Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

32 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 13 Salary 3. H . H . Braucher, Associate 4. R. T. Gregg, Assistant. (See Supervision and High School Instruction (Total salary 5. Lillian H a r t , Secretary (Exempt) (See Administration (From Summer Session (Total salary Total, Industrial Education A D F F D EG25 EG75 DG25 DG65 DG10 3 000 400 1 200) 1 600) 500 1 300) 300) 2 loo) $ 12 650 Bureau of Educational Research 1. W. S. Monroe, Professor Director 2. T. T. Hamilton, Assistant Sem. I 2a. , Assistant Sem. II 3. Neva Covey, Chief Clerk (C. S.) Total, Bureau of Educational Research $ 6000 900 000 1 260 9 060 $ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Summary Expense and Salaries Equipment Total Administration $ 18 400 00 $ 2 400 00 $ 20 800 00 Ceramic Engineering 22 680 00 2 600 00 25 280 00 Civil Engineering 60 400 00 2 700 00 63 100 00 Electrical Engineering 50 633 00 2 700 00 53 333 00 General Engineering Drawing 34 300 00 1 000 00 35 300 00 Mechanical Engineering 106 850 00 5 800 00 112 650 00 Mining Engineering 14 500 00 375 00 14 875 00 Physics 77 266 00 4 300 00 81 566 00 Railway Engineering 19 500 00 700 00 20 200 00 Theoretical and Applied M e c h a n i c s . . . . 53 200 00 2 500 00 55 700 00 Total, College (457 729 00) ( 25 075 00) (482 804 00) Engineering Experiment Station 62 270 00 9 750 00 72 020 00 Coal Mines Investigation 360000 65000 425000 Total, Station ( 65 870 00) ( 10 400 00) ( 76 270 00) Grand Total $523 599 00 Expendable Gift Funds Ceramic Engineering Salaries Boiler Furnace Refractories Ageing of Porcelain Chemical Engineering Partial Oxidation $ 3000 Chemical Reaction of Methane Gas 3 000 Illinois Gas Association Graduate Assistantship in Research 1 200 Solubility of Boiler W a t e r s 4000 Stack Gases 4 oco Expense and Equipment $ 60$ 10 400 500 500 500 Total 60 10 3400 3 500 1 200 4500 4 500 $ 3 5 475 00 $55907400