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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 75 E Q U I P M E N T FOR M C K I N L E Y HOSPITAL Dr. Noble presented the following report: To the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: At the regular meeting on June 19 you referred to President Chase and to myself, with power, recommendations for the purchase of equipment for the McKinley University Hospital. The improvements recommended fall naturally into three classes: (1) building maintenance and repairs; (2) replacements of equipment both for service and medical uses; (3) the purchase of new equipment for treatment and diagnosis. President Chase, Professor White, and I met at the hospital on August 16. T h e Supervising Architect was instructed to proceed with the necessary building maintenance work charging same to the University appropriation for building maintenance. The items in the second group were very generally approved and I later approved requisitions for materials estimated to cost $2,384.00. It seems advisable to equip the hospital with One Nitrous Oxide Ethelyne gas machine ?35° 0° One Sanborn Metabolism Outfit 160 00 One Vertical and Horizontal Fluoroscopic Table 900 00 Filing Cabinets for records including X-ray films W. L. Noble O n motion of Dr. Noble, this report was adopted, and the purchase of additional equipment to cost $1,410 was authorized as recommended. PARK SYSTEM A T MEDICAL CENTER Dr. Noble presented the following letter: September 11, 1930 Hon. W . L. Noble, Chairman, Committee of the Chicago Dept., University of Illinois, 31 N . State Street, Chicago, Illinois Dear Dr. Noble: W e are addressing you relative to the development of the Medical Area in the vicinity of the Cook County Hospital in the City of Chicago, in which development the Chicago West T o w n Chamber of Commerce is vitally interested. B y the proposed creation of an attractive medical center with small parks in which convalescents m a y gather, noise of traffic being avoided, and a restful atmosphere induced, all will be benefited. According to our records there are six hospitals in this zone with approximately 4,500 beds. Nurses Training Schools have an enrollment of about 700. There are three Medical Colleges, two Dental Colleges, and the School of Pharmacy, these enroll about 2,500 Students and 700 Faculty Members. A Y.M.C.A. West Side Professional Department has recently been erected at a cost exceeding one million dollars. These units are located contiguous to a district where poverty prevails and where neither parks nor recreation spots exist. It is our purpose to promote by all possible means, improvements benefiting the sick, supplementing the efforts of medical staffs and transforming the medical center into an area which the West Division m a y view with satisfaction. Institutions, and outstanding individuals operating professionally in the district, are signifying approval of the project of this Chamber by application for membership, which definitely includes them in our effort. M a y w e ask for your support? Sincerely yours, CHICAGO WEST TOWN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE H . J. RUGGLES, Manager
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