UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 688]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Koonce, H., appointment, 356 Koppa, T. M., certificate, 639 Koransky, D. S., degree, 266 Kordenat, R. A., appointment, 369 Korn, A. L., appointment, 311 Korous, M., degree, 641 Kortkamp, P. V. A., degree, 620 Kortum, L. H., degree, 532 Kos, F. J., degree, 640 Koser, L. R., degree, 263 fellowship, 213, 587 Kosick, A. A., degree, 257 Koster, H. L., degree, 269 Kostlevy, G-, degree, 269 Kotlan, G. W., certificate, 641 Kotler, H., certificate, 639 Koucky, J. D., appointments, 111, 123, 369 Koutnik, H. Av degree, 627 Kowalski, H. J., degree, 248 Kowerski, E. P., degree, 619 Kowitz, A. W., commission, 642 degree, 621 Kozelniak, J. J.t degree, 627 Kozma, J., degree, 615 Kraehenbuehl, J. O., appointment, 324 Kraft, M. E., degree, 263 Kraft, R. E., degree, 638 Kraines, S. H., degree, 380 Krakow, C. S., certificate, 639 degree, 166 Krakower, I. E., degree, 638 Kramer, T. B., degree, 243 Kramer, M., degree, 269 Kramer, W . E-, degree, 7 Kramp, E. H., appointment, 381 degree, 268 Krannert, V. L., appointment, 316 Krase, N. W., appointments, 307, 548 Krasnow, H. R., appointment, 367 Kratovil, M., degree, 627 Kratz, A. P., appointments, 328, 329 Kratz, E., appointments, 197, 55t Kratz, J. P., director oi Athletic Association, 186 Krauss, P. G., appointment, 454 Krebaum, K, I., degree, 94 Kreider, H. E., degree, 627 Kreider, W . C., degree, 619 Kreiling. P. G-, degree, 618 Krein, C. T., degree, 252 Krejci, E. J., appointment, 362 Kremer, R. J., appointment, 358 Kresl, A. J., degree, 257 Kress, M. v., degree, 635 Kretschmer, V. £ , degree^ 246 Krueger,E.L.fP.,degree,615 91 259362 141 Krsek,J.E.,A.,degree, appointments, 367, Kriviskey,250M.,degree, 26663731824,550 369 Kronenberg,E., W.,,degree,9 214 Krogh, N..F.I.C.»appointments, 326, Krill, E.J.J.,M. appointment, 627 Kruglick,I.,A.,commission, Kruger,W C.A. H.,appointment, Krishna, P.U.,C.P.A. 243252 Kring, A.,P., degree, certificate, Kries, C.A., L. degree, 623 360 Kubacki, H.G.,E.,degree,243 Kubalek, W L., degree,7627346 Kruszczynski, appointment, Krumsiek, G.,W., appointment, Krevitt,D.R.appointment, 641 Krull, C. degree,C531621 Krinsky, E. A.H., 266 300 Kubitz, W., Kring, Kries, H. M.P degree, Krick, A., . degree,degree, Kring. Krieg, degree,

Klein, R. G., degree, 259 Klein, R. R,, degree, 640 Kleist, E. E., degree, 625 Klemme, A. W., appointment, 335 degree, 632 Klemptner, D., appointment, 368 Kleppe, H., apopintment, 357 Kleppinger, W . A., degree, 618 Kletting, W., degree, 263 Kleyensteuber, C. J. L., degree, 631 scholarship, 213 Kline, E. L., degree, 615 Kline, L. E.t appointment, 169 Klingelhoefer. W . C , Jr., degree, 636 KHnger, C. A., degree, 631 KHngman, H., degree, 640 Klockner, Mrs. N. B., appointment, 344 Klomhaus, A. P., degree, 7 Klopp, T. W., Jr., degree, 622 Klostermann, E. J., degree, 641 Klotz, H. J., degree, 635 Klotz, M., degree, 266 Kluge, E. V., degree, 623 Kluge, R. W., appointments, 197* 33° Klump, A. F., degree, 77 Klyver, E. M., degree, 615 Knab, A. L., degree, 268 Knapp, E. M., degree, 248 Knapp, R. D., appointment, 357 degree, 380 Knappenberger, K., degree, 615 Knaur, A. E., appointment, 309 Kneeland, A., appointment, 360 Kneer, L, P., appointment, 314 Kneier, C. M., appointments, 314, 549 Kniep, R. M., degree, 623 Knifke, L. T-, degree, 627 Knight, A. R., appointment, 324 Knight, J. F., appointment, 507 degree, 257 Knight, L. B-, degree, 499 Knipe, V., degree, 245 Knipp, C. T,, appointment, 326 Knipp, J. K., degree, 243 Knoblauch, D. E., commission, 260 degree, 249 Knoblock, R. C, degree, 247 Knospe, G. L., degree, 165 Knox, W . A., degree, 615 Knudsen, W . N., degree, 243 Knudtzon, K. F., appointments, 147, 361 Kobak, A., appointment, 358 Kobel, Mrs. L-, appointment, 297 Kobza, T. M., degree, 618 Koch, A. R., degree, 243 Kolfenbach,appointment,629269380 Kolar, S.S.,L.H.appointment,257312, 549 Koller,M.F.degrees, degree, 7308 Kohout, A.EE.L.,D.,degree,248639 Kohn, B.,C.F.,F.,degree, 641643 168 Kolm, E.,G.appointment,624334 Komarek,H.H.,degree, degree, 639 Kolowski,A.,E.degree,7641362 16s Kohlstedt,B.,D-,F., degree, 300 Koemgsberg,degree,243, 618261 Koenig, R.,M.A.,P.,degree, 627 Kominik, M.,J.,appointments, Koerner, G.,F.tJ-,certificate, Koelsch,E,L.,degree, 627 329 Konradt, E. degree,615 Konopasek, T.,certificate, Kompare, J., commission, Komm,A. S., appointment, Kohlhagen, N.degree, Konzo, Koff, E. KoeHer, Koch, G., certificate, 640 Koehler, Kocour, M., appointment,