UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Enamels, investigation, 407* 457 budget, 693, 699 Endicott, R. B., member of advisory committee, 50, 472 Endler, A., degree, 912 Endowment funds, budget, Commerce, 295, 687 Fine and Applied Arts, 326, 723 Medicine, 333, 731 Physical Education, 329, 726 summary, 273, 355, 665, 752 estimated income, 270, 662 interest, State appropriation, 265 investment, 32, 60, 71, 80, 116, 153, 158, 176, 213, 229, 368, 405. 45*, 462, 479, 491. 497, 515, 5i?» 537, 565, 626, 634, 657, 7p6 legal opinion, 118 proposed legislation, public utilities, 154 sale of bonds, 462, 478 status, Finance Committee to report annually, 394 See also Gifts. Engdahl, R. B,, appointment, 917 Engeljohn, Mrs. Ethel, appointment, 279, 334, 671, 73i Enger, M. L., appointment, 301, 305, 693, 698 representative present at meeting, 94 Enger, W. M., degree, 243 Engineering, College of, Bankhead-Jones funds, use, 557 booklet, balance reappropriated, 20S budget, 300, 693 degrees conferred, list, 57, 137, 243, 437, 545, 899, professional, 232, 888 summary, 230, 886 equipment, appropriation, 91, 194, 207, 215, balance reappropriated, 359 expendable gift funds, 300, 693 professional degrees, fee, 22 purchases, air conditioning equipment, 634 materials for Ptiysics Laboratory, 223 proving ring, 223 student loan fund, 882 Engineering Experiment Station, budget, expense, 300, 693 salary, 305, 698 summary, 300, 693 expendable gift funds, 300, 306, 693, 699 sewage treatment research, Jrequest, 214 Engle, W. J., appointment, 3 5 death benefit, 519 Englis, D. T., appointment, 285, 559, 677 English, H., degree, 34 English, R. W., degree, 433 English, W. J., appointment, 40, 277 resignation, 641 English, budget, expense, 283, 675 salary, 287, 679 addition, 509 adjustment, 612 summer session, 106, 560 Division of Language and Literature, 162 fee, special, 227, 766 fellows and scholars, list, 44, I 97. 198, 639> 771 head of department, 160, 479? 5*5 2 poetry prize fund, budget, 355, 75 English Bros., bid, 626, 785 Engstrom, R. B., degree, 237 Ennis, Bernice B., degree, 544 Ennis, W. J., degree, 250 Ensign, N. E., appointment, 305, 697 Ensign, Rheua L., degree, 903 Entomology, budget, expense, 283, 675 salary, 288, 681 summer session, 107, 561 fellows and scholars, list, 197, 639 laboratory fees, 227, 766 miscroscopes, purchase, 794

Einhorn, R., appointment, 297 Eirich, Norma E., degree, 414 Eiseman, F. R., Jr., degree, 241 Eisemann, Paula, degree, 254 Eisendorf, L. H-, degree, 438 Eisenstein, A., degree, 898 Eisner, Edith R., degree, 894 Ekblaw, K. J. T., director of University of Illinois Foundation, 442 president of University of Illinois Foundation, 441 Ekstrom, C. G., degree, 237 Ekstrom, C. W., degree, 244 Ekstrom, W. F., appointment, 917 degree, 237, 880 scholarship, 197 Elder, V. E., degree, 240 Eldred, O. \V., degree, 545 Eldridge, Helen B., degree ? 437 Eldridge Coal Company, bid, 493 Electrical Engineering, appropriation, remodeling Illumination Laboratory, 777 budget, expense, 300, 693 salary, 302, 694 summer session, 560 equipment, gift, 82 laboratory fees, 227, 766 milling machine ourchased, 457 Electrical Engineering Society, gift, student loan fund, 82, 381, 636 Electric meters, purchase, 794 Electric Storage Battery Company, electrical equipment purchased, 223 Electric transformers, purchase, 794 Electric wiring, Medical Building, 476, 495, 635» 648 Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory, 627, 646 Electrocardiograph, purchase, 517 Elevators, Ceramics Building, repairs, 27, 30 maintenance, contract terminated, 88j Medical Building, contract, 635 change order, 556, 608 equipment, bids, 475 contract, 495 Physics Building, appropriation, 651 balance reappropriated, 777 Elfstrand, Frances E,, degree, 237 Elhardt, W. P., appointment, 291, 684 Elich, R. W., degree, 912 Elkes, Regina E., degree, 237 Ellies, Matilde, declination, 17 Ellingson, Anita, appointment, 344, 740 Elliott, A. T., degree, 900 Elliott, C. M., appointment, 549, 689 degree. 433 Elliott, Gretta L-, degree, 246 Elliott, J. W., contract for instruction of, 72 Elliott, M. A., degree, 240 Elliott, R. K., degree, 438 Elliott, Ruth L., degree, 414 Ellis, C. I., degree, 34 Elmer, W. M., degree, 897 Elmes, R. B., appointment, 99 resignation, 154 Elson, E. F., degree, 546 Elson, J. M., degree, 254 Elster, B. B., degree, 383 Elvis, Roberta B., degree, 906 Elwood, E. M., appointment, 312, 324, 398 declination, 4i£ Emanuelson, J. E., degree, 911 Emch, A., appointment, 290, 562, 682 Emergency fund, budget, 275, 667 Emig, H. M., appointment, 346, 743 Employees, accident compensation, advice, 473 legislation recommended, 188 bonding, 369 injuries, budget, 275, 667 civil service, report, 568 See also Staff. Emre, M. O., degree, 544