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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

372 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 26 READJUSTMENTS IN RENTAL CHARGE FOR PRACTICE ORGANS IN THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC (33) A recommendation that the charge for small practice organs for one hour a day for one semester be reduced from $15 to $10; that the charge for large practice organs for one hour a day for one semester be reduced from $18.75 to $15; and that the charge for the organ in the recital hall be increased from $3-75 for one hour a week per semester to $5.00, which was the rate in effect prior to 1033. On motion of Mrs. Plumb, this adjustment of fees was authorized as recommended. APPOINTMENTS TO COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CLINICAL FACULTY (34) A recommendation that the following appointments be made to the clinical faculty of the College of Medicine for the academic year beginning September 1. 1935. and that the President of the University be authorized to make such changes in this list as may be necessary. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this recommendation w a s adopted. Department of Anatomy JOSEPH SIMONS, M.S., M.D., Assistant (8 months from October 1, 1935) Louis ZOLO F I S H M A N , M.S., M.D., Assistant (8 months from October 1, 1935) 1 ALBERT N E H F , B.S., M.D., Assistant (8 months from October I, 1935) ELMER EMANUEL SWANSON, A.B., B.S., M.D., Assistant ( 8 months from October SAMUEL JACOBS BURROWS, M.D., Assistant ( 8 months from October 1, 1935) 1, 1935) P H I L I P THOREK, B.S., M.D., Assistant (8 months from October I, 1935) ARTHUR V. BERGQUIST, B.S., M.D., Assistant (8 months from October 1, 1935) W I L L I A M MARSHALL COVODE, B.S., A.M., M.D., Assistant ( 8 months from Octo- ber 1, 1935) ROBERT EDWARD DYER, B.S., M.D., Assistant (8 months from October 1, 1935) SAMUEL G. SEINFELD, M.D., Assistant (8 months from October 1, 1935) of Criminology, Social Hygiene, and Medical Jurisprudence P A U L Louis SCHROEDER, B.S., M.D., Professor and Head of the Department, Director of the Institute for Juvenile Research (1 year) RACHELLE S. YARROS, M.D., Professor of Social Hygiene (1 year) ANDREW W I L S O N BROWN, P h . D . , Associate Professor (1 y e a r ) 2 GEORGE JOSEPH MOHR, B.S., M.D., Associate Professor of Juvenile Behavior Department ROY (1 year) GILMORE (1 year) LEOS BARRICK, JENKINS, M.D., M.H.D., Assistant Professor of of Criminology Behaznor RICHARD A.B., M.D., Assistant Professor Juvenile (1 y e a r ) ' FRED T E M P L E BURLING, B.S., M.D., Associate ( i y e a r ) T H O M A S MORTON FRENCH, A.B., M.D., Associate (1 y e a r ) MAXWELL GITELSON, B.S., M.D., Associate (1 y e a r ) NOBEL GUSTAV JOHNSON, A.B., J.D., Associate in Medical Jurisprudence (1 year) W I L L I A M ALEXANDER M C K E E , B.M., M.D., Associate ( i y e a r ) RODNEY H O W E BRANDON, Lecturer (1 y e a r ) W A R R E N GARFIELD MURRAY, Lecturer (1 y e a r ) M A J O R H E N R Y WORTHINGTON, M.D., Lecturer in Hospital Organisation and Ad- ministration ! (1 year)* (1 y e a r ) CONRAD SAMUEL SOMMER, M.S., M.D., Instructor In addition to appointment in Department of Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology (see page 373). J In addition to appointment in Department of Psychology (see salary budget, page 292;. In addition to appointment in Department of Physiology (see page 376). *In addition to appointment in Dispensary (see salary budget, page 335).
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