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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

584 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S [March 10 sent to the President. For any failure to comply with all the conditions of loyal and interested service, which are an honorable obligation on all members of the faculty, the Board of Trustees will feel free to withhold salary so far as the interests of the University and justice to others may seem to demand. The appointment of any person for a definite term does not carry with it any guarantee or implication that the Board of Trustees will renew the appointment at its termination, even tho the appointee may have discharged his duties satisfactorily. Any appointment, if accepted, must be accepted with this stipulation. (f) If acceptance of any appointment is not received by the Secretary within thirty days after the date of the appointment, the appointment shall become invalid and without effect unless, for satisfactory reasons, the President of the University extends the period of acceptance. (g) The persons composing the force of administrative officers, and the clerks and other employees of the departments, and the faculty, shall be employed and salaries fixed by the Board. ( h ) Salaries for teaching in the Summer Session shall be approximately 16 per cent of the annual salaries for the ranks involved; with a maximum of $900. (i) Temporary employees may be engaged by heads of departments subject to the approval of the Comptroller and the President of the University; provided that an appropriation to meet the expense has previously been made by the Board of Trustees. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSORS 28. On the recommendation of the head or chairman of a department, and with the approval of the dean, the President, and the Board of Trustees, a member of the faculty who has the rank of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor and who has served the University at least six years since his original appointment or since the termination of his last leave on salary, may be granted a leave of absence for one year with pay equal to onehalf the annual salary which he is then receiving, for the purpose of study, research, or other pursuit the object of which is to enable him to increase his professional efficiency and usefulness to the University. In lieu of this privilege, leave may be granted for a half year for the same purpose, at full salary, provided, that the department in which the applicant is teaching or working undertakes to carry on, so far as is practicable, during his absence and without increase in the departmental budget, such part of his work as the interests of the department and of the University require to be continued without interruption during the period in which he is absent. In cases where the interests of the department and the University would clearly be subserved thereby, leave may be granted for a half year at half pay, at the end of three years of consecutive service, provided that the granting of the leave does not involve expense to the University in excess of the portion of salary which is released in consequence of taking such leave. Each person who has been on leave of absence shall, on the termination of his leave, make a report to the President concerning the nature of the studies, research, or other work undertaken by him during the period in which he was absent. A member of the faculty to whom a leave of absence has been granted in pursuance of the above mentioned rules shall agree to return to the University on the expiration of his leave and to remain in its service for at least one year thereafter and the University, on its part, shall agree to retain him in its service for the period of one year after his return. It is understood that leaves of absence granted in accordance with the foregoing rules, with the privileges appertaining thereto, are given to members of the faculty primarily for the purpose of enabling them to acquire additional knowledge and competency in their respective fields. No one to whom a leave of absence has been granted with pay shall be permitted while on such leave to accept remunerative employment or engage in professional practice or work for which he receives pecuniary compensation. This prohibition, however, shall
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