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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
692 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Madsen, L. S. S., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Madson, W . H., appointments, 455, 548 Madura, S. M., degree, 269 Magad, H., degree, 269 Magee, M. A., degree, 255 Magierski, L., degree, 257 Ma^ill, V. M., degree, 449 Magner, J. H., degree, 257 Magnuson, J. M.f degree, 629 Maguire. T., degree, 620 Maner, E. C., degree, 620 Maher, M. F., degree, 615 Mahlke, F. W., degree, 640 Main, T. M., degree, 246 Maina, M. M., degree, 252 Major, E. L., appointment, 312 Malacnowski, F. v., appointments, 234, 361 Malandrone, Z. M., scholarship, 212 Malcolm, R. B., appointments, 134, 369 Maley, W . F., degree, 93, 638 Malkin, R., degree, 615 Mallett, T. H., degree, 450 Malley, L. E., degree, 259 Mallin, I., appointment, 480 degree, 7 Maloney, R. R., degree, 246 Maloni, S. M., degree, 627 Mamer, L. E., degree, 245 Mandeville, M. J., appointment, 318 Manelis, S., degree, 266 Mankey, M. G., degree, 257 Manley, E. J., appointment, 350 Manley, V. C, degree, 257 Mann, D. E., degree, 258 Mann, E. M., degree, 246 Mann, F. I., and Son, hay purchased, 462 Mann, M., appointment, 300 Mann Instrument Company, spectrograph, 440 Mannering, B,, degree, 615 Mansowitz, D., degree, 146 Manuel, M. M., gift, 494 Manufacturers of Chilled Car Wheels, agreement, 373 Maple Avenue, see Pennsylvania Avenue March, D. M., commission, 260 degree, 243 March, F. A., III., appointment, 353 Mareing, A. S., degree, 531 Maria, A. J., appointment, 313 Marion County experimentfield,discontinued, 570 Marionettes, Tatterman, income from, 47 Markers, entrances to campus, 379 Markl, F. B., degree, 93 Marshall 257B.,degree,degree, 93 Marquardt,G.,R.,G-,appointment, Marlowe, WC.P.,andG., 620251 contract, Marlin, C,C«S.,G.,degree,532259339, Marks,L.,purchaseddegree,2s1 324 Markovsky,CL.,E,,degree,261 337 343 Markley,D.B.H.,degree,252639615 370 275 Markland,FieldH.,degree,641 250 368, 369, 455 Marshal], H., L., degree,112, Marshall, F.T-,degree, 255 447 Marsh, G., V.,R., appointments, Marr, D. appointments, 531 Marston, A.P.,A., 243615 440 towelsH.W.Sister Company, degree, G.J. degree, 250 R. B,, appointments, M. degree, degree, W". . W., from, , appointment, M. degree, McKee, W . A., appointment, 400 McKenna, C. M., appointment, 369 McKeown, B. B., degree, 450 McKeown, C J., degree, 253 McKey and Poague, insurance, 28 McKinley Hospital, see Hospitals McKinley professorship, fund, 3*7> 3*9 insurance on securities in escrow, 194 Thompson, C. M., appointed, 367 MacLaggan, R. C , degree, 78 McLain, E. L., appointment, 315 McLallen, R., degree, 243 McLarty, H. R., degree, 635 McLaughlin, A, F., degree, 7 McLaughlin, C. B., degree, 248 McLaughlin, H. N., commission, 643 degree, 615 McLaughlin, J. R., appointment, 358 McLean County Farm Bureau, gift, 577 McLean, L. A., degree, 615 McLeish, S. M.f degree, 243 McLeod, A. M., degree, 531 MacLeod, S. J., degree, 7 McMackin, D. L., degree, 448 McMahan, J. W., appointment, 407 degree, 249 MacMahon, A. M., degree, 625 McMahon, E. M., appointments, 168, 308 degree, 636 McMichael, R. W., degree, 166 MacMillan, F. L., appointment, 124 McMillan, J. C, Jr., appointment, 480 McMillan, R. G., degree, 380 McMillen, W . L., degree, 530 McMillen, W . L., scholarship, 587 McMillin, O. C , appointment, 316 McMunn, R. L., appointment, 340 McNabb, L. S., degree, 268 McNally, A., appointment, 480 McNally, H. R., commission, 643 degree, 619 McNamara, C. E., degree, 248 McNaughton, G., degree, 627 McNaughton, L. E., degree, 627 McNeal, L. K., degree, 257 McNeel, J. L., degree, 257 MacNeill, H., appointment, 348 MeNulty, E. *J., degree, 7 McPherson, 1. R., degree, 619 * McQueen, M. B., certificate, 639 degree, 642 McQueen, P. L., degree, 257 McRoberts, E., appointment, 300 McVaugh, W . F., Jr., degree, 629 MacVeigh, E. L., degrees, 93, 634 Macintire,D.G.,J.,degree, 243 Machine, H.A.degree,purchased, Macht J.,E.C.B.,W.,appointments, Macdonald,H.E.,appointment, Maccono, C.L.,appointment, 251 Macbeth,A.,M.,degree,250243 473325 Mabry,C.L.degree,appointment,367 Ma, 4-5SG.J.R.,F.,degree,degree,439 112, 449, McWilliams,degree,J.degree, 9 316440 353 Mackanos,G.,W., degree, appointment, Mabon, F., J.,D.appointment, Mackin, A.,S.H., 620 473 Mackh, E. M., 531163 621 Mackey, H. Mrs. M.,L., 615 Mackenzie, degree,268 618 Mack, R.Dexter, purchased, Madden, Macrt, -wSouthwark-Emery, 380618 Macmillan, K., Mackltn, Maddox, Madison, Y. degree, 243 253
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