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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 215 APPROPRIATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES (19) I recommend that appropriations be made for the following purposes with the understanding that items aggregating $89,800 be submitted to the Governor with the request for the assignment of the balance of the Contingent Fund, the remainder to be appropriated from the General Reserve Fund (See page 207 above). 1. Remodeling Physical Plant Tool Room and Warehouse (Minutes, January 19, 1935) $10 000 2. Additional partitions, fourth floor, Library Building (Minutes, January 19, 1935) 3 000 3. Equipment for College of Engineering, additional (Minutes, January 19, 1935) 22 000 4. Final payment on contract for Lincoln Avenue sewer (Minutes, October 21, 1932) 10 000 5. Library Bindery 6 200 6. Remodeling Offices 9 100 7. Paving campus streets and drives (Gregory Drive east of Burrill Avenue and Goodwin Avenue) 17 000 8. Completion of fencing of University Woods 7 500 9. Landscaping 5 OOP Total $89 800 On motion of M r . Wieland, these appropriations were m a d e as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Barr, M r . Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Karraker, Dr. Meyer, M r s . Plumb, Mr. Pogue, Mr. W i e l a n d ; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . H o r n e r , M r . Mayer, M r . Williams. BABBITT-SCHLENZ PATENT FOR TREATMENT OF SEWAGE SLUDGE (20) The Dean of the College of Engineering recommends that the public be given the right to use the patent granted to H. E. Babbitt, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, and H. E. Schlenz, of the Pacific Flush T a n k Company (formerly a member of the Engineering Experiment Station Staff), covering a special form of two-stage digestion tank for the treatment of sewage sludge. T h e essential object in obtaining patent protection was to guard against public exploitation of this device from private sources. So far as Illinois municipalities are concerned, it would appear that a minimum license fee sufficient to reimburse the University in time for the actual outlay in obtaining patent protection was a reasonable and sound public policy. T h e same reason does not exist for permitting the free use, or for a nominal charge, of the patent by municipalities outside of Illinois. On motion of M r . Barr, this matter was referred to the Committee on P a t e n t s for consideration a n d recommendation. At this point President Williams returned, and resumed the chair. REPORT OF PURCHASES A N D OTHER EXPENDITURES AUTHORIZED (21) A report that in accordance with the authority granted by the Board of Trustees to the President of the University on May 22, 1934, the following purchases amounting to $1,000 and over have been authorized as emergency items: One carload (10,000 gal.) gasoline from the Johnson Oil Refining Company, lowest of four bidders, at a price of $1,080 f.o.b. Urbana, and including the State tax. Cast-iron pipe and fittings for water line to be laid to the new elevated tank, from James B. Clow and Sons, Chicago, the lowest of four bidders, at a price of $5,181.46 f.o.b. Urbana. Painting and decorating in the Woman's Residence Halls, at an estimated cost of $3,550 to be paid out of the reserve for repairs and replacements set
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