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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ioi4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Vaughan's Seed Store, Inc., agreement, 184, 368, 633, 878 Vaughn, G., sick leave, 433 Vawter, J., appointment, 301, 694 Veach, Blanche, appointment, 141, 428 Veal, T. R., degree, 37 Velde, R. W. f degree, 907 Venard, Margaret, appointment, 200, 335, 733 Vencill, Genevieve, appointment, 75, 281, 673 Vending machines, revolving account, 356, 753 Venetian blinds, purchase, 634, 769 Ventilating, buildings, studies of systems, 557 investigation, 34, 366 budget, 300, 693 Medical Building, bids, 476 contract, 49s, 519 change orders, 648 Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory, bids, 627 contract, 628, 771 Ventresca, Laura M., degree, 545 Verbeck, B. J., degree, 896 Verdell-Frazier-Young Memorial Fund, bequest, 381 Veselous, Mildred, degree, 905 Vesely, A. J., degree, 35 Vesely, H. C, degree, 35 Vespa, O. D., degree, 241 Vespa, R., degree, 901 Vessey, R. E., appointment, 16, 340, 737 Vestal, A. G., appointment, 106, 284, 676 leave of absence, 535 Vicher, E. E., appointment, 468, 743 degree, 255 Vicklund, W. L., contract for instruction of, 116 Victor, A. J., degree, 907 Videla, H. L., degree, 57 Vincent, L. R., degree, 414 Viner, Madlynfred C, degree, 248 Vinje, Martha E., degree, 248 Viosterol, research, 30, 31, 82 Visiting lecturers, statutes, 580 Visiting professorships, budget, 275, 667 Visitors, expenses, statutes, 596 Visscher, M^ B., appointment, 340, 737 gift, 521 Visual Aids Service, balance reappropriated, 776 budget, 743 Vitamin D investigation, 82 budget, 333, 731 gifts, 493, 520 Vitelli, D. T., degree, 905 Vitzthum, J. A., degree, 244 Vlach, W. P., degree, 244 Vlackt E. F., degree, 911 Vocational Education, See Illinois State Board for Vocational Education. Vogel, Helen C, degree, 240 Vogel, R. Fy degree, 143 Vogele, A. C., appointment, 316, 710 retirement, 360 Vogt, W. T., degree, 899 Voight, Lida E., appointment, 44, 328, 726 Voigt, LeVona, degree, 233 Voigt, Marjorie M., degree, 905 Vokac, F. C-, degree, 908 Volkenant, A. E-, degree, 912 Vollbrecht, J. D., appointment, 16 declination, 45 Voile, E. M„ degree, 900 Vonesh, R. J., certificate, 790 Von Gerichten, Adele D., degree, 239 Voris, F. B., degree, 35 Vorndran, Amelia E., degree, 38 Vose, Dorothy, appointment, 573 Voshall, H., degree, 239 Voshall, J. H., degree, 412 Vouchers, bonds of persons signing, 594 preparation by Chief Accountant, 594 Utilities Research Commission, Inc., agreement, 113, 764 Johnstone patentj waiver, 796 Utley, J. H., appointment, 292, 563, 685 Utterback, D. D., appointment, 101 degree, 888 Utterback, Jacqueline F., degree, 239 Vacations, staff members, regulations, 583, 5*4, S87 Vacherlon, J. F., degree, 897 Vacin, M. E., appointment, 335, 732 Vaichulis, J. A., degree, 256 Vail, C. I)., degree, 8S8 Vail, H. F., degree, 35 Vail, H. T-, degree, 235 Valbert, G. R., degree, 55 Valbracht, S. Ruth, degree, 239 Valenta, I. R., degree, 241 Valsamidis, G. T., degTee, 235 Valve boxes, Physical Plant, purchase, 27, 72 Valvoda, J. F., Jr., degree, 139 Van Adestine, Frances, cancellation, 385 scholarship, 197 Van Alyea, O. E., appointment, 373, 758 Van Areridonk, A. M., degree, 231 Van Arsdell, P. M., appointment, 296, 689 degree, 232 Van Buskirk, Edyth I., degree, 90s Van Campen, J. H., degree, 891 fellowship, 382, 640 Vance, Frances, degree, 339 Vance, Margaret E., degree, 437 Van Cleave, H. J., appointment, 108, 293, 686 leave of absence, 535 postponement, 788 Vandenberg, Irene N., degree, 905 Van Derbeeck, H. J., appointment* 303 death benefit, 456 Vanderbilt, Mary R., degree, 896 Vander Kloot, A., appointment, 336, 734 Van Derpool, J. G., appointment, 326, 428, 724 Vandervoort, R. C, degree, 435 Vandeventer, J. H., appointment, 352, 749 Van Deventer, W. C, degree, 232 Van Doren, C. A., appointment, 313, 319 resignation, 416 Van Duyn, Mrs. Margaret S., resignation, 17 Van Etten, C. H., degree, 436 Van Etten, Lena M., degree, 412 Van Gilder, P. J., degree, 437 Van Gorder, H., contract for instruction of, 52 Van Hazel W., appointment, 340, 923 Van Home, J., appointment, 292, 563, 685 Vaninger, R. S., degree, 546 Van Loon, E. J., degree, 545 Van Meter, Irene, degree, 55 Van Meter, V. J., degree, 244 Vanneman, Mary E., appointment, 552, 722 resignation, 45 Van Ness, J. W., degree, 905 Van Orman, E, G., degree, 905 Van Petten, F. R., certificate, 513 Van Petten, Willa M., degree, 57 Van Schoick, E. H., member of ceramic advisory committee, 78 Van Sickle, Edith W., degree, 412 Van Sickle, Marion, degree, 248 Van Sickle, Martha H., degree, 906 Van Sickle, R. E., degree, 56 Van Tress, Frances J., degree, 239 Van Tress, L. M., degree, 436 Van Tuin, J. W., degree, 248 Van Vleet, Phyllis P., appointment, 44, 331 Varennes, A. de, Jr., degree, 899 Varnum, E. E., degree, 243 Vascular diseases, investigation, 884 Vasey, Virginia w . , degree, 896 Vatter, W. J., appointment, 16 resignation, 45
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