UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 698]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Moser Paper Company, contract, 98, 153 purchase of paper, approved, 221 Moses, L. J., C.P.A. certificate, 386 Mosher, A. T., degree, 623 ve, L., Mosher, M. L., appointments, 338, 343 Mosko, M. M., certificate, 639 Moss, G. E., degree, 243 Mostcovy, A., degree, 627 Motel, W . G., degree, 615 Motion picture projector, proposal, 561 purchase, 594 Mott, L. A., degree, 615 Mott-Smith, H. M., appointment, 326 Motto, S., degree, 641 Moulton, H. J., appointments, 83, 360 Moulton, J. M., degree, 92 Mounce, K. L-, commission, 260 degree, 257 Mount, C. V., degree, 450 Mount Hope Cemetery, balance reappropriated, 285 offer of additional lots, 120 purchase of land in, 129 See also Roselawn Cemetery Mouzon, E. H., degree, 615 Movius, A. H., Jr., certificate, 639 Moye, R. I., degree, 77 Moyer, B. M., degree, 244 Moyer, C. A., appointment, 407 Moyer, C. S., degree, 263 Moyer, D., appointment, 300 Moyer, W . L., degree, 251 Mrgudich, J. N., appointments, 308, 548 M u m , FM jr., degree, 257 Muehlberger, C. W., appointment, 455 Muelder, M. E. G., scholarship, 213 Mueller, E. M., appointments, 312, 549 degree, 162 Mueller, W . A., degree, 261 Muetze, M. L., degree, 627 Muhs, E. O., certificate, 267 Muir, L., commission, 260 degree, 259 Muirnead, D. B., degree, 257 Mulford, H. L., degree, 615 Mullen, T. F., appointment, 370 Mumford, H. W., appointments, 332, 342 M u m m , L. H., commission, 260 degree, 252 M u m m , W . J-, appointment, 334 Mummert, D. V., degree, 252 Munal, E. M., degree, 244 Munch, D. C-, degree, 627 Munger, S., appointment, 339 Munn, M. J., scholarship, 587 Munro,A.A..appointment,380330112, 168, 312 Murray, H.. F-, degree, 615 370 Murphy,D.627E.,degree, 344 643 Murcn, G.633appointment, contract, 316 Muns, E., E.,degree, 627531 9 169,212 Murley, F. E., appointment, Murdock,L. C S-,commission, Murch, E. G., degree,627 Muntyan^R. A., appointment, Munson,WV. E., appointments, fellowship,P., DuPont 615 degree,W6$6 587Company, L. W.t degree,627 G.,B.. appointments, S. W., degree,fellowship, 205 C., , R.R., B., J., N., L., 94 244 166 380 162 7 134

Moore, F., appointments, 168, 312, 549 degree, 637 Moore, G. E., appointment, 313 degree, 265 Moore, G. T., degree, 620 Moore, G. W., degree, 263 Moore, H. F., appointment, 328 Moore, I. B., degree, 243 Moore,, L, M., degree, 7 Moore, M. B., degree, 243 Moore, M. G., degree, 631 fellowship, 587 scholarship, 213 Moore, P. H., degree, 246, 634 Moore, P. O., degree, 94 Moore, R. D., degree, 627 Moore, S., appointment, 358 Moorehead, F. B., appointment, 362 Moorman, E. L., degree, 243 Moorman, Mrs. J. N., appointment, 602 Moorman, R. B. B., appointment, 198 degree, 162 Mora, J. M., appointment, 369 Morava, W., statement, 128 More, G. V. D., degree, 263 Morehouse, R. E., degree, 246 Moreland, J. W., degree, 499 Moreland, R. B., degree, 146 Moretsky, B. H., degree, 619 , Morey, L., access to Treasurer's safe deposit boxes, 545 appointments, 295, 317 . authority to accept script, 445 elected Comptroller, 182, 540 report of accounts of Athletic Association, 426 services requested by Illinois Society of C.P.A., 556 See also Comptroller Morgan, B., degree, 94 Morgan, C. E., appointments, 279, 330 Morgan, M., degree, 269 Morgan, M. G., degree, 257 Morgan, P. D., commission, 643 degree, 622 Morgan, W . H,, degree, 248 Morgan, W . R-, appointment, 329 Morgon, N. D., appointment, 347 Morihara, P. N., degree, Z4g Morony, M. F., degree, 259 Morris, D. P., degree, 243 Morris, D. R., degree, 623 Morris, J. K., degree, 623 Morris, L. P., appointment, 329 Morris, M, A., degree, 255 Morrow,F. S.,L.,S.,lease, 25783 302 526 363 Morrison,D.H.R.,degree,certificate, 356, 570 Morris, J.E.S.,W.,degree,621246552356,purMorse, L. A., renewal,569371, bonds506, 586 Morrow M.R.A.,L.,degree,472424 Mortgages.S.E.,M.,degree,terminated, 507 Mortensen,WK.,appointment,618 445, 487 Moser, M.M. R.,renewal,621 628314 Morton, of C.487 degree,402, 531424, Mortimer,M.,M.,„2,appointments, leave B. absence,degree, Hart, Hall, 560appointment, Martin,T. E. M appointment, Kaiser,J. A.H., foreclosure, Pope, G. W., appointments, canceled, degree, 246402, chased, Dental degree,91 D. . B., Building, J.,rental,484 V.J., 144, B.f C.P.A. 615