Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FUNDS FOR UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS 167 (22) A letter from Director C. S. Havens concerning requests made for plans for the State Surveys building, to be used in supporting an application to the Federal government for a grant of money to construct the building. On motion of M r . Barr, the President of the University was authorized to take such steps as he may consider necessary to support with plans the requests for grants from the Federal government of money for buildings, in the following order of need: ( 1 ) Completion of Medical and Dental Laboratories Building; ( 2 ) Addition to Library Stacks; ( 3 ) Mining and Metallurgy L a b o r a t o r y ; ( 4 ) Surveys Building; ( 5 ) P r e s s Association Building; ( 6 ) Military Riding H a l l ; such buildings to be located on the campus at places to be designated later by the Board of Trustees. At this point, Dr. Meyer withdrew. FIRE AT EXPERIMENTAL GAS PLANT (23) A report that on March 22 the experimental gas plant (a small building erected on the south campus to house equipment for experimental work on the production of gas from corn stalks) was destroyed by fire. The estimated damage, including equipment, is $1,200. Practically all of the expenditures for this plant were from Federal (Purnell) funds. This report was received for record. PURCHASE OF TRUCK FOR FIRE PROTECTION (24) A report from Director C. S. Havens concerning the condition of the University's facilities for protecting its property against fire damage and a request for authority to purchase a small truck to serve as a temporary fire truck and for use in making routine inspections until permanent fire-fighting equipment can be purchased. This purchase was authorized. FIRE PROTECTION (25) In accordance with the instructions of the Board on February 23, 1935, watchmen have been assigned to the Chemistry Building to guard against fires. This has necessitated an addition of $670 in the operating budget of the Physical Plant Department for the balance of the current fiscal year and will require an additional provision of $2,000 a year in the future. On February 23 the matter of fire protection in the old part of the Chemistry Building was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for special attention (Minutes, page 132). On motion of M r s . Plumb, the Committee on Buildings and Grounds was requested to study this matter and to report to the Board. APPROPRIATION FOR STEAM LINE IMPROVEMENTS (26) A recommendation from the Director of the Physical Plant Department that the following improvements in the steam distribution system be authorized and that an appropriation of $2,330.00 be made for this purpose: (A) Steam Line to North Greenhouse $1 330 00 This includes (1) extension of 220-volt 3-phase power and no-volt light service from T.A.M. Building to North Greenhouse in 4-cell clay conduit; (2) extension of 3" low-pressure steam main from T.A.M. Building to North Greenhouse in s'-bore wood log; (3) connecting vacuum pump at Greenhouse and running i}4" return main back and connecting to existing conduit line from E.E. Laboratory in 4 "-bore wood log; and (4) building new 2-compartment manhole, replacing existing steel sump. (B) Recovering 708 lineal feet of 10' low-pressure steam main in tunnel with 2"-thick 85% magnesia pipe covering gi 000 00 Total ?2 33° 00