UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 713]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Shaw, D. D., appointment, 337 Shaw, F. B., appointment, 319 Shaw, H. Y., appointment, 301 Shaw, J, B., appointments, 169, 313 Shaw, T. L., C.P.A. certificate, 151 Shaw, M. M., certificate, 267 Shawl, R. I., appointment, 337 Shay, M . L,., appointment, 312 Shay kin, L,., degree, 628 Shea, M. IL, degree, 164 Shead, A. C., appointment, 84 degree, 265 Shear, D. M.f degree, 616 Shearer, D., scholarship, 587 Shearer, J. A., degree, 629 Shedd, T. C , appointment, 324 Sheiry, V. L., appointment, 326 Sheley, R. N ^ degree, 629 Shelford, V. E., appointment, 316 field and laboratory expenses, gift for, 596 Shellow, H., appointment, 490 degree, 146 Shelton, M . I., degree, 625 -Shelving, Library, purchase, 31 Shepard, B. M., degree, 616 Shepard, F. P., appointment, 311 Shepherd, E. J-, degree, 631 Shepherd, V., degree, 245 Shepherd, W . P., degree, 628 Sheppard, F, L., degree, 92 Sheppard, V. H., degree, 76 Sheppley, H. E,, degree, 244 Shendan, T. S., degree, 244 Sherman, B. M,, degree, 473 Sherman, D-, appointment, 357 Sherman, L. C , certificate, 641 Sherman, M. V., degree, 616 Sherwood, L. V., degree, 252, 634 scholarship, 213 Sherwood, Mrs. V. M. S., appointment, 335 Sherwood House, lease, 90, Shidler, B. S-, degree, 257 Shidler, J., degree, 263 Shields, J. B., appointment, 307 Shiff, J. S., degree, 630 Shifley, L. H., commission, 260 degree, 250 Shih, J. W., degree, 449 Shildneck, P. R.( appointment, 307 degree, 636 Shinall, H. L,., degree, 639 Shinglman, W . E., degree, 474 Shirley, A,, degree, 474 Shkolnik, S., appointment, 363 Shoemaker, R. L., degree, 93 Sholis,Course,A.,appointment,260168,362 fund, Short L.W442H.,degree, 25747485, 362526 Shoot, C.MC.A.degree,expendable302338fund, 323 Shomo,Engineering,appointment,85, 300 Showers,D.250E.,appointments, 456 Shove, R.K. CE., degree, 259 260 Shoupp,V.J.H.,statement,264 63985, Shoskey,E.T.266,appointments, 533 307 Shriner,A.H.L.,Y.,degree,certificate, Shrader,Mr.,V.,commission, Shuck, R.L., degree, 618 Shrout, R., R., appointment, gift Shropshear,A.,appointments, 448 Shriver, H., L., certificate, Shuger, . G., C.P.A. Metermens', Shugars, W.,degree, 630 173 Shultheis, F.,C , degrees,92 Shull, 251T-, commission, Shultz, Shuman, Shumaker, ,Electrical 380, Gas degree, degree, degrees, 323, 641 8 degree,


Shuman, L, E., degree, 257 Shuman, M. M., degree, 259 Shuman, P. H., degree, 623 Shumate, J. L., degree, 78 Shumway, W., appointment, 316 Shure, N. M., certificate, 639 Shurtz, T. L., degree, 166 Shurtz, T. R., certificate, 639 Sibbitt, J. P., degree, 252 Sickle, J. R., degree, 259 Sickler, B. J., C.P.A. certificate, T41 Sideman, I., degree, 253 Sidewalks, campus, construction, 488 Sidwell, W . L., degree, 252 Siebert, F, S., appointments, 169, 316 Siebert, F. W., commission, 260 degree, 248 Siefferman, R. L., degree, 616 Siegal, I., degree, 380 Siegel, C. S-, degree, 630 Siegel, F. W., degree, 93 Siegel, H. A., degree, 499 Siegel, L. E., certificate, 639 Siegrist, E. A., degree, 616 Siemering, A. H., degree, 257 Siff, M. F., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Sifferd, R. H., degree, 244 Sifferd, R. M., degree, 255 Sigley, D. T., appointment, 169 degree, 638 fellowship, 213 Signatures, delegation of, 182, 540 Signor, N. M., appointment, 301 Sites", P. S., appointment, 314 Silander, J. M., degree, 623 Silberman, C. G., degree, 244 Silberman, Mrs. P., gift, 611 Silcox, L. E., degree, 244 Silling, G. M., degree, 628 Silverman, E. H-, degree, 529 Silverstein, N., degree, 266 Silverstone, E. H.. certificate, 267 Simer, P. H., appointment, 355 Simerl, L. H-, degree, 623 Simma, R., degree, 258 Simmonds, E. S., degree, 471 Simmons, J. J., degree, 628 Simon, A., degree, 499 Simon, A. D., degree, 244 Simon, D. C , appointment, 643 degree, 8 Simons, J., certificate, 267 degree, 270 Simons, L. C , C.P.A. certificate, 24, 141 Stmonson, M. P., degree, 252 Sinay, Corps'leased, 532 380619357 346 Simpson,S.,M.,degree, 618456362 214, 346 Sinclair,W J.D.,H.,degree, ^24 310 643 Singer,Street,).,appointment, 586, Sinderson,R.A.,pavement, 164 336, Sisson, R.,265 90degree,640414 85, Sippy, B..J.B.,appointment, 326 Sinnock,M.166 appointments, 9 Singleton,F.,M.,appointments, 113 Singh, M.,E.,CArea,degree,26767 Sixth A.O.D.,,appointment, Sirotnak. P.,degree, 529 450 retirement, 284fellowship, degree, O., appointment, promotion, H.,degree, residenceH., certificate, C. appointment, M.,certificate, J. D., H. R. degree, request, 495