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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
94 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ N o v e m b e r 18 2. CRAIG B. FOLTZ, assistant professor of astronomy, beginning August 21, 1983 ( 1 ) , at an annual salary of $27,000. 3. CLYDE P. KRUSKAL, assistant professor of computer science, beginning January 6, 1983 ( 1 ) , at an annual salary of $30,500. 4. KAREN A. SCHMIDT-ELTERICH, acquisitions librarian and assistant professor of library administration, beginning October 13, 1982 ( 1 Y ) , at an annual salary Of $24,000. Chicago 5. ELLEN S. GREEN, assistant professor of medical record administration, College of Associated Health Professions, beginning November 1, 1982 ( 1 Y ) , at an annual salary of $19,000. 6. WILLIAM H . HAFEMAN, assistant professor of art and design, beginning September 1, 1982 ( 1 ) , at an annual salary of $20,000. 7. WOLFGANG MAASS, associate professor of mathematics, statistics, and computer science, beginning September 1, 1982 (A) (on leave of absence without pay academic year 1982-83), at an annual salary of $32,000. 8. NATHAN PRESSER, research assistant professor of chemistry, beginning September 1, 1982 ( W Y ) , at an annual salary of $18,000. 9. THOMAS A. REGULTJS, assistant professor of sociology, beginning September 1, 1982 ( 1 ) , at an annual salary of $22,000. O n m o t i o n of D r . D o n o g h u e , t h e s e a p p o i n t m e n t s w e r e c o n f i r m e d . Appointments to the Institute for the Humanities, Chicago (6) O n recommendation of the acting director of the Institute for the Humanities, and with the concurrence of the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the chancellor at the University Center has recommended the following appointments of senior fellows in the Institute for the Humanities for two quarters of the academic year 1982-83 and for the program of research or study as indicated in each case. Senior Fellows 1 BURTON J. BLEDSTEIN, associate professor of history, to study character, confidence, and conscience as middle-class values in nineteenth-century America. GERALD B. DWORKIN, professor of philosophy, to study the nature and value of autonomy. BENTLEY B. GILBERT, professor of history, to complete Volume 1 of a biography of David Lloyd George. CHADWICK C. HANSEN, professor of English, to study white responses to black American music. DAVID P. JORDAN, professor of history, to study the nature of historical memory as seen through the memoirs of those who survived the French Revolution. BOYD R. KEENAN, professor of political science, to study the First Amendment as collective creativity midst political, scientific, and technological change. MICHAEL J. LIEB, professor of English, to study the Throne-Chariot or Merkabah of Ezekiel. GENE W. RUOFF, associate professor of English, to study a dialogue of forms: Wordsworth, Coleridge, and the major lyrics of 1802-1804. NATALIE C. SCHMITT, associate professor of speech in communication and theatre, to study contemporary.theater aesthetics. MARIE-ODILE G. SWEETSER, professor of French, to study creativity and community as expressed in the works of L a Fontaine. 1 Senior fellows in the Institute are selected from nominees by the Executive Committee for twoquarter appointments. Fellowships are awarded for independent work in all fields of the social and natural sciences, the humanities, and the creative arts, so long as the work isa related to the humanities. Those eligible for nomination are full-time faculty members at the Chicago campus.
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