UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 687]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Kelly, A. R., appointment, 315 request, 63 Kelly, C. F., certificate, 639 Kelly, E. E., degree, 255 Kelly, G. D,, degree, 243 Kelly, R. E., degree, 269 Kelly, S- C , appointment, 82 Kelly, Sister M . G., degree, 448 Kelly, W . H. V., degree, 619 Kelso, R., appointment, 310 Kemp, T. T., degree, 245 Kemp, M . M., degree, 77 Kendall, Mrs. A. N.f land reconveyed to, 571 Kendall, D. R., degree, 530 Kendall, G. G., degree, 529 Kendall, G. P., degree, 450 Kendall, M . F., degree, 627 Kendall, W., Jr., appointments, 9, 315 Keneipp, H. E., degree, 634 Kenneally, E. D., degree, 627 Kennedy, Mrs. A. F., appointment, 406 Kennedy, D. H., degree, 615 Kennedy, F. M., degree, 255 Kennedy, J. W., appointment, 347 Kennedy, L. C , C.P.A. certificate, 386 Kennedy, M . V., degree, 625 Kennedy, R. C , degree, 615 Kennedy, W . C , degree, 627 Kenney, H. E., appointments, 214* 35° degree, 528 Kent and Co., contract, 31, 222 Kentucky Utilities Company, bonds purchased, 446 status of, report, 567 Kenward, R. L., certificate, 267 Kenyon, D. E., degree, 615 Kenyon, E. L., degree, 623 Kenyon, G. E., degree, 627 Keough, R. C , degree, 632 scholarship, 213 Kephart, S. M., degree, 248 Kepler, H. L., degree, 243 Kepler, L. V., degree, 625 Kepner, H. S., degree, 641 Kermicle, F. S., degree, 623 Kern, M. M., degree, 628 Kern, O. L., contract, 441 Kern, R. P., degree, 629 Kerpan, D. S., degree, 618 degree, 257 Kerr, H. K., degree, 471 532 Kiffmeyer, W . P., degree, Kerr, W . A., degree, 527 Kerrick, C , appointment, 363 Kerry, J. R., appointment, 454 Kersey, R. M., degree, 625 Kertes, I. G., degree, 243 Kieffer,R.W261appointment, 250contract,633 Kies, Kidder, H.,. appointment, 278, 250, KeystoneD.D.C L., heard,degrees, 414454 3^7 Keyes, F.A.,137, appointments, Szf 5 eonKessler, M.,Manufacturing 406168, 307,32 Kesel,J.D. E.,G.403degree, 315250324,*327 Keup, Ketchum, 472 ,S.,176.appointment, Keszyeki, Construction619 Company, Kewaunee 270 degree, Co.,643 Kettenhofen, A. P., 189, 348 Kettelkamp, R-,C., degree,361 313 degree, 627 W., appointments, representative appointment, scholarship, 587 Jr., 173 degree, M. appointment, fellowship, S., tracts,M commission, G., appointments, A., . P. B.,


Kilborn, W . D., degree, 615 Kiley, R. R degree, 615 Kilian, H. S\, appointments, 111, 311 degree, 634 Kilpatrick, W . P., degree, 247 Kimball, E. F., degree, 615 Kimball, W . W., Company, contract, 177 declined to execute, 189 representative heard, 172 revised bid rejected, 138 Kimble, J. S., degree, 246 Kimmel, M., degree, 243 Kindelsperger, R. G., degree, 268 Kinderman, E. J., degree, 248 King, A. R., appointments, 406, 454 degree, 265 King, E. C , commission, 642 degree, 620 King, E. E., appointment, 327 King, E. Q., degrees, 146, 269 King, F., appointment, 322 King, J. S., degree, 622 King, K. R., C.P.A. certificate, 386 King, M., degree, 529 King, N. T. degree, 252 King, V. H., degree, 641 King & Petry, contract, 99 Kingsley, M. R., degree, 245 Kinley, D., appointments, 295, 318 gift, 516 lease changed, 424 proposal for endowment, 410 relieved from duty, 412, 514 + resolution of sympathy, 233 transfer of keys to H. W . Chase, 6_ Kinley, Kate Neal, memorial fellowship, 59 t securities, 443 Kinney, M\, degree, 243 Kinzer, G. D., appointment, 454 commission, 260 degree, 250 Kirby, L., appointment, 308 Kirch, E. R. P., appointment, 363 Kirchner, I. G., degree, 164 Kirgis, F. L., appointments, 406, 551 degree, 253 Kirincich, N. J., degree, 641 Kirkley, R., contract for instruction of, J73 Kirkman, F. J., degrees, 164, 261 Kirkman, J. M., degree, 615 Kirkman? K. F., degree, 9$ Kirkpatnck, E. M., commission, 642 degree, 615 Kirtland, V- L., degree, 243 Kisla, F., degree, 641 Klein, E.S-L.,I.,H., appointment,440 368 purKleiderer,apparatus,Company, 624 Klehm,H.A-A.P.,degrees, 245 308 454 Kitchell,H.A.E-,appointments, 214, 348 Kleen, R., G., degree, Klawans, E., degree, 623 Klautsch, I.,J., degree, 472, Klaus, D. S., M\,appointments, Klasing, 146 degree, 267 627 352 Klancar, H.S.,M.appointment, 82, Klabunde,.B.,J.,appointment, 387 Kjeldah! A.A.A.,degree, 249 490 Kitzinger,D.W-,degree, 243627 321, Kitchen,WMrs.L.,degree, 621 material Kistler,R.V.H-,C,appointments, 307 Klapprodt, L., Kitch, O. E.H.. F., 163 degree, certificate, 447 gift, 189 221 chased, R. A. purchase, 629 bequest, 622 473