Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 521 John Crerar Library, Traite d'anatomie patkologique, 1857-61, Text, v. 2, Plates, v. 1-2, Lebert, Hermann. These three volumes probably could not be purchased for less than $75. Class of 1935, 7 medical volumes valued at $25. Dr. Lindon Seed, Clinical Tuberculosis, 2 v., Goldberg, B., ed. Selling price $22. Dr. Lloyd Arnold, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 11-21. American Society for Hard of Hearing, nearly complete file of The Proceedings of the American Society for the Hard of Hearing. Drs. J. H. Hess, S. A. Levinson, R. P. MacFate, W. A. Pusey, M. B. Visscher, P. W. Smith, and E. W. Hirsch, copies of their own books which have recently been published. This report was received for record. USE OF UNIVERSITY GYMNASIUM FOR PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY BALL (14) The Committee for Champaign and Urbana in charge of arrangements for the "Third Annual President's Birthday Ball" to be held on January 30, 1936, has been granted the use of the New Gymnasium for this function subject to the regulations of the Board governing the use of University facilities by outside organizations, and subject also to certain conditions specified by the Physical Plant Department. On motion of M r . Barrett, this action was approved. FEDERAL INCOME TAX LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF STAFFS OF LAND-GRANT COLLEGES (15) A request from the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities for the cooperation of the University of Illinois in litigation to test the power of the Federal Government to tax the incomes of members of the staffs of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities whose salaries are paid in whole or in part from Federal funds received under the various acts of Congress for the support and maintenance of Colleges of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts. On motion of M r . Barrett, this cooperation w a s authorized. INSURANCE ON HORTICULTURE BARN AND COTTAGE On motion of M r . Barrett, the Comptroller was authorized to carry insurance on the new Horticulture Barn, Cottage, and Implement Shed, at a cost not to exceed $125 a year. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE The Secretary presented for record the following list of degrees of Doctor of Medicine conferred from J u l y 2 to December 31, 1935: JOSEPH ALBAUM, B.S.—December 8 HYMAN HARRY GOLDSTEIN, B.S.—SepEDWARD RAGNAR ANDERSON, B.S.—September 30 tember 30 HENRY ARNOLD HANELIN—Septem- ELI BARD, B.S.—December 31 GEORGE WILLIAM BARD, B.S.—Decern- ber 30 KYLE CHESTER HAWKTNS, B.S.—No- ber 31 MAX BERG, B.S.—September 30 IRVING BERGER—December 31 HAROLD SAMUEL FEINHANDLER, B.S., vember 22 WILLIAM HOFFSTADTER, B.S.—September 30 THEODOREHOLSTEIN, B.S.—December 31 with Honors—September 30 JEROME JACOB HURWICH, M.S.—Sep- MORRIS E. Fox—September 30 JOHN WILLIAM FRICKE—December 31 tember 30 MAURICE BERNARD JACOBS, B.S.—De- WILUAM GERNON, B.S.—December 31 cember 31