UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 699]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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Murray, W . G.» appointment, 557 Neeseman, A. C, certificate, 267 Murrell, M. T., appointment, 308 Neff, W . N., commission, 260 Murton, V. F., degree, 252 degree, 248 Museums, Classical, budget, 305 Nefsky, A., degree, 474 gift for, 442 Neild, H. W., appointment, 407 European culture, budget, 305 Neill, D. L., degree, 615 Natural History, budget, expense, 305 Neiman, A. S., degree, 633 salary, 316 Neiman, B. H-, appointments, 480, 490 special equipment, balance reappropriated, Nelle, R. S., commission, 643 285 degree, 621 Music, School of, addition to budget, 90, 185 Nelms, L. D., degree, 244 budget, expense, 346 Nelson, A. S.f degree, 618 salary, 348 Nelson, B. G., appointment, 361 building, equipment for basement, appro- Nelson, C. A., commission, 260 priation, 476 degree, 250 degrees,2S3. 030 Nelson, D. J., degree, 252 fellowship, 410 Nelson, E. W., degree, 627 laboratory fees, 283 Nelson, Mrs. F., appointment, 296 organ, installed, 69 Nelson, G. F., degree, 630 purchased, 25 Nelson, G. G., degree, 630 Mutchnik, M.. degree, 641 Nelson, G. H , degree, 617 Mutinsky, E. J., degree, 16$ Nelson, H. E., degree, 253 Mutual Benefit Hospital Fund, gift to Mc- Nelson, H. M., appointment, 356 Kinley Hospital, 228, 374 Nelson, H. W., appointments, 407, 557 Muus, O. H-, degree, 380 degree, 77 Muzzarelli, H. J., degree, 244 Nelson, J., appointments, 83, 336 Myer, E., degree, 163 Nelson, M. B., degree, 627 Myer, E. W., appointments, 214, 362 Nelson, M. J., degree, 640 Myers, A. 0.; alternate to Plym foreign Nelson, R. A., degree, 244 scholarship in architectural engineering, Nelson, R. C-, degree, 7 60s Nelson, R. L., degree, 623 Myers, C-, degree, 627 Nelson, S. E., appointments, 168, 310 Myers, C. V., degree, 450 Nelson, S. S-, degree, 532 Myers, E. L-, degree, 258 Nelson, T., appointment, 368 Myers, N. R., appointments, 178, 346, 4<>7 Nelson, T. F., degree, 639 Myers, R. A degree, 615 Nepil, E. A degree, 533 Myers, W ^ Jr., degree, 471 Nereim, T.jT,, certificate, 639 Mylonas, G. E., appointment, 309 Nesbitt, J, E., degree, 255 gift, 443 Nettles. H. R., degree, 78 Trackman, A. E., degree, 615 Neu, T. B., degree, 165 Nadeau, O. E ^ appointment, 360 Neaber, A. L., appointment, 398 Naftzger,L., degree, 269 163 Neuber, K. A., degree, 244 Neal, J. R. E,, degree, Nagel,L. A., degree, 7 Neal, F. E., Jr., Neumeyer, C. J., decree, 619 " " L. A., ' appointments, 279, 368 degree, 146 Neal Gravel Company of Mattoon, gift, 596 Neureuther, A. W., degree, 622 Nagle, S. K~ appointment, 303 167, 347 Nearpass, E. E., appointments, Neurology and Psychiatry, budget, expense, Nakamura, L-, I., appointment, 336 Neave, S. F. degree, 163 354 Nalbach, M. E., degree, 257 Nedwed, A., degree? 78 salary, 357 Nalbach, A. J., appointment, 358 Nedzel, T. I., degree, 628 new department, 374 Nash, F. , 270 degree,470 Neely, C S.; degree, 248 degree, Jr., Neuropsychiatry, physicians' extension Nash, H. M., degree, 248 251 Neely, H. W., degree, 252 Needham,r. E.» degree, course, 374 Nash, J. M-, degree, 268 Neel, T., degree, 632 Nevens, W . B., appointment, 337 Nash, T. N., commission, 643 Neeld, M. E., degree, 625 Newberger, C, appointment, 368 Nash, J. R., degree, 7 Newbill, J. E-, degree, 244 Nathanson, D., degree, 641 Newcomb, R., appointments, 347, 547 National Committee on Wood Utilization, Newcomer, H. L., appointment, 318 National H, 316503Manufacturers504,expense, Newell, patent,andand 95 447470contract,330 use National to members of Heating Association, Newgard,Sprayercommission, 643Company, Natural History Museum, gifts, 358 596 Natzke, Research Air faculty, 469, 577 grants Lumber Council, budget, agreement, appointments, 83, Association,Nicholson,630work,degree,257 407326342 121 contract, 9965 extended, 220 salary, E., 305 Warm Newman,andD.degree, 252certificate, 267407 Newmark,H.H. A.,degree, purchased, 578 Newnum,H.,plateHenry, degree, 251 314 Nichols,RobertG., Company, Nicely, M.,M.,M., appointments, 112, Niagara E.633W., appointments, 169, Newton C.C, M., matter, Newspaper263degree, 641 362 340, Newson,H.E. appointment, 246furniture, 98 Nickel, G.,, Hoit appointment, 83, hazardousJ. 526 273 degree, HN. P., appointments, degree, M. appointment, of 263 degree, V., appointments, A., Henry, Chemical