Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

726 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 27 GRADUATE S C H O O L Summary Salaries and Wages $11 035 25 000 Other Expense $ 965 9 000 3 000 I 000 15 ooo* 2 POO* 10 000 500 Total $12 000 25 000 9 000 3 000 1 000 25 000 2 500 Administration Scholarships and Fellowships Publications: 1 University Studies Journal of English and Germanic Philology General Publications Research: General (including Illinium Research) Illinois Historical Survey Total. Administration ?53 °35 ?24 465 ?77 5«> B A D H $ Salary 7 660 2 200 1 140 (11 000) 1. R. D. Carmichael, Dean Professor of Mathematics.-. 2. Lida E. Voight, Secretary to the Dean ( E x e m p t ) 3- Fannie M. Watkins, Stenographer (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries Wages Total, Administration S C H O O L OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Summary Salaries and Wages ? 8 070 49 24 47 (129 202 598 978 848) 200 35_ $ 11 035 Other Expense $ 8 3 2 (14 550 050 250 850 700) Total ? 8 620 57 27 50 (144 252 848 828 548) 200 Administration Physical Education: Men Women Health Service Sub-total Revolving Account: Faculty Recreation—Women Total $130 048 $14 700 $144 748 Expendable E n d o w m e n t Income Fund Women Students' Physical Welfare Fund from May Fetes 5i50 Administration 1. G. A. Huff, Director B Professor of Physical Education for Men, and Head of Department . . . ^ A (Paid by Athletic Association (Total salary 2. J. J. Jordan, Assistant to the Director E (See Physical Education for Men D (Paid by Athletic Association (Total salary Sub-total, Salaries 3. Wages H Total, Administration. •Subject to transfer within the total. 'Estimated. $ 5i5° Salary 6 820 1 680) 8 soo) 850 850) 1 000) 2 700) (7 670) 400 $ 8 070