Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

360 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REORGANIZATION OF DISPENSARY [Juty 26 (11) A report that the Dispensary in the College of Medicine has been reorganized as follows: 1. Dr. Major H. Worthington has been appointed Superintendent of the Dispensary, his title to be "Managing Officer of the Research and Educational Hospital and Superintendent of the Dispensary." His salary will be paid by the Department of Public Welfare. 2. The position of Assistant Superintendent of the Dispensary has been established. Dr. Stuart P. Cromer has been temporarily appointed to this position on three-fourths time at a salary of $3,600 a year. 3. Dr. E. S. Moore, formerly Associate Professor of Medicine and Superintendent of the Dispensary on three-fourths time, has been transferred to the Department of Medicine. I request confirmation of these changes. On motion of Dr. Meyer, the action of the President of the University in making these changes was confirmed. BUDGET OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (12) A report that the budget of the Athletic Association, showing the estimated income and expenses for the fiscal year July 1, 1935, to June 30, 1936, has been submitted to the Finance Committee for study and report. This report was received for record. RETIREMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE STAFF (13) A report that the following members of the staff will retire under the statutes of the University, at the dates shown and on the retiring allowances indicated in each case: Henry Aden, laborer in Physical Plant Department (Sept. I, 1935) M. T. Faust, laborer in Physical Plant Department (Sept. 1, 1935) Hilda Hansen, Physical Plant Department, Chicago Colleges (Sept. I, 1935) A. C. Vogele, laborer in Dairy Husbandry Department (Oct. 1, 1935) S526 804 400 579 00 00 00 00 This report was received for record. RETIREMENT OF SHERMAN H. WILLIAMS (14) A recommendation that Sherman H. Williams, laborer in the Department of Dairy Husbandry, be retired from active service effective August 1, 1935, on a retiring allowance of $525 a year. Mr. Williams has been in the service of the University for over sixteen years. He would retire automatically effective September 1, 1935, but because of his health it is recommended that he be retired immediately. On motion of Mr. Wieland, this recommendation was adopted. RETAINMENT OF EMPLOYEES OF COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE (15) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Agriculture that the following men be continued in service for another year: F. W. Gault, Assistant in Soil Experiment Fields, Department of Agronomy J. D. Smith, an employee in the Division of Soils, Department of Agronomy M. D. Rose, a janitor in the Farm Mechanics Building I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mr. Karraker, this recommendation was concurred in. RETIREMENT OF DR. E. S. MOORE (16) A request from Dr. Edward S. Moore, Associate Professor of Medicine and formerly Superintendent of the Dispensary on three-fourths time, that he be retired from active service on account of his health.