil Engineering Summer Surveying Classics, budget, 713, 869, 1520, 1683 Camp, budget, 374 summer session, 374, 1240 Civil Service Merit Board, University fellows, appointment, 425, 130 * representatives, 342. 1214 Class of 1944, gift, 1122 Cizevska, Tatjana, appointment, 196, 725, Claus, R. A., degree, 1185 1533 CUusen, Esther M., appointment, 747, 1556 resignation, 1403 Gauser, Carol J., degree, 524 Claar, Catherine H., appointment, 365, 804, Clausing, A. M., degree, 1188 1615 fellowship, 427* 1305 Claar, J. B., degree, 1047 Clauson, D. B., Jr., degree, 134T Claassen, N. IX, degree, 1350 Clauson, Florence M., degree, 1361 Claflin, Patricia, degree, 332 Clauss Brothers, Inc., contract, 409, 1284 fellowship, 280 Clawson, Katherine, appointment, 1746 Claggett, W. S., degree, 1354 Clay, D. G., degree, 1352 Clamage, B. D., degree, 1195 Clay, Dorothy F., appointment, 918, 1735 Clancy, J. J., degree, 524 Claybaugh, L, H-, appointment, 852, 853, Ciancy, Margaret C , appointment, 890, 1706 1665, 1667 Clancy Construction Co., contract, 465 Claycomb, G. M., degree, 5 r 7 Clanton, Eula, appointment, 882, 1697 Claypoole, Donna J., appointment, 811, 1056, Clapp, L. W.j appointment, 832, 1644 1623 Clarida, H. G., degree, 1192 Clayton, C. K., degree, 114, 1052 Claridge, T. D., degree, 335 Clayton, G. T., appointment, 693, 1500 Clark, A, B., appointment, 877, 1692 Clayton, Sheryl F., degree, 1360 Clark, D. B., degree, 1013 Clayton, Sheryl H., degree, 107 Clark, D, E., degree, 1008 Clayton, Suzanne N., degree, 1343 Clark, Dorothy, appointment, 820, 1632 Clearihue, Joyce G., appointment, 23 Clark, Dorothy B., appointment, 747, 1557 Cleary, E. W., appointment, 706, 1246, 1514 Clark, Dorothy E., appointment, 381, 697. J leave of absence, 316 504 Cleary, J. IVL, degree, 324 Clark, F. M., appointment, 722, 1529 Clegg, J . J., degree, 1350 Clark, G. A., degree, 1344 1 0 1 l Clem, J. R., degree, 1352 Clark, G. L., appointment, 7 . 5 7 Clem, S. E., Jr., degree, 1368 Clark, G. P., appointment, 857* 858, 1670, Clemens, W., member of Citizens Committee, 1672 1165 Clark, Gwen, appointment, 1740 Clement, H. W., member of committees, 342, Clark, Helen B., appointment, 863, 1677 1214 Clark, Hope M., degree, 525 welcome, 342 Clark, J, B., gift, 244 Clements, J-, Jr., degree, 1009 Clark, John Bell, degree, 1015 Clements, V. F., appointment, 867, 1682 Clark, J. D-, certificate, 1162 Clements, W. B., Co., purchase, 461 degree, 535 uegree, 535 Clementz, Marjorie M., appointment, 819 Clark, J. E., certificate, 9 Uark, J. E., certificate, 940 Clennon, H. A., appointment, 1643 7, Clark, J. G., degree, 167, 1374 Cler, D. E., appointment, 832, 1644 Clark, J. M., Jr., appointment, 39, 589, 7*3i appoint Cleron, V., fellowship, 1299 1518 Cleveland, C. Lorraine K., degree, 1016 resignation, 52 Cleveland, E. C , degree, 1193 Uark, James W., appointment, 25, 95Clevenger, A. W., appointment, 663, 1468 Clark, John W., appointment, 31, 958
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