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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

656 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ M a y 2"/ Qualifications of Applicants T h e scholarship is open to men and women. Applicants must be students of the University of Illinois registered as candidates for degrees or new students able to matriculate in one of the colleges or schools of the University. They must comply with the following conditions: 1. If a student of the University of Illinois or if a new student transferring to the University of Illinois after completing not less than one full semester of college work elsewhere, the applicant must have maintained in college work an average grade of not less than " B " in terms of the grading system of the University of Illinois. 2. If a student entering the University as a freshman from a secondary school, the applicant must have ranked in the upper twenty-five per cent of his or her graduating class. 3. The applicant must submit evidence satisfactory to the University committee that he or she is in good health. 4. T h e applicant must submit evidence satisfactory to the University committee that he or she is of good character. 5. T h e applicant must submit evidence satisfactory to the University committee of financial need. 6. The Registrar shall report on the academic record of each scholarship holder each semester to the proper officer of the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers and to the chairman of the University committee. 7. If at the close of any semester, it appears to the University committee that a scholarship holder has not maintained superior scholarship (substantially a " B " average), or is of doubtful character, or is no longer in financial need, the committee may cancel the scholarship and assign it to some other applicant. Application Applications must be made on forms provided by the Committee. They may be submitted to the President of the University or to the Chairman of the Committee. All applications for the ensuing academic year should be in the hands of the Committee not later than the first Saturday in June. T h e Committee will ordinarily notify the successful applicant, the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, the Comptroller, and the Registrar, of its selection, early in July. If for any reason an applicant whose scholarship has been approved fails to enter the University at the beginning of the academic year in which the scholarship is to be effective, the Committee may make another selection. Payment of Scholarship Payment of the scholarship will be through the University Comptroller in four installments of either $150 at the beginning of each semester, with $50 in the middle of each semester, or $125 at the beginning of the semester, and $75 in the middle of the semester during which the scholarship is effective. I recommend that the scholarship be established and that the University officers concerned be authorized to administer it in accordance with the conditions stated above. On motion of Mr. Barr, this recommendation was adopted. APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSOR L. J. NORTON (26) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture that Dr. L. J. Norton be appointed Professor of Agricultural Economics and Chief in Agricultural Marketing in the College of Agriculture, the Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Agriculture Extension Service for one year, at an annual salary of $5,000, beginning September I, 1936. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this appointment was made. APPOINTMENT OF DR. EDWARD W. COMINGS AS ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY (27) A recommendation for the appointment of Dr. E d w a r d W. Comings, of the North Carolina State College at Raleigh, as Assistant Professor of Chemistry for one year beginning September 1, 1936, at a salary of $2,700.
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