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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 105]

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ten dollars for each half-unit of credit taken in the High School; provided, however, that the total additional charge for such instruction in the High School shall not exceed the regular fee of twenty-five dollars per semester charged regular students in the H i g h School. O n m o t i o n of M r . A r m s t r o n g , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a d o p t e d . REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION IN AGRICULTURE AND EDUCATION (13) The University Senate Committee on Educational Policy recommends that, effective September 1, 1932, the total number of semester hours required for graduation in the Colleges of Education and Agriculture be changed to 120 hours and the prescribed courses in military and physical education. The first meeting of the Senate will be held on October 3 so that it was impossible to get action by that body before the Board meeting today. Since the recommendations involve no change from the newly established policy in this matter, I recommend that they be approved subject to similar action by the University Senate.

On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this recommendation was adopted.

CHANGE OF HEADQUARTERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (14) A request from the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association that it be authorized to change its headquarters from the present location on the third floor in the Administration Building to the Illinois Union Building, so that its offices will be more accessible to students and visiting alumni. The Union has previously rented the space which the Alumni Association wishes to occupy for $2,000 a year. T h e Union owes the University about $6,500 for work done on its building by the University, which the Board of Trustees agreed to allow the Union to pay in installments (Minutes, July 23, 1930, p. 31). The Illinois Union proposes that instead of repaying this debt in cash it be permitted to repay it in terms of furnishing quarters for the Alumni Association, charging off $1,200 a year for this purpose (which is a reduction of $800 a year in the amount of rental derived by the Union for the same space before). Therefore an appropriation of funds by the University would not be necessary, since the annual rental charge would be written off for the next five years against the amount due the University from the Union.

On motion of Mr. Barr, this request was approved.

STAFF APPOINTMENTS IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS (15) In accordance with the terms of the agreement between the University and the State Department of Public Welfare (Minutes, April 20, 1932, page 565) the University is required to nominate a managing officer of the Research and Educational Hospitals, and also a Director of the Institute for Juvenile Research, and to join with the State Department of Public Welfare in the appointment of members of the staff of the Institute for Juvenile Research. T h e Executive Committee of the College of Medicine by unanimous vote has recommended the name of Dr. Major H . Worthington as Managing Officer of the Research and Educational Hospitals. H e has held this position since 1929, being appointed at that time by joint agreement of the Department and the University and his work in that position has been thoroughly satisfactory to the College of Medicine. The Executive Committee of the College of Medicine further recommends for appointment to the position of Director of the Institute for Juvenile Research Dr. Paul L. Schroeder, who has been Director of the Institute for the past two years, and serving for several years prior to that date as First Assistant in the Institute. I recommend approval of these recommendations and request authority to concur in the appointment by the Department of Public Welfare of the present personnel of the Institute, as provided in the agreement, the complete list to be submitted to the Board for record.

On motion of Mr. Williams these recommendations were approved.