UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Sowers, N. E.p degree, 889 Soybean Research Laboratory, establishment, agreement, 632 application* 404. 532 Spalding* F. L., degree, 244 Spangler, W. H., degree* 901 Spanish, special fee, 228, 768 Sparks, Mrs. Meredith, appoint merit, 65, 286 degree, 887 resignation, 552 Sparks, R. C, statement, optional University route on Green Street, 448 Sparks, R. E-, degree, 249 Sparks, W. J., appointment, 200 degree, 542 Speakman, C. D., lease, 178, 224 Spealman, M. L,, degree* 231 Spear, Frances L., degree, 250 Spectrograph, purchase, 27, 492 Speech, special fee, 229, 768 Speer, J. N., degree, 545 Speer, R. E., degree, 35 Spellberg, M. A., appointment, 643, 759 Spence, J. M,, degree, 254 Spence, R. W. f appointment, 468, 551, 922 Spence, W. A., degree, 893 Spencer, E. A., certificate, 153 Spencer, Edith L., degree, 249 Spencer, Glenna A., degree, 248 Spencer, P. L., degree, 412 Spencer, R. A., degree, 253 Spengel, G. V., degree, 898 Spengeman, A. H., degree, 898 Sperry, F. D., introduction, 448 Sperry, G. A., degree, 905 Spickerman, Martha L., degree, 239 Spiel man, M. A., appointment, 16 Spiesman, I. G., appointment, 373, 758 Spiesman, Mildred C-, degree, 908 Spiller, A. L., certificate, 254 Spinka, I., degree, 253 Spira, B., certificate, 254 Spira, S., degree, 253 Spires, L. A., degree, 900 Spitler, J. C., appointment, 321, 702, 716 Spitznas, U. H., degree, 136 Spivack, J. L., appointment, 551, 762 Spivey, Marion G,, degree, 240 Spodak, H., degree, 911 Spoonamore, Helen L., appointment, 65 See also McFarland, Mrs. Helen S. Spooner, C. S., degree, 888 Sprague, V. G., appointment, 922 Spray materials, effect on plants, research, *33 Spray residue studies, funds, 404 Sprengel, H. J., degree, 901 scholarship, 640 Springer, C. H., appointment, 302, 695 Springer, W. L., degree, 4*4 Springfield Fire and Marine Company, insurance on greenhouse, 531 Sprinkle, D. C., appointment, 318, 713 Spyrison, T. N., degree, 899 Squarcy, C. M., degree, 901 Squibb, }. W., appointment, 43 Stack, Mrs. H. P., appointment, 573 Stack gases, investigation, 113, 764 budget, 300, 306, 6g3, 699 Stadium, repairs, assignment of funds, 439, 488 windstorm insurance, 30 Stadium fund, dividend from First National Bank of Champaign, 97, 4&1, 637 Stadler, Therese, appointment, 279, 671 Stadtlander, H. \V„ certificate, 790 Staehle, Mrs. Ida M., appointment, 427,. 751 retirement, 631 Staehlin, P. W., degree, 907 "Staff, absences, regulations, 583, 584, 588 appointments, procedure, 582, 584 assistants, work schedule, 583 automobiles, use, 600


Staff, cont'd. clerical, terms of employment, 587 commercial tests, statutes, 592 communications, procedure, 589 custodianship of students' expense funds, 597 death benefits, statutes, 585 discharge, procedure, 582 fees, exemption, 585 food handlers, immunization, 589 freedom of teaching, 582 holidays, regulations, 587, 588 laboratory supervision during holidays, 599 leaves of absence, regulations, 584, 588 library, statutes, 581 mechanical, terms ©f employment, 588 patents, regulations, 590 physical examinations, statutes, 589, (ion promotions, procedure, 582 ranks, academic, 582 reports, procedure, 589 resignations, procedure, 583, 588 retired members, privileges, 587 retirement, regulations, 586 retiring allowances, statutes, 585 salaries, statutes, 583, 584, 586 services, for outside parties, 592 outside scope of duties, 588 student assistants, wages; 589 surety bonds, statutes, 594 temporary employees, regulations, 584 tenure, statutes, 582 terms of employment, 583, 587, 588 traveling expenses, procedure, 596 vacations, regulations, 583, 587, 588 See also Budget, Faculty, etc. Stafford, G. T., appointment, 329, 727 leave of absence, -4 Stafford, \V. F,, appointment, 16, 338 Staggs, G. H., degree, 902 Stagman, J^ appointment, 427 Staley, S. C.f appointment, 109, 329, 727 Stallings, H. D., appointment, 257 degree, 252 Stallion, purchase, 9, 82, 407, 518 Stallman, AHreda K.T degree, 231 StaUmann, F. \V\, fellowship, 640 scholarship, T97 Stalnaker, C. C, appointment, 110, 297, 483 Stamler, M., degree, 35 Standard Brands Incorporated, gift, 53, 72, 461, 884 Stander, Mary E., degree, 545 Stanford, R. F., degree, 244 gift, 186 Stange, C. J., degree, 241 Stanley, Marjorie E. ( degree, 905 Stanner, Mrs, Evelyn S., appointment, 348, 745 Stansell, Lucille, appointment, 142 Stanton, Helen, degree, .250 Stapp, Katherine £., degree, 437 Star, L. P., degree, 250 Stark, Helen, appointment, 142 Starr, C. J., appointment, 303. 69S Starr, M. O., degree, 245 Starrett, J. W., degree, 240 Starrett, W. C, degree, 893 Stashak, F., appointment, 334, 732 Stastny, J. W., certificate, 910 State appropriations, estimated income, 270, 662 See also Budget and Legislation. State Architect, service available, 91 State Auditor, authority to reimburse University, 364 State Board of Natural Resources and Conservation, plans of Survey Building, 216 representatives present at meeting, 94 State Board for Vocational Education, contracts, 29, 52, 72* 82, Q?, 116, 152, 171, 224. 368, 457. 5^8, 878