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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
368 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 26 a bond for $5,000. Approximately 250 uniforms will be required at a total cost of $9,000, which will be paid by the W a r Department. T h e amount of commutation received by the University for these uniforms is fixed by the W a r department at $36 per outfit. Consequently the order is placed on the basis of material, service, and factors other than price. Proposals and sample uniforms were secured from eight companies and were examined by the Commandant and the Purchasing Agent. It is their opinion that the uniform and accessories offered by the Associated Military Stores are of better value than any of the others. This Company received a similar contract for uniforms last year, and the workmanship and fit and the service rendered were very satisfactory. On motion of Mr. Karraker, this contract was awarded as recommended. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (31) T h e following report from the Comptroller of contracts executed since the last report: CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY T H E COMPTROLLER J U N E 8, 1935, TO JULY 22, 1935 Agreements for the development of improved varieties of sweet corn, tomatoes, and lima beans, as authorized by the Board in meeting of May 6, 1935 (Minutes, page 184): With whom Associated Seed Growers, Inc. Sioux City Seed Co. Vaughan'8 Seed Stores, Inc. Payments involved None None None Period April 1, 1935—January 1, 1938 April r, 1935—January 1, 1938 April 1, 1935—January 1, 1938 T h e Illinois State Board for Vocational Education to pay regular fees to the University for instruction to be rendered as follows: For whom Leroy Welter Instruction in Liberal Arts and Sciences Tenure Summer Session 1935 Date July 1, 1935 5, 1935 C o o p e r a t i v e i n v e s t i g a t i o n as a u t h o r i z e d by B o a r d in m e e t i n g of J u n e ( M i n u t e s , page 225) : Name Corn Products Refining Co. Amount to be received by the University £1,500 Purpose Investigation of the use of Cerelose in the manufacture of ice cream Tenure Six months from July 1, 193s Date July 1, 1935 Extension of agreement for one year from July 1, 1935 in accordance with provisions of original contract which was approved by Board in meeting of July 11, 1934 (Minutes, page 4 ) : Name American Dry Milk Institute, Inc. Amount to be received by the University £3,340 Purpose Cooperative investigation to study the utilization by animals of calcium in foods Date July 1, 1935 This report was received for record. INVESTMENT OF E N D O W M E N T FUNDS Mr. Karraker, for the Finance Committee, presented the following report of the purchase of securities with uninvested endowment funds: $10 000 Par, State of California 3 ^ % Relief bonds, due 1945, at 107.52, to yield 2.60. 5 coo P a r , State of Illinois Highway 4% bonds, due 1943, at 112.18, to yield 2.25. 10 000 P a r , City of N e w York Registered Corporation bonds, 4 % , due 1040, at 105.55, to yield 2.80. On motion of M r . K a r r a k e r , this action w a s confirmed.
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