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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1786 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Carrier, D. R.» degree, 328 Carrier, N. K., degree, 1199 Carrier, R. E., appointment, 1241 Carrier Corp., gift, 239, 1105 Carrigan, R. A., fellowship, 551 Carrington, C. A., appointment, 822, 1634 Carrington^ M. A., appointment, 858, 1673 Carrizosa-Comez, A., degree, 518 Carroll, B., appointment, 895, 1711 Carroll, D. E„, appointment, 380 Carroll, J. T., degree, 517 Carroll, J, K., appointment, 39, 684, 984, 1156, 1491 Carroll, K. R., degree, 520 Carroll, M. E., appointment, 26, 952 Carroll, Patricia M-, degree, 1195 Carroll, Ruth M., appointment, 917, 1733 Carroll, W. E., appointment, 627, 1432 Carroll, VV, L., degree, 1365 Carruthers, Jean B., degree, n o Carson, A. M., appointment, 685 resignation, 997 Carson, Florence A., appointment, 816, 1628 Carson, G. and W. H., Inc., gift, 1119 Carson, Jenny E., appointment, 937, 1752 Carson, O., appointment, 928 Carss, B. W., appointment, 1245 Carstens, H. P., appointment, 169, 945 Carter, A. M., appointment, 381, 696, 1248, 1503 Carter, Anne M. F., degree, 1001 Carter, C. E., appointment, 863, 1677 Carter, C. R-, degree, 1007 Carter, Carol A., fellowship, 551 Carter, D. G., appointment, 633, 143S Carter, D. W., degree, 1350 Carter, E. N., appointment, 850, 1663 Carter, F. C , appointment, 1131 Carter, G. C , appointment, 733, 1540 Carter, H. E., appointment, 710, 1517 invention, fees, 309 Carter, J. C , appointment, 653, 1458 Carter, Lucile R., appointment, 881, 1697 Carter, Mary D., degree, 534 Carter, O. P., appointment, 893, 1709 Cartland, J. D., certificate, 78 Carton, R. W., appointment, 21, 948 Cartwright, G. P., degree, 1196 Cartwright, Judith E., appointment, 1636 Cartwright, Patricia, appointment, 816 Carty, R. J^ Jr., degree, 333 Caruso, J. C , degree, 533 Caruso, J. R., degree, 540 Cary, J. H., degree, 501 Casagrande, J. B., appointment, 1254, 1516 Casal, C. E., appointment, 25, 951 Casberg, C. H., appointment, 684, M9° Casciaro, R. A., appointment, 27, 954 Case, C. T., degree, 1192 Case, H. C. M., appointment, 630, 1435 Case, J. I., Co., lease, 94 Case, M. T., degree, 535 Case, W . A., degree, 1012 Casebeer, VV., Jr., appointment, 833* X645» 1646 Caseley, D. J., appointment, 764, 791* T574> 1603 Casella, P. A., appointment, 18, 945 Casely, D. J., report, Research and Educational Hospitals, 981 Casey, Adelia L., appointment, 820, 1632 Casey, Beverly L., appointment, 819 Casey, C. R., degree, 1194 Casey, Catherine H., appointment, 90 s . : 7 2 4 Casey, D. J., degree, 317 Casey, Doris A., appointment, 865 Casey, Jeanne S., degree, 1361 Casey, L. L., degree, 516 Casey, Margaret M., appointment, 920 Casey, W. R., degree, 1350 Cash, G. E., degree, 1188 Cash, J. G., appointment, 644, 1449 Cashman, G. J., degree, 163 Casings, effects of compaction, study, contract, 93 Carlson, D. L., degree, 329 Carlson, D. O., fellowship, 267, 3*4 Carlson, E. C , degree, 114 Carlson, Evelyn S., degree, 335 Carlson, G. R., degree, 1054 Carlson, G. V., appointmeat, 886, 1701 Carlson, Gladys A., appointment, 818, 1630 Carlson, T. R., appointment, 817, 1629 Carlson, J. S-, degree, 104 Carlson, 7. W\, degree, 1360 Carlson, Kathryn H., appointment, 805, 1616 Carlson, L. W., degree, 1018 Carlson, Nancy A., degree, 525 Carlson, Richard E., fellowship, 1204 Carlson, Richard Earl, degree, 1199 Carlson, Robert E., degree, 1008 Carlson, R. G., degree, 525 Carlson, R. L., fellowship, 1299, 1397 Carlson, R. S., degree, 1199 Carlson, W., appointment, 859, 1673 Carlson-Lee, Dorothy, appointment, 689, 1496 Carlston, C. E., degree, 511 Carlston, K. S., appointment, 379, 706, 1514 leave of absence, 347 Carlston, V. P., certificate, 940 Carlton, D. K., degree, 326 Carmack, W. R., Jr., degree, 161 Carmean, Clara J. L., degree, 1195 Carmean, S. L., degree, 1195 Carmer, S. G,, appointment, 984, 1227 degree, 162 Carmichael, Dorothy M., appointment, 826, 1427 Carmichael, H, T., appointment, 776, 1586 leave of absence, 1207 Carmichael, H. W., degree, 516 Carmichael, Mattie, appointment, 929, 1743 Carmichael, R. D., appointment, 699, 720, 1507, 1527 Carmichael, R. M., degree, 505 Carmien, D. R., appointment, 833, 1645 Carmien, R., appointment, 833, 1645, 1646 Carmin, R. L., appointment, 378, 718, 1525 Carnahan, Lee A., degree, 517 Carnation Milk Co., gift, 248 Carnder, B., appointment, 828, 1640 Carnegie Corp., gift, 248, 1114 grant, development of new high school mathematics and elementary school arithmetic programs, 265 Carnes, Cornelia M., degree, 330, 1183 Carney, A. H., degree, 1364 Caro, M. R., appointment, 310, 1056 declination, 1065 Caro, W. A., degree, 538 Carollo, Catherine, appointment, 930, 1731 Caron, J. L., fellowship, 313 Carothers, Z. B., appointment, 942, 1238, 1517 Carozzi, A., appointment, 718, 1525 Carpenter, A. F., degree, 1195 Carpenter, B. F., degree, 1374 Carpenter, D. W., degree, 511 Carpenter, P. D., appointment, 385, 787, 1252, 1S98 Carpenter, W. R., degree, 500 Carpeting, Physical Plant Department, purchase, 114 7 Car-Pet-Line Building, space, lease, 578 Carpets, IUini Union, purchase, 581, 1175 Car pool, automobiles, additional, appropriation, 183 Carr, B. W., degree, 532 Carr, Edith R., appointment, 818, 1630 Carr, Freda I., degree, 107 Carr, H. E., Jr., degree, 1014 Carr, T. G., degree, 118 Carr, J. P., degree, 513 Carr, K. R., degree, 507 Carr, Norma E., appointment, 864, 1679 Carr, W. J., Jr., degree, 1363 Carras, N. J., degree, 529 Carrel, R. L., appointment, 39, 681, 1487 invention, patent rights, release to Foundation, 1292
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