Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS APPOINTMENT OF SAMUEL EVERETT AS ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION 395 (3) A report that under the authority given the President at the time the budget for 1935-1936 was adopted to make such additional appointments as may be necessary, Samuel Everett, Associate in Research at Columbia University, has been appointed Assistant Professor of Education on four-fifths time, at a salary of $3,200 a year, beginning September 1, 1935, and continuing until August 31. 1937- This report was received for record. RETIREMENTS FROM THE STAFF (4) A recommendation that the following employees be retired from service under the rules of the Board on the retiring allowance indicated in each case. Thomas Butler, laborer in the Physical Plant Department, effective October 1, 1935. $762 per year. This employee has reached the age of 65 years, at which retirement is permitted under the rules of the Board for substantial cause. He has been in the service of the University for over 24 years and requests that he be retired. It is desirable that he be retired because of his physical condition. F. W. Gault, Assistant in Soil Survey, effective September I, 1935, $1,007 per year. Mr. Gault is 66 years of age and has been in the service of the University for over 23 years. Because of his health he is unable to continue his work, and his retirement is recommended under the provision of the statutes permitting retirement after the age of 65. On motion of Mr. Barrett, these recommendations were approved. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR JESSE MURDOCK (5) A report that Jesse Murdock, laborer in the Department of Dairy Husbandry, was given eleven days additional sick leave with full pay because of recuperation from a necessary operation due to an injury he suffered in line of duty. This was in addition to the sick leave and vacation allowance to which he is entitled under the rules of the Board of Trustees. This report was received for record. RESIGNATION OF ASSISTANT PROFESSOR A. R. C A H N (6) Assistant Professor A. R. Cahn, of the Department of Zoology, has submitted his resignation from the University, effective March I, 1936, and requests that in view of his thirteen years of uninterrupted service he be given a leave of absence with pay for the first semester of 1935-1936. I recommend approval of this leave and acceptance of the resignation. On motion of Mr. Barr, these recommendations were adopted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR N. M. NEWMARK (7) A recommendation that Dr. N. M. Newmark, Research Assistant in Civil Engineering, be given leave of absence for one-half time without pay during the months of October and November to enable him to assist the United States Navy Department in technical studies of a very important structure now under consideration by the Bureau of Yards and Docks. Under this arrangement he will receive one-half pay during those months and will be absent from his University duties one-half of the time. On motion of Mr. Mayer, this leave was granted as recommended. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR F. W. EBELING (8) A report that F. W. Ebeling, Machinist Foreman in the Physical Plant Department, has been given sick leave of absence for one month with pay in addition to his regular vacation and sick leave allowance. He has been in the employ of the Physical Plant Department for nine years. On motion of Mrs. Freeman, this leave was approved.