UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 683]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Medicine, Department of, budget, expense, 546 salary, 549 clinical faculty, 589 name changed from Internal Medicine, 569 Medicine, Internal, See Internal Medicine. Medintz, H., degree, 365 Medley, Esther V., degree, 618 Medrow, Mrs. Ethel V., appointment, 75 Meece, Leona B., degree, 608 Meeker, R. W., degree, 254 Meier, Alta M., degree^ 606 Meisenheimer, H., certificate, 620 contract for instruction of, 480 Mei'slahn, C. D., Jr., degree, 342 Melamersotv B. H., degree, 616 Melbourn, Gladys E.j degree, 251 Meliza, Cleo I., appointments, 53, 332, 415 See also Meyer, Mrs. Cleo M. Mellon, E. H., degree, 133 Melnick, P. J., appointments, 143, 178, 268, 346, 390, 427, 59! Melody, P., degree, 403 Melville, W. J., appointment, 130 Membership in organizations, budget, 7, 289, 493 Memming, G. H. R.t degree, 256 fellowships, 266, 479 Mendelsohn, H. H., degree, 265 Meneely, D., appointments, 78, 357, 563 Meneeiy, Doris A., degree, 619 Menke, W. J., certificate, 620 Men's Dormitories, Committee, discharged, 369 Men s Old Gymnasium, roof repair, 94 Merel, Sadie S-, appointment, 130 Merrtck, E. W., degree, 608 Merrill, Virginia, degree, 136 Merritt, J. F., degree, 96 Merten, G. R., degree, 611 Mertz, E. T., appointments, 16, 173, 298 degree, 191 Mertz, L. K.., degree, 605 Mertz, W. T., fellowship, 479 Mesick, Clarice L., appointments, 71* 349, 554 Mesirow, S. D., degree, 96 Messman, L. E., degree, 262 Metabolism, calcium, investigation, additional gift, 208 research fund, 64 Metallurgical Engineering, budget, expense, 5i6 salary, 519 Metcalf, C. L., appointments, 19* 301, 447. 505 Metcalf, R. I., degree, 60S Meter, L. V., degree, 132 Meters, electric, purchase, 576 water, appropriation, 596 Methane gas, research, expendable gift fund, special cooperative fund, 39 Metter, H. L,, degree, 261 Metterhausen, Mrs. Alice K.,

204 32


Meyer, Esther, appointments, 73, 352, 557 degree, 407 Meyer, F. L, degree, 607 Meyer, H. E., degree, 458 Meyer, H. I., appointments, 87, 281, 592 Meyer, J., appointments, 84, 278, 589 Meyer, K. A., member of committees, 201, 468 selection of President, 203 study budget of Chicago departments, Meyer, L. W. A., appointments, 16, 174, 299 Meyer, M. K., degree, 616 Meyers, E. L., appointments, 15, 173 degree, 460 Meyers, L, certificate, 263 Meyers, Lulu B., appointments, 44, 324, 529 Meyerson, S.» appointment, 130 Michael, Edna A., degree, 254 Michael, G. W., appointments, 8, 391, 495 Michael, Viola M., appointments, 45, 325, 529 degree, 598 Michaels, W. H., appointment, 49 Michaud, Marie L., degree, 605 Michaud, R., appointments, 23, 304, 508 Michel, D. D., degree, 601 Michelmann, Flora D., degree, 132 Middleton, Evelyn B., degree, 616 Middleton, L. G., degree, 613 Midwest Canning Corporation, gift, 147 Mielke, A. W., degree, 239 Mies, Mildred, degree, 248 Mikalauckas, Monica M., degree, 405 Mikkola, H. A., degree, 265 Mikle, C. R., degree, 611 Milburn, Marjorie R., degree, 403 Milens, C. A., degree, 245 Miles, A. P., degree, 239 Miles, H. J., appointments, 21, 303, 448, 507 Miles, K. W., degree 239 Miles, Margaret E., degree, 613 Miles, R. H., appointments, 58, 336, 449, 54* leave of absence, 432 Milhone, D. W., degree, 258 Military, Armory annex proposed, 462 budget, 62, 340, 545 clothing and equipment, balance reappropriated, 586 unexpended balance, 82, 276 deposit fund, Si, 361, 567 equitation, budget, 545 classes, 454 overcoats and gloves, balance reappropriated, 586 overcoat fund, unexpended balance, 82,276 revolving fund, 62, 340, 545 uniforms, budget, 62, 340, 545 contracts, 116, 224, 378 Military Bands, appropriation, expense and equipment, 431 Bradley bequest, 401 payment deferred, 420 budget, expense, 5, 287, 491 salary, 63, 340, 545 recipient of Sousa Memorial Library, 138 uniforms, deposit fund, 81, 361, 567 Military training, resolution, Bloomington Presbytery, 436 students with physical defects, regulations for corrective work, 206 Milk, dry skimmed, investigation, 230, 378, 524 fluid, marketability of, expendable gift fund, 41 lactic acid, research fund, 64 supply and demand, St. Louis, cooperative study, 573 toxins, research fund, 64 Milko, J. A., degree, 456 Millard, I. I., degree, 622 Millbrook, May I., appointments, 62, 339, 545 Miller, Alma L, degree, 355



degree, 196 Metz, A. R,, appointments, 87, 281, 592 Metz, G. C . degree, 618 Metzdorf, F. R., deg ree, 253 Metzger, Mary A., degree, 248 Meydrech, R. F „ degree, 402 Meyer, A. K.f degree, 439 Meyer, Bernadine H-, degree, 251 Meyer, Bernice L.» degree, 251 Meyer, C. E-, appointments, 15, 173, 298, 447, 502 degree, 120 Meyer, Mrs. Clara R., appointments, 48, 51, 327, 330, S3i, 534 Meyer, Mrs. Cleo M., appointment, 534 See also Meliza, Cleo I. Meyer, D. M.t degree, 385