UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 724]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES J Williamson, C S., appointment, 357 i Williamson, Mrs. D. K., appointment, 303 j Williamson, E., appointment, 178 I Williamson, E. R., degree, 625 j Williamson, H. L., introduced, 218 I Williamson, J. C , degree, 245 ; Williamson, R. E., appointment, 40S Williamson, R. L., degree, 618 Willis, D. A., appointment, 369 Willke, M. W., degree, 620 Willman, H. B., degree, 265 Willman, M. R., degree, 530 Wills, D. V., degree, 164 Wills, J. E., appointments, 86, 338 Wilmerh, C. E., degree, 623 Wilmot, H. E., degree, 628 Wilson, A. C., degree, 245 Wilson, A. D., certificate, 268 degree, 92 Wilson, C. A., lease, 47, 441, 495 Wilson, C. H., degree, 628 Wilson, E., degree, 258 Wilson, E. H., degree, 626 Wilson, E. L., degree, 617 Wilson, E. M., degree, 620 Wilson, E. T., degree, 473 Wilson, Mrs. F. D., appointment, 321 Wilson, F. E., certificate, 640 degree, 245 Wilson, F. S-, appointment, 367 Wilson, G., degree, 249 Wilson, G. C , Jr., degrees, 253, 258 Wilson, G. J., degree, 164 Wilson, H. E., Jr., degree, 617 Wilson, H. K., appointment, 337 degree, 636 WTilson, J. G., degree, 252 Wilson, T. M., degree, 618 Wilson, J. R., degree, 530 Wilson, M. E., degree, 24s Wilson, M. L., degree, 245 Wilson, M. M., degree, 78 Wilson, Majel, appointment, 308 Wilson, Maxine, degree, 245 Wilson, R. B., certificate, 640 Wilson, R. J., degree, 258 Wilson, R. M., degree, 626 Wilson, R. P., degree, 258 Wilson, S. E., degree, 166 Wilson, V. J., degree, 261 Wilson, W., appointment, 313 Wilson, W . M., appointment, 328 Wilson, W . S., appointment, 351 Wilson Laboratories, gift, 371 Wilton, S. J. W., degree, 258 Wirick, L.bondsappointment, lease, Wineland,F., N.„W., degree, 249 Windus, D.A. J. degree, degree,643 Windsor,H.259E.,degree,165, 78,260335 Winchester,H.,M.,commission,166626 346 Winchell,Wr.,L. appointment, ana299,24, Winakor,E.U.P.,L.,purchased,631635Power ComWimer, E.H.A.,E.?degrees,certificate, 161 141 Winters, A., S-, C.P.A. 245 334 Winsper, C- CB.,B.,appointment,621 Winkler,WJessamine, degree, 363 Wingfield,C.F., degree,623253446 Withers, .H. degrees, 265 251, Witherell,77 degree, Light Wishart, P. H., degree, 78 Wise, Wisconsin-Minnesota 473631 Wirth,F. A. ,degree,Home, Winter, E,, A., degrees,266 319 Winsberg,E. L-, appointments, 450 Withey, J. L., appointment, degree, E. Jr., degree, 624 pany, H. H., degrees,245, Jr.,

Whittier, C C , statement, 121 Whittington, G., degrees, 245. 258 Whyte, D. M., degree, 245 Wick, C. M., degree, 162 Wickersham, G. M., degree, 630 Wickhorst, L., degree, 258 Wickland, E. H., degree, 250 Wickliffe, C , degree, 447 Wickwire, G. C , appointment, 314 Wiedey, C. R., degree, 165 Wiegand, D. E., commission, 260 degree, 250, 634 fellowship, 587 scholarship, 213 Wiegand, W . W., degree, 245 Wiegman, C. J., degree, 164 Wienie, F. M., degree, 628 Wien, M. S-, appointment, 356 Wicn, N. A., degree, S Wienman, H. M., degree, 530 Wiersigj R. E., degree, 245 Wies, C. O., degree, 250 Wiesman, C. K., degrees, 246, 633 Wiggins, E. D., degree, 268 Wilborn, S. L., degree, 245 Wilbur, A. P. A., degree, 258 Wilbur, R. L., honorary degree, 211 Wilcox, L. E., degree, 448 Wilcox, P. M., degree, 629 Wilcox, R. H., appointment, 338 Wilder, R. C , degree, 256 Wiley, C. C , appointment, 324 Wiley, L. E., degree, 245, 625 Wiley, T. T., appointment, 52 degree, 263 Wilhite, S. E., commission, 260 degree, 259 Wilkens, Anderson Company, purchases, 221 611 Wilkes, C. D., degree, 617 Wilkes, M. V., degree, 252 Wilkie, A. E., degree, 625 Wilkins, T. E., appointment, S6 Wilkinson, L. C , degree, 642 Will, S, F\, appointments, 198, 315 Willard, A. C , appointment, 325 permission to render consulting services, 188, 461 Willard, A. H., degree, 250 Willard, K. E., degree, 617 Willcox, C. F., degree, 247 Willey, W . E., degree, 621 Williams, A. E., degree, 472 Williams, C. A., appointments, 168, 312 degrees, 166, 617 Williams, 6o2 W., degree, 541to,245 359 320,on Williams, 265M., degree, 625 314363 550 321 degree, L.. J.,bond, degree, 86,326, standingE. B., appointments,552 Hart mortgage Jr., 256 258 committee treasurer'sB.,appointment, 643 55ii W committees, 628 171, J. A., degree, 266 G.t A.. degree, 258 630 H., appointments, E.( O., referred628 C. B., commission, O. M., degree, 256 L. degree, 625 £31 H. I., member620 V. F., S. J., I., Cappointments, W.,K., R. E., W,, degree, 183 448 appointment,249 J., , 256 of