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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Witmore, I. C , degree, 631 Wittbold, R. H., degree, 251 Witte, T. C , degree, 258 Wittelle, F. M., appointments, 114, 368 Wittert, V., degree. 640 Wixted, J. F., certificate, 268 Woener, E. M., degree, 251 Wohld, B. R., degree, 620 Wohlfarth, L., appointment, 300 Wojtanowicz, F. C., degree, 263 Wolever, F. E., appointment, 457 Wolf, B. R., stockholder, Champaign Securities Company, 11 Wolf, H. C , degree, 249 Wolf, H. H., degree, 8 Wolf, J. R., degree, 258 Wolf, S., appointment, 358 Wolfe, A., appointment, 481 Wolfe, A. G., degree, 266 Wolfe, A. M., degree, 250 Wolfe. J. B., appointments, 314, 169 degree, 638 Wolfle, H. M., appointments, 457, 558 Wolinsky, I., degree, 381 Wollgast, G. F„ degree, 8 Woloson, P. J., degree, 259 Wolter, J. G. E., degree, 618 Wolters, W . B., degree, 641 Woman's Building, laboratory equipment, contract, 412 Woman's Gymnasium, architect's fees, 375 contracts, baskets and racks, 376 dressing booths, 376 hardware, 97 lightingfixtures,277 linoleum, 412 lockers, 376 roofing and sheet metal, 5 4 sewer lines, 30 ventilation, 2g walks and drives, 476, 488 furnishings, 515, 555 insurance, 28 Woman's Residence Halls, budget, expense, 3°"4 salary, 303 funds, investment, 40 summary of operations, 42 third unit, plans, 194, 377 authority to advertise for bids, 445 rescinded, 475 Women, Dean of, budget, expense, 294 salary, 297 W o m e n faculty members, swimming classes, 121 Wood, A.555.M., appointment,169,gift, 577 on, Wong,n H.Fetes,appointments, 268 328 347from Wooddell,621 F-,349certificate, W7ood, Wstudents' physical470 Committee W odegree,.J.L.,H-, degree, 134309 32586, 549 Woodruff, F., W-, Farm250 313 Woodrow, E., M., degree, 643 Woodroofe,H.,commission, 624 Woodford L., appointment,welfare fund Woodfill, S-, degree, 450 636 Wood F. A., degree, 245 Bureau, 314, Woodford,M-, M.f appointments, m May R., degree,620 206 gift, J.L. M., 641 626 e G. E. degree,250 R. Mdegree, appointments, D. County National Utilization, 472 R., T-R., H., appointment, L. 723 Woodruff, S.j appointments, 338, 342 Woodruff, W . J., appointment, 86 Woods, E. G., degree, 252 Woods, R. S ^ degree, 248 Woodward, C. F., appointments, 114, 198, 190, 308 degree, 526 Woodward, H., appointment, 457 Woodworth, C. I., degree, 245 Woodworth, C. M., appointment, 334 Woodworth, M . L., degree, 448 Wooley, W . T., degree, 528 Woolley, W , R., degree, 635 Woolverton, D., degree, 248 Worden, F. J., commission, 260 degree, 259 Working fund, emergency, established, 216 report on, 387 World, R. WT, degree, 634 Woroshiloff, L. A., degree, 251 Worst, S. L., degree, 252 Worthen, R. D-, degree, 617 Worthington, M., statement, 401 Wray, G. M.. degree, 92 Wrench, H. E., degree, 631 Wright, A., degree, 470 Wright, A. D., appointment, 325 Wright, A. F., degree, 617 Wright, A. R., appointments, 312, 549 Wright, G. C.t degree, 269 Wright, H.t appointment, 348 degree, 623 Wright, H. E., degree, 245 Wright, I., appointment, 318 Wright, T. F., appointments, 298, 316 Wright, J. S., degree, 245 Wright, K. F., degree, 617 Wright, L., appointments, 86, 338 Wright, M. V., degree, 628 Wright, S., degree, 269 Wright, T., degree, 252 Wright, W . W-, degree, 641 Wright, Walter F., degree, 631 fellowship, 587 Wright, Winifred F-, degree, 626 Wright Street, pavement, resolution, 486 W u , L. S., degree, 633 W u , R. K., degree, 620 W u , Y., degree, 627 Wuellner, W . V., degree, 629 scholarship, 280 Wuesteman, A. E,, certificate, 640 Wunderlich, M., degree, 245 Wurdell. C. L., degree, 95 Wvbraniec, A. H., degree, 268 Yackle,equipment, appointment,Medicine, Xanthakos,C.H.fS.,120certificate,306221 purYates, M.C.W-,degree,degree, 337 Yarros,investigation,degree, 499 370 Yang, W C.C., degree,32,617 of164327 Wynne,G.P.H..A.,research, 99170 141 Yeast, Yarcho, R. P., T-, 94 Yarbrough,fund, appointment, Yapp, .giftW appointment, Yahr, S.S.,S., degree,258 259 Yaggy,H., 371143 degree, 268 Yadon,P.J. A.,C.P.A. 246gifts X-ray,bids,E.,chemistry, 441, Wyninger,R., A., degree,297 for, Wynekoop,appointment,6*7 469 Wyneken,P., forW.,College 24, Wyckoff,purchase,354supplies, 469 tubes, W,, appointments, research surgical 95 table, J. degree, research, T. laboratory, contract, chase, 138
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