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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i93 6 J UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 655 4. Olive C. Hazlett, Associate Professor of Mathematics, April 15 to May 1, with pay, on account of illness. 5. H e r m a n Wascher, Assistant Chief, Soil Survey, leave without pay from May 13 to August 31, 1936, for the purpose of assisting the Farm Credit Administration in re-appraisal work in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. On motion of Mr. Barrett, these leaves were confirmed. CANCELLATION OF LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR FRANK G. DICKINSON (22) A request from Assistant Professor F r a n k G. Dickinson, of the Department of Economics, who has been given sabbatical leave of absence for the second semester of 1936-1937, on one-half pay, that this leave be cancelled because he has been unable to make the contemplated arrangements for his leave which was recommended with the understanding that he would be permitted to reserve a final decision. On m o t i o n of M r . B a r r , this leave w a s cancelled as requested. PLYM FELLOWSHIP A N D SCHOLARSHIP APPOINTMENTS (23) T h e following appointments have been made to the Plym Fellowship and Plym Foreign Scholarship: Eugene F. Stoyke, 1207 California Street, Urbana, Illinois, to be the Twentythird Plym Fellow in Architecture; and H e n r y P. Tideman, 4647 North Keating Avenue, Chicago, as alternate. Carl John Sterner, Arlington Ridge Road, Arlington Ridge, c/o Alexandria, Virginia, to the Thirteenth Plym Foreign Scholarship in Architectural Engineering. ( I n the event that Mr. Sterner is unable to accept appointment, the scholarship will not be awarded for 1936-1937.) T h i s report w a s received for record. TAU BETA PI FELLOWSHIP (24) T h e T a u Beta Pi H o n o r a r y Engineering Society has awarded fellowships tor advanced study during the academic year 1936-1937 to seven candidates selected from 82 applicants. One of these fellowships has been awarded to Mr. Wallace A. Depp, a senior in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois, who will graduate in June, 1936, and who will use this fellowship for graduate study at the University for the degree of Master of Science. T h e Tau Beta Pi Society has asked that in recognition of this honor Mr. Depp be given a scholarship at the University of Illinois which will entitle him to a remission of the tuition fees. This is a customary practice in such cases and I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Mayer, this scholarship was granted as recommended. ILLINOIS CONGRESS OF PARENTS AND TEACHERS SCHOLARSHIP (25) T h e Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers wishes to establish an annual scholarship in the amount of $400 at the University of Illinois under the following conditions: T H E ILLINOIS CONGRESS OF PARENTS AND TEACHERS SCHOLARSHIP AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS T h e Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers offers each year one scholarship in the University of Illinois of a value of $400. T h e scholarship is good for one academic year from September to June. T h e original recipient, however, is eligible to apply for renewal of the scholarship in successive years, provided there is continued financial need and provided the candidate has maintained superior scholarship. T h e scholarship is awarded each year by the University through a committee appointed by the President. At the discretion of the committee, the scholarship may be awarded either to an entering student or to one already entered, who is unable to continue without financial assistance.
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