UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 944]

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Chicago Bridge and Iron Works, bid, 186 contract, 208, 382 _ j _ Chicago departments, alumni association, branch office, 536 automobile parking, 188, 371 buildings, disposal, 116 insurance, 211, 638, 658 painting, bids, 784 contract, 34, 786 repairs, 25 business agent, subject to Comptroller, 593 coal, contract, 635 purchase, 493, 519 committee, members, i47> 555 fees, part-time students, 371 gas rates, reduction, 115 general stores, revolving account, 356, 753 heating plant, enlargement, 649 job system, revolving account, 356, 753 land, acquisition, 116 medical group, name, 127 ofiice rearrangement, balance reappropriated, 208 physical education instructor, appropriation, 537 recreational facilities, 537 appropriation, 779 land, purchase, 540 telephone system, 149, 178 University seal, 73 Chicago Illinae Club, gift, 461 Chicago Motor Club, report, traffic situation on Green Street, 83 Chicago Paper Company, bid, 477 Chicago Retort and Fire Brick Company, brick purchased, 28 Chicago Sanitary District, bonds purchased, 634 Chicago Steel Tank Company, bid, 186 Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, gift, 132 Chicago Woman's Club, gift, 186 Chicopee Coal Co., bid, 408 Chief Accountant, duties, 594 subject to Comptroller, 593 Children's Clinic, budget, expense, 342, 739 salary, 342, 739 Chtlds, Alice, appointment, 99, 337, 734 declination, 913 Childs, R. B., degree, 907 Chiles, T. L., degree, 544 Chinese embroideries, gift, 461 Chinese students, gift, 53 Chinnock, G. G., degree, 254 Chism, L. C., degree, 245, 891 Chiti, Atile, degree, 434 Chlebik, Sister Hiltrudis, degree, 548 Chobot, J., degree, 34 Cholewa, J. C, degree, 53 Chorus, fund, balance reappropriated, 207, 776 Chott, Irene M., appointment, 335, 733 leave of absence, 21 Chou, H. C., degree, 892 Christ, R. E-, appointment, 256 Christensen, R. F., degree, 243 Christensen, Mrs. Ruth K., appointment, 338 Christian, W. A., appointment, 337, 916 degree, 34 Christie, G. T., degree, 249 Christman, A. F., degree, 249 Christman, R. J., degree, 545 Christmas, E., certificate, 789 Christner, J. W., degree, 138 Christy, C. M. t degree, 902 Chrysler Corporation, gift, 133 Chulock, W. A., certificate, 789 Chuman, J., degree, 255 Churchill, G. W., degree, 902 Churchman, J. R., degree, 893 Cibulka{ F. J., degree, 907 Cipriani, J. B., appointment, 336, 734 Cirrincione, F. A., degree, 34


Citizenship and Naturalization, Governor's Committee, request for scholarships, 223 Citron, A. F., degree, 237 Citron, D., Jr., degree, 903 Citron, R. R-, degree, 383 Civil Engineering, Baker prize fund, 355, 752 budget, expense, 300, 693 salary, 301, 694 summer session, 559 expendable gift funds, 300, 693 extramural course, 756 fellows and scholars, list, 197, 639 gift, arc welding set, 224 laboratory fees, 227, 766 testing, revolving account, 753 Civil service. Comptroller as appointment officer, 472, 593 employees, discharge, 473 report, 568 Clabaugh, R. E., degree. 433 Claeys, Alice, degree, 241 Claftin, D. N„ degree, 896 Claims, duties of Chief Accountant, 594 Clancy, J. D., degree, 246 Clanton, Eula, appointment, 348, 746 Clark, A., appointment, 62 degree, 133 Clark, A. H., appointment, 345, 743 sick leave, 788 Clark, Mrs. Alice V. B., gift, 541 Clark, B., appointment, 749 retirement, 754 Clark, B. G., degree, 134 Clark, C. B., degree, 899 Clark, C. L., certificate, 394 Clark, C. O., Jr., degree, 237 Clark, C. T., degree, 897 Clark, Dorothy, appointment, 278, 670 Clark, E. T., degree, 240 Clark, F. M., appointment, 106, 284, 558, 676 Clark, G. L., appointment, 285, 677 x-ray investigation, 24 Clark, H. M., degree, 897 Clark, Hester P., degree, 246 Clark, Tames G., degree, 243 Clark, James W., appointment, 338, 735 Clark, Tanis, degree, 902 Clark, John W., appointment, 304, 562, 697 Clark, P. L., Jr., appointment, 464, 760 Clark, R., degree, 412 Clark, V. F., degree, 902 Clark, Vera L., degree, 137 Clark, \V. C, appointment, 303, 696 Clark, W. O., degree, 902 Clarke, C. W., appointment, 345, 743 Clarke, N. F., degree, 243 Clarke, W. A., degree, 383 Classical Museum, budget, expense, 283, C75 wages, 294, 686 Classics, budget, expense, 283, 675 salary, 287, 679 summer session, 106, 560 Division of Language and Literature, 162 fellows and scholars, list, 197, 198, 639, 77i, 9i4 Class of 1895, loan fund, merger, 80 Class of 1934. gift* 381 Class of 1935, gift, 381 Medicine, gift, 521 Class of 1938, gift, 381 Classrooms, assignments, statutes, 595 Claussen, M. P., degree, 233 fellowship, 197, 640 leave of absence, 789 Clay, H, E., degree, 903 Clay, H. G., degree, 240 Clay, R. P., appointment, 62, 331 resignation, 463 Clay Products Association, Grant royalties, distribution, 114 Clay pool, A. A., degree, 54