UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 712]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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Seifert, M . H., degree, 380 Schwarztrauber, E. M., degree, 633 Seifert, M . J., degree, 244 scholarship, 213 Seiler, O. E.f contract, 595 Schwied, S-, degree, 8 Seiple, J. W-, degree, 251 Science Depositing Machine, lease, 99 Seinost, F. R.r degree, 244 Scientific bureaus, staff members, fees for Sekera, I. C^ degree, 248 University courses, 609 Sekera, V. C.t degrees, 164, 633 Scientific Tablet Co., contract, 99 Seldon, J. M., degree, 248 Scior, G., degree, 244 Sellars, F\ C , degree, 77 Sconce, H. J., statement, 136 Selling, L. S., appointments, 113, 370, 408 Scorah, R. L., appointment, 325 Selwood, P. W., degree, 163 degree, 637 Senate, budget, expense, 294 Scott, C. E., degree, 616 salary, 298 Scott, C. M., appointment, 308 Library Committee, statute concerning, 486 Scott, G. M., degree, 165 statutes concerning, 418-20 Scott, H., appointment, 296 Senate Bill 261, certified copy, 417 Scott, H. M., degree, 95 Senear, F. E., appointment, 356 Scott, H. W., degree, 261 Sentman, L. H., Jr., degree, 250 Scott, J. A., degree, 628 Sentz, L. C , degree, 244 Scott, K. M „ degree, 163 Serlin, E. I., degree, 629 Scott, M . J., degree, 623 Seron, S. M., degree, 640 Scott, R. E., degree, 268 Seron, V. M., certificate, 639 Scott, R. F., commission, 643 Serum sickness reactions, patent rights reScovill, H. T., appointment, 317 leased, 50 Scranton, E. L., degree, 244 Service departments, budget, 366 Scrip, Chicago Board of Education, 445 Scriptorium of C. L. Ricketts, contract, 515, Servine, J. S., degree, 640 Seten, J. S., commission, 260 Scudder, J., degree, 95 degree. 248 Scuderi, C. S., appointments, 178, 356, 370 Settles, D. C., degree, 473 Seal, B. C , degree, 250 Severns, W . H., appointment, 325 Sealock, R. R., appointments, 84, 308 Sewage, research fund, 323, 330, 441 Seaman, W . M., degree, 260 sludge digestion patents, 31, 526 Searle, N. E., appointments, 9, 308, 480 Sewer, assessments, Lincoln Avenue, 66 degree, 263 Monroe Street, 569 Sears, A., degree, 616 Woman's Gymnasium, 30 Sears, A. F., degree, 621 pipe, investigation, 188 Sears, H. L., appointments, 147, 333, 341 research fund, 323, 329 Sears, O. H., appointment, 334 Sexton, A. M., appointment, 300 Seating, contracts, 191 Sexton, M . M., appointment, 300 Seborg, E. Y., degree, 251 Seybold, H. J., degree, 449 Secord, A. W., appointments, 168, 309. 548 Seybold, M. A., degree, 261 Secretary of Board, authority to sign Seybolt. R. F., appointment, 320 creditors' agreement, 606, 608 Seyfarth, R. B., degree, 616 delegation of signature, 182, 540 Seyler, E. C , appointment, 297 election 182, 540 degree, 440 notification of withdrawal of securities, 545 Seyller, K. B-. degree, 77 report of contracts, 99 Seymour, F. W., certificate, 639 Securities, care of, 513, 601 degree, 532 deposit of, contract, 578 Seymour, G. E., degree, 380 depository designated, 513 Seymour, H. H., degree, 94 Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship, Shabat, L. W.. degree, 380 443 Shaeffer, E. F., degree, 628 Kendric C. Babcock Trust, 272 Shaftoe, R., degree, 625 McKinley professorship, insured, 194 Shafton, A. L., degrees, 8, 146 price range, 546 Shagam, R. M., degree. 630 procedure of withdrawal, 545 Sedlacek,L.,532E.degree,269545report, 567 Seely, LyA.appointments,250 327 Seed, B.,of,J.,degree,164sell,643 Seeher,F.utilities,569 to93 113,546 639 See. V.A.E.L., Treasurer,25794124, 369 Sedlack,R..R.,601 degree,529 and Treasurer's Segal, Reports degree, 470 Seid, N.I.M.,commission, Seibert,S.T.B., appointment, Segall,alsodegree,degree, of, Seibold, V. 628 S.,status 616 Segermaiij E.F.;degree, 244 Seidel, MV.todegree, certificate, Seider, F.D., degrees 474 Seidmon, Bonds, 7Funds, Seidler, committeedegree,252 See transfer L., special W., degree, safety public E. P., protectionL., degree, degree, W-, M., of, F., Shallenberger,A.,appointment, to 260 147, 385 Shankman,417degree, 146 52794 616 639 Shaner,C.Z.S.A.,P. A., appointments,386 341, 342 Shanahan,S.D.,H.degree,certificate,appropriation Shannon,L.G.B.,fellowship,630 499 Shanks,V. M.H.,degree, 616473 385 Shapiro, C.J.L.,H.63Jsignatory267 333, Shardlow, WL.L.,degree, 269233 Shappert,H.K.,E.,degree, 244 Sharwell,F.rB.S.,certificate, 93 Shaver, S-,E..C.P.A. 262 Shaughnessy,R., degree,640 Shattuck,L. .H., appointments, Sharpe, M.250,E.,J., degree, Sharp, M.380 R,, degree, 244 Shaw, degree, F.,D., commission, degrees, C. appointment, 507 bills, D., L., N., degree, 616 H.,