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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
684 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kaplin, L. D., appointments, 147, 362 Karber, J. F., degree, 473 Karnatz, F. A., degree, 93 Karnuth, R. F., degree, 474 Karpass, C , appointments, 357, 358 Karpass. V. H., degree, 266 Karpinski, M., degree, 627 Karr, R., degree, 627 Karraker, C. M., letter, 556 Karraker, J. W., commission, 260 degree, 245 Karrenbrock, W . E., appointments, 318, 550 degree, 637 Karth, J. A., degree, 628 Kartoon, L. B-, appointment, 368 Kasbeer, M ^ appointment, 363 Kasch, H. E., degree, 473 Kaspar, M. J., degree, 369 Kasniwagi, K., degree, 165 Kassim, M. A., degree, 633 Katek, C , degree, 529 Katterjohn, C. L-, degree, 625 Katterjohn, F. W.f degree, 243 Katra, A., degree, 167 Katz, A. A., degree, 250 Katz, C , degree, 245 Katz, I. M., degree, 257 Katz, J. B., certificate, 269 degree, 532 Katz, M., degree, 629 Katz, S. H-, degree, 269 Katz, S. M., degree, 164 Kauftman, W . H., degree, 252 Kaufman, C. H., certificate, 267 Kaufman, I., certificate, 267 degree, 2 70 Kaufman, I. A., degree, 619 C.P.A. certificate, 151 Kaufman, S., appointment, 368 Kaufman, S. S., degree, 380 Kautz, H. E., degree, 257 Kauzlarich, E. M., degree, 257 Kaveney, I. E., degree, 499 Kavlock, C. J., degree, 531 Kawneer, Company, contract, 64 Kay, F. D., degree, 629 Kay, R. T., degree, 623 Kayser, E., appointments, 171, 454, 551 Kazakevich, J. J., degree, 638 Kazowski, M. W., degree, 259 Kearby, K. K., degree, 617 Kearney, C. T., degree, 266 Kearns, C. W., appointment, 454 Keating, E. A., degree, 627 Keating, T. F., degree, 629 Kelber,W.,B.,K.,appointment,347361, 310 Keith, G.R.619J.,appointments,336 333, 342 Kelling,L.243 degree, 615 Kelley, D.E., attorney, 246 Keller, A.J.W., degree, 243638 Kelch, J. K.E., degree, 269243 Keiser,G.C.P., appointment, 642 in, Keilholz,M.S., degree, 473617 357 Keigwin,G.R., G.,appointments,335 Kehoe, M.G.H.,commission,13260324. Keeney, V.C.\V.,appointment, 340 Keener,C.F.E.,appointment, 260 362 Kellogg, L., degree, Kellman, degree, 249 624 Keeton, P., degree, 269 Keeley, C. E., appointment, Keck, P. L., commission, degree, B., degree, A., appointments, S-, degree, H., F., Journalism, cont'd. laboratory fees, 283 new building, 143 committee, 218 report, 143 sketches exhibited, 586 Joyce, E. R., degree, 615 Judah, L. N.» appointment, 353 Judy, G. E., degree, 254 Juergensen, J., degree, 473 Tuhl, L. R.f degree, 619 Jukkola, E. E., appointment, 307 Jun, J., degree, 250 Tung, C. w., appointment, 454 Jung, E., appointments, 336, 341 Jung, E. F., degree, 269 Turkanin, J. P., degree, 615 Juskevic, L. J., degree, 369 Tustj E. W., degree, 248 Justice, M, A., degree, 255 Jutton, E. R., appointment, 301 Kaczmarskl, S. J., degree, 167 Kaden, L. J., degree, 619 Kadens, R. E., degree, 268 Kadow, K. J., appointment, 480 Kaeiser, W". H., appointment, 355 Kaeser, W . V., degree, 249 Kahn, Barney, degree, 253 Kahn, Beatrice, appointment, 357 Kahn, E. L., degree, 621 Kahn, H., degree, 638 Kahn, O. L., appointments, 368, 406 Kahn, R. G., degree, 243 Kaiser, C. G., C.P.A. certificate, 24, 141 Kaiser, S-, mortgage renewed, 402, 424 Kaiserman, F. B., degree, 380 Kakanauskas, C. P., degree, 641 Kaler, F. H., degrees, 164, 261 Kalina, G. E., degree, 641 Kaiom, J., degree, 269 Kalsow, A. F., degree, 619 Kaltenbrun, A. E., statement, contract for laboratory equipment, 172 Kaminky, O. H-, commission, 260 degree, 250 Kammert, D. M., degree, 618 Kammlade, W . G., appointment, 336 degree, 163 Kamnetz, A. E., appointments, 234, 362 Kamp, E. B., degree, 618 Kamp, H. W., appointment, 168 Kamp, R. L,, degree, 619 Kamphoefner, H. M., degree, 257 Kampmeier, O. F., appointment, 355 Kampschmidt, M. F., degree, 164 Kantor,J,C,270 appointments,bonds,385 Kao,503 D.163degree, 621 619 639311 Kanter, CityV., degree, 267 82178,526 Kansas A.P.,J., C.P.A.167641 51, 358 purchase, Kaplan, C.C M., degree, Kapilla, F.270appointment, Kanitz, S.,270, certificate, Kania, M-,and 638 264 627 Kane,Y. L.266Gasx-ray95 531 267 596 degree,G., ,appointments, chemical E.M., certificate, degrees, D., appointment, degree,Y.,degree, certificate, T. S., J., Company S. C certificate,analyses, J., A., M. A., H.
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