UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 662]

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Goldberg, H. L., degree, 606 Goldberg, L., appointments, 66, 344, 549 Goldberg, L. I., degree, 606 Goldberg, M. A., degree, 607 Goldberg, P. T., degree, 621 Goldberger, S. M,, appointments, 86, 280, 591 Golden, D., degree, 197 Golden, E. D., degree, 617 Golden, S. R^ degree, 247 Goldenberg, G., degree, 439 Goldenberg, I. A., degree, 622 Goldenberg, N., degree, 622 Golder, H. M., degree, 403 Goldin, A. A., certificate, 622 Goldman, H., C.P.A. certificate, 100 Goldman, M. S., appointments, 18, 184, 300, 504. Goldstein, A., appointments, 441, 556 degree, 265 Goldstein, A. T., degree, 619 Goldstein, C. B., degree, 251 Goldstein, H. A., degree, 251 Goldstein, H. H., certificate, 620 Goldstein, Idelle, appointment, 129 Goldstein, J. M., degree, 621 Goldstein, L. A., degree, 604 Goldstein, L. H., degree, 604 Goldstine, Rose L., degree, 135 Goldwasser, Moses, appointments, 84, 279, 589 Gollin, C. M., degree, 246 Gollings, Katherine E., degree, 604 Golub, H. W., appointments, 85, 279, 589 Gonseth, J. E., degree, 611 Gonzalez, A. E., degree, 618 Goodale, Eleanor L.. degree, 238 Goodall, Mary H., aegree, 238 Goodell, D., degree, 245 Goodell, Helen E., degree, 406 Goodfriend, S. L., degree, 238 Goodman, B. E., C.P.A. certificate, 100 Goodman, Catherine E., appointments, 47, Goodman, E. F., degree, 439 Goodman, H. D., degree, 385 Goodman, I. A., degree, 613 Goodman, M. E., Jr., degree, 238 Goodrich, B. F., Rubber Company, laboratory supplies purchased, 160 Goodrick, Helen, appointments, 150, 323, 330 Goodson, M. R., appointment, 625 degree, 193 Goodspeed, W. S., appointments, 34, 314, 518 Goodwill Industries, lease of old Medical Building, 209, 575 Goodwin, N. F., member of advisory committee, 128 Goodwin Avenue, drainage, 375 sewer pipe, 413 Goodwine, G., appointments, 11, 294, 498 Goodyear, R. L., degree, 246 Gopel, R. A., degree, 615 Gordon, F. M., bond, 219 reduced, 362, 398 elected Treasurer, 200 report, 106, 379 Gordon, Fredrica B., degree, 607 Gordon, H. S., certificate, 620 Gordon, J. W., appointments, 463, 556 degree, 137 Gordon, Lecie C , degree, 604 Gordon, N., degree, 241 Gordon, O. E., degree, 619 Gore, Marjorie D., degree, 617 Goreham, W. J., degree, 256 Gorenflo, O. B., degree, 246 Gorevitz, R. L., degree, 238 Gorodazky, A., degree, 262 Gorin, M., appointment, 549 Gornick, T., degree, 611 Gosnell, M. E., degree, 613 Gotshalk, D. W., appointments, 22, 303, 448, 507



Gill, Harriett R., degree, 131 Gill, P. E., degree, 612 Gill, T. W„ degree, 613 Gilland, W „ contract for instruction of, 413 Gillesby, W. J., appointments, 6g, 348, SS3 degree, 06 Gillham, W. C , degree, 610 Gilliland, W. J., contract for instruction of,


degree, 604 Gillis, M. J., Jr., degree, 613 Gilman, G.f degree, 262 Gil man, L., degree, 241 Gilman, W. N„ degree, 604 Gilmore, T. H., degree, 439 Gilmore, Sylvia C , appointments, 75, 3S3> 559 Gilmore, Wilma R-, aegree, 251 Gilster, Lillian R., degree, 604 Gingrich, F. F., appointments, 54* 333. 44L 538 Ginsberg, M. M., degree, 604 Ginsburg, H. M., degree, 598 Girden, E. S., appointment, 407 degree, 600 fellowship, 121 Gishwiller, J. N., degree, 607 Gitelson, M., appointment, 120, 463, 588 Glaser, Alberta C., degree, 615 Glasow, Elizabeth, degree, 238 Glass, J, M., degree, 611 Glass, Margaret L., degree, 251 Glasser, E. G„ degree, 618 Glasser, J., degree, 241 Glassman, J, A., degree, 262 Glasstetter, H. A., degree, 244 Glassware, pyrex, purchase, 105, 147, i8g, 229, 378, 435, 480 Glaza, T. T., degree, 254 Gleason, Eileen G. G., degree, 193 Gleason, Neva N., degree, 238 Glenn, Marguerite J., appointments, 60, 343, 549 Glenn, R. W., certificate, 620 Glenn, S. E., appointments, 18, 300, 447, 504 Glenn, V. R., degree, 610 Glenner, R. J ^ degree, 96 Glennon, W. E., degree, 609 Click, H. D., C.P.A. certificate, 430 Glicken, M. E., degree, 254 GHckman, Esther, appointment, 129 GHniecki, E. S-, degree, 264 Glockhoff, R. H., degree, 604 Gloss, A. J., appointments, 582, 590 Glossinger, Berthyl L., degree, 457 Glotfelty, Mrs. Irene, appointments, 35, 315, ^ 388, 519 Glover, Anna C., appointments, 42, 49, 321, _ 329. 525, 533 Glowczewski, A. P., degree, 622 Goar, Carolyn R., degree, 238 Goatley, Gertrude, appointments, 9, 292, 496 Goble, G. W., appointments, 56, 187, 334, 450. 539 GoddarcK G. D., degree, 194 Goder, G. A;, appointment, 69 Godfrey, T. B., aegree, 194 Godwin, A. C., degree, 265 Godwin, E. P., degree, 243 Godwin, P. S., degree, 459 Goebel, M. T. J., degree, 460 Goedde, Norma S., degree, 135 Goelitz, Mary L., degree, 238 Goff, J. A., appointments, 35, 314, 518 Goff, S. R., aegree, 241 Goggin, Edna M., appointments, 24, 176, 304, 509 Goheen. G. E., degree, 607 Gohn, Evelyn V., degree, 618 Gohn, Ruth L., degree, 615 Gold, Mitzi, degree, 241 Goldberg, B., appointments, 84, 278, 589 Goldberg, Belle K., degree, 458