UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 693]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Lurie, W., degree, 25? Lustgarten, E. M., degree, 380 Lustig, J., degree, 266 Luther, R., contract for instruction of, 462 Luther, W., appointment, 328 Liittringhaus, H., appointment, 307 Lux, F. K., degree, 243 Lybyer, A. H., appointments, 168, 312, 549 Lycan, C. T., degree, 531 Lycan, F., degree, 257 Lying-in service, College of Medicine, fee abolished, 461 Lynch, D. E., appointment, 60 degree, 257 Lyncn, E. M,, degree, 448 Lynch, F. W., degree, 627 Lynch, G. K., degree, 621 Lynn, H. V., degree, 628 Lynott, M. L., degree, 615 Lyon, C. W., degree, 473 Lyon, K. C , appointment, 407 degree, 249 Lyon, L. H., degree, 262 Lyon, S. W., degree, 264 Lyon Metal Products, Inc., contracts, 211, 275» 37$ Lyons, R. E., degree, 164 Lytle, E. B., appointments, 169, 313, 321 McAdam, J., degree, 471 McAdam, T. L., degree, 627 McAdam, N. N. G-, degree, 450 McAHster, A. J.f appointment, 303 death benefit, 561 McAllister, W . G., appointment, 314 McAnally, M. K„ degree, 166 McAndrews, C. C-. degree, 78 McAnulty, E. S., aegree, 615 McArthur, S. W., appointment, 369 McBrjde, E., appointment, 319 McBride, E. L., appointments, 333, 341 Mc Broom, R. C., degree, 615 McCabe, Mrs. E., appointments, 112, 321 McCabe, L. C , aegree, 472 McCabe, M. E., degree, 243 McCain, C. M., degree, 257 McCalley, H. W., degree, 248 McCandles, P. D., degree, 255 fellowship, 06 McCane, H. A., degree, 622 McCann, H. A., degree, 641 McCann, W . L., degree, 622 McCarthy, C., appointment, 301 McCartin, C. C , degree, 250 McCarty, C. G., degree, 243 McCarty, F. W., degree, 243 McCarver,L.J,S.,E.,,degree, 255455178, 340 McCarty, D.O.WS.,N.,degree, 625632351 313 McCaughey,G.E.,N"., degree, 532 303 McClelland,WE.B.,degree, 243,218 McClellan,P.M.P.,Cappointments, McClarnan,C.R..E.,appointment, 642 McClain, J.P.R.Jr.,appointment, 169, McCauley,M.L.L.,F.,decree, 471 313 McCaskill,C.F.,,aegree, 261 615 346 McComb, W C T.,degree, 243248 McClure, 621F.,R.,appointment, McClughen, ,W.,appointment, McClintick, G. B.,degree,527621 MacClinchie,F. E.(statement, 615 McConnell, McCollum,R. . L., degree, 532 McClurkin, E.,I.,appointments, McCool, degree, appointment,262 Jr., degree, 255 degree, commission, degree, 380


McCormack, R. H., appointment, 329 McCormick, C. T., degree, 527 McCormick, J. B., degree, 261 McCormick, J. M-, commission, 643 degree, 620 McCormick reaper, replica, gift, 140 McCowan, H. L., degree, 250 McCoy, B. R., degree, 255 McCoy, L. J., degree, 76 McCoy, R. H., appointments, 112, 197, 300 degree, 448 McCreery, D. V., degree, 617 McCristal, K. J., appointment, 352 degree, 447 McCumber, D. R., degree, 243 McCumber, M. L., degree, 615 McCune, R., Jr., degree, 532 McCune, S-, aegree, 94 McDaniels, H. E., appointment, 82 degree, 641 McDaniels, H. M., appointment, 386 McDaniels, R., degree, 165 McDermont, V. A., degree, 473 McDermott, H. B., degree, 248 McDevitt, G. E. B., degree, 615 McDevitt, W . B., appointment, 324 McDonald, A., degree, 243 McDonald, A. D., degree, 450 McDonald, E. U., degree, 91 McDonald, G. B., degree, 261 McDonald, J. E., degree, 248 McDonald, L. A., degree, 243 MacDonald, P. K., commission, 643 degree, 619 McDonough, L. A., degree, 625 McDougal, M. S., appointments, 346, 551 McEdwards, W . J., degree, 248 McElroy, A. G., degree, 248 McElroy, D. L., degree, 640 McElroy, J. W-, commission, 260 degree, 247 McEuen, C. F., degree, 628 McEvoy, E. P., appointment, 295 MacFadden, H. E., degree, 78 MacFarland, D. A., degree, 615 McFarland, J. A., Jr., degree, 259 McFarlane, S. H., appointment, 316 degree, 264 MacFate, R. P., appointments, 356, 407 McGarry, D. D-, aegree, 249 McGary, F., degree, 243 McGaughey, D. D., degree, 623 McGavran, D. A., degree, 259 McGeough, E. T., C.P.A. certificate, 141 McGinnis, E. H., degree, 529 1McGrane, M.F.H.aegree,257447243 335 601 McGuinn, L. L.B., Accountancy, McGrath,T.H.A.,J., degree, 257615 605 McGovern,J..L.,A.,appointment 321 297, McGoldrick,H.C.inappointment,343359 McGinnis, WB.,J.,,Cdegree,243251441 Board of McKee, M. F. P., appointment, MacKechnie,H.,degree, 257 Mcintosh, M.B., degree, 257 Mclntire, C,T., degree 7 McHatton, M.,C.appointment, McHarry, G. M., ,degree,615 McGuigan, M.degree,degree, 380 McGregor, E. W.,C,degree, 473112, McGraw,W.,L.,C degree, 262627 to Mcliatton, McGreevy, L. A., fellowship, McKee, Examiners appointments, S-, appointment, P., degree, degree, 255 degree, 269 252