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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

88o BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 29 proved brand to which shall be added 3 parts lake sand, thoroughly mixed. to a mortar for brickwork as follows: Pulverized quicklime shall be slaked, sanded to proper consistency immediately after slaking, and allowed to cool off for not less than 24 hours. This mortar shall be used for back up brick in contact with cut stone work. F o r all other brickwork, except in parapet walls, Portland cement in the amount of 8% by volume of the lime mortar specified above, shall be added to the lime mortar and mortar shall be thorougly mixed in an approved type of power operated mortar mixer. Proportions of this mortar shall be approximately I part Portland cement, 3 parts lime, and g parts sand (1-3-9). F o r parapet walls Class " C " mortar as originally specified shall be used. For cut stone work Class " D " mortar as originally specified or lime mortar as specified above for brickwork in contact with cut stone shall be used. Joints in cut stone work shall be pointed with Class " D " mortar as originally specified. This involves no change in contract price, nor increase in time required to complete the project. II. Plumbing Contract Change Order No. 3 (1) F o r the omission of asphalt coating on threaded cast iron pipe, deduct $115 00 (2) F o r the omission of one of the two prime coats of aluminum paint as specified in mechanical equipment rooms, deduct 10 00 Total deduction $125 00 On motion of Mr. Barrett, these change orders were approved, with the provision that the matter of the mortar shall be referred to the Executive Committee when it is necessary to proceed with that part of the work. CONSTRUCTION OF STUDENT CENTER BUILDING AS A FEDERAL PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT (37) The Board of Directors of the University of Illinois Foundation at a meeting held on June 12, 1936, voted that the Board of Trustees of the University be asked to make an application to the Federal Government for an outright grant (with no loan) of funds which together with funds secured from other sources would be used for the construction of a Student Center Building. This request is based on a tentative plan discussed by the Directors which contemplates the following sources of funds for the construction of this building: (a) grant of Federal funds; (b) cash gifts from alumni and former students; (c) bond issue by the Foundation to provide the balance necessary. The plan would probably require a small service charge against all students in the Urbana Departments of the University to produce an income sufficient to pay for the operation and upkeep of the building and to provide for the interest on the bonds and their amortization over a period of twenty years. Since it was necessary to act promptly in filing such an application, the Executive Committee of the Board was consulted and it has authorized the filing of an application, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. The application submitted was for a grant of forty-five per cent, on a building estimated at this time to cost $1,000,000, without equipment. On motion of M r . Barrett, the action of the Executive Committee was confirmed a n d the President of the U n i v e r s i t y w a s authorized to s u p p l y all n e c e s s a r y i n f o r m a t i o n t o t h e F e d e r a l a u t h o r i t i e s t o s e c u r e this grant.
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